UNE-EN ISO 22674:2016
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Dentistry - Metallic materials for fixed and removable restorations and appliances (ISO 22674:2016)
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Spanish, Castilian, English
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Classification
5 Requirements
5.1 Chemical composition
5.2 Hazardous elements
5.3 Biocompatibility
5.4 Mechanical properties
5.5 Density
5.6 Corrosion resistance for material integrity
5.7 Tarnish resistance
5.8 Solidus and liquidus temperatures (for alloy) or melting
point (for commercially pure metal)
5.9 Thermal expansion coefficient
5.10 Information, instructions and marking
6 Sampling
7 Preparation of test specimens
7.1 General
7.2 Heat-treatment
7.3 Specimens
8 Test methods
8.1 Information, instructions and marking
8.2 Chemical composition
8.3 Mechanical properties
8.4 Density
8.5 Corrosion resistance
8.6 Tarnish resistance (sodium sulfide test)
8.7 Solidus and liquidus temperatures (alloys) or melting
point (commercially pure metals)
8.8 Linear thermal expansion
9 Information and instructions for use
9.1 Information
9.2 Processing instructions
10 Marking and labelling
10.1 Marking
10.2 Labelling on the package
Annex A (informative) Tensile testing of a non-cast Type
0 metallic material that is intended
for use in a thickness between
0,1 mm and 0,5 mm
Specifies metallic materials that are suitable for the fabrication of dental appliances and restorations, including metallic materials recommended for use either with or without a ceramic veneer, or recommended for both uses, and specifies their requirements. It further specifies requirements with respect to packaging and marking the products and to the instructions to be supplied for the use of these materials.
Committee |
CTN 106
DevelopmentNote |
Supersedes UNE EN ISO 1562, UNE EN ISO 6871-1, UNE EN ISO 6871-2, UNE EN ISO 8891 & UNE EN ISO 16744. (06/2007)
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
Asociacion Espanola de Normalizacion
Status |
SupersededBy | |
Supersedes |
Standards | Relationship |
ONORM EN ISO 22674 : 2016 | Identical |
NF EN ISO 22674 : 2016 | Identical |
ISO 22674:2016 | Identical |
NBN EN ISO 22674 : 2016 | Identical |
NEN EN ISO 22674 : 2016 | Identical |
NS EN ISO 22674 : 2006 | Identical |
I.S. EN ISO 22674:2016 | Identical |
SN EN ISO 22674 : 2016 | Identical |
UNI EN ISO 22674 : 2007 | Identical |
BS EN ISO 22674:2016 | Identical |
EN ISO 22674:2016 | Identical |
DIN EN ISO 22674:2016-09 | Identical |
ISO 9333:2006 | Dentistry — Brazing materials |
ISO 24234:2015 | Dentistry Dental amalgam |
ISO 10271:2011 | Dentistry Corrosion test methods for metallic materials |
ISO 6892-1:2016 | Metallic materials Tensile testing Part 1: Method of test at room temperature |
ISO 5832-3:2016 | Implants for surgery Metallic materials Part 3: Wrought titanium 6-aluminium 4-vanadium alloy |
ISO 7405:2008 | Dentistry Evaluation of biocompatibility of medical devices used in dentistry |
ISO 9513:2012 | Metallic materials — Calibration of extensometer systems used in uniaxial testing |
ISO 15841:2014 | Dentistry Wires for use in orthodontics |
ISO 1942:2009 | Dentistry Vocabulary |
ISO 9693-1:2012 | Dentistry Compatibility testing Part 1: Metal-ceramic systems |
ISO 10993-1:2009 | Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 1: Evaluation and testing within a risk management process |
ISO 5832-2:1999 | Implants for surgery Metallic materials Part 2: Unalloyed titanium |
ISO 12781-1:2011 | Geometrical product specifications (GPS) Flatness Part 1: Vocabulary and parameters of flatness |
ISO 3696:1987 | Water for analytical laboratory use — Specification and test methods |
ISO 28319:2010 | Dentistry Laser welding |
ISO 6344-1:1998 | Coated abrasives Grain size analysis Part 1: Grain size distribution test |
ISO 7500-1:2015 | Metallic materials Calibration and verification of static uniaxial testing machines Part 1: Tension/compression testing machines Calibration and verification of the force-measuring system |
ISO 15223-1:2016 | Medical devices Symbols to be used with medical device labels, labelling and information to be supplied Part 1: General requirements |
ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008 | Uncertainty of measurement — Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM:1995) |
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