UNI EN ISO 23611-6 : 2013
The latest, up-to-date edition.

1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Principle
5 Objectives of sampling
6 Samples and sampling points
7 Practical considerations for the biological sampling
of soils
8 Design options for sampling soil invertebrates
9 Sampling report
10 Quality control and quality assurance
Annex A (informative) - Case studies
Gives guidance for the design of field studies with soil invertebrates (e.g. for the monitoring of the quality of a soil as a habitat for organisms).
Committee |
DocumentType |
PublisherName |
Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione (UNI)
Status |
Standards | Relationship |
EN ISO 23611-6:2013 | Identical |
ISO 23611-6:2012 | Identical |
ISO 11466:1995 | Soil quality — Extraction of trace elements soluble in aqua regia |
ISO 23611-4:2007 | Soil quality — Sampling of soil invertebrates — Part 4: Sampling, extraction and identification of soil-inhabiting nematodes |
ISO 11074:2015 | Soil quality — Vocabulary |
ISO 10381-1:2002 | Soil quality Sampling Part 1: Guidance on the design of sampling programmes |
ISO 11272:2017 | Soil quality — Determination of dry bulk density |
ISO 10381-3:2001 | Soil quality Sampling Part 3: Guidance on safety |
ISO 23611-1:2006 | Soil quality Sampling of soil invertebrates Part 1: Hand-sorting and formalin extraction of earthworms |
ISO 10381-6:2009 | Soil quality Sampling Part 6: Guidance on the collection, handling and storage of soil under aerobic conditions for the assessment of microbiological processes, biomass and diversity in the laboratory |
ISO 14240-1:1997 | Soil quality — Determination of soil microbial biomass — Part 1: Substrate-induced respiration method |
ISO 14240-2:1997 | Soil quality — Determination of soil microbial biomass — Part 2: Fumigation-extraction method |
ISO 23611-2:2006 | Soil quality — Sampling of soil invertebrates — Part 2: Sampling and extraction of micro-arthropods (Collembola and Acarina) |
ISO 10381-2:2002 | Soil quality Sampling Part 2: Guidance on sampling techniques |
ISO 17616:2008 | Soil quality Guidance on the choice and evaluation of bioassays for ecotoxicological characterization of soils and soil materials |
ISO 11277:2009 | Soil quality Determination of particle size distribution in mineral soil material Method by sieving and sedimentation |
ISO 10381-5:2005 | Soil quality Sampling Part 5: Guidance on the procedure for the investigation of urban and industrial sites with regard to soil contamination |
ISO 23611-5:2011 | Soil quality — Sampling of soil invertebrates — Part 5: Sampling and extraction of soil macro-invertebrates |
ISO 11461:2001 | Soil quality — Determination of soil water content as a volume fraction using coring sleeves — Gravimetric method |
ISO 14869-1:2001 | Soil quality — Dissolution for the determination of total element content — Part 1: Dissolution with hydrofluoric and perchloric acids |
ISO 15799:2003 | Soil quality Guidance on the ecotoxicological characterization of soils and soil materials |
ISO 13878:1998 | Soil quality Determination of total nitrogen content by dry combustion ("elemental analysis") |
ISO 15709:2002 | Soil quality Soil water and the unsaturated zone Definitions, symbols and theory |
ISO 11274:1998 | Soil quality Determination of the water-retention characteristic Laboratory methods |
ISO 10390:2005 | Soil quality Determination of pH |
ISO 9000:2015 | Quality management systems — Fundamentals and vocabulary |
ISO 10694:1995 | Soil quality — Determination of organic and total carbon after dry combustion (elementary analysis) |
ISO 23611-3:2007 | Soil quality Sampling of soil invertebrates Part 3: Sampling and soil extraction of enchytraeids |
ISO 10381-4:2003 | Soil quality Sampling Part 4: Guidance on the procedure for investigation of natural, near-natural and cultivated sites |
ISO 11260:1994 | Soil quality Determination of effective cation exchange capacity and base saturation level using barium chloride solution |
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