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NS EN 1991-1-4 : 2005 AMD 1 2010



The latest, up-to-date edition.


Published date


Section 1 General
  1.1 Scope
  1.2 Normative references
  1.3 Assumptions
  1.4 Distinction between Principles and Application Rules
  1.5 Design assisted by testing and measurements
  1.6 Definitions
  1.7 Symbols
Section 2 Design situations
Section 3 Modelling of wind actions
  3.1 Nature
  3.2 Representations of wind actions
  3.3 Classification of wind actions
  3.4 Characteristic values
  3.5 Models
Section 4 Wind velocity and velocity pressure
  4.1 Basis for calculation
  4.2 Basic values
  4.3 Mean wind
       4.3.1 Variation with height
       4.3.2 Terrain roughness
       4.3.3 Terrain orography
       4.3.4 Large and considerably higher neighbouring structures
       4.3.5 Closely spaced buildings and obstacles
  4.4 Wind turbulence
  4.5 Peak velocity pressure
Section 5 Wind actions
  5.1 General
  5.2 Wind pressure on surfaces
  5.3 Wind forces
Section 6 Structural factor c[s]c[d]
  6.1 General
  6.2 Determination of c[s]c[d]
  6.3 Detailed procedure
       6.3.1 Structural factor c[s]c[d]
       6.3.2 Serviceability assessments
       6.3.3 Wake buffeting
Section 7 Pressure and force coefficients
  7.1 General
       7.1.1 Choice of aerodynamic coefficient
       7.1.2 Asymmetric and counteracting pressures and forces
       7.1.3 Effects of ice and snow
  7.2 Pressure coefficients for buildings
       7.2.1 General
       7.2.2 Vertical walls of rectangular plan buildings
       7.2.3 Flat roofs
       7.2.4 Monopitch roofs
       7.2.5 Duopitch roofs
       7.2.6 Hipped roofs
       7.2.7 Multispan roofs
       7.2.8 Vaulted roofs and domes
       7.2.9 Internal pressure
       7.2.10 Pressure on walls or roofs with more than one skin
  7.3 Canopy roofs
  7.4 Free-standing walls, parapets, fences and signboards
       7.4.1 Free-standing walls and parapets
       7.4.2 Shelter factors for walls and fences
       7.4.3 Signboards
  7.5 Friction coefficients
  7.6 Structural elements with rectangular sections
  7.7 Structural elements with sharp edged section
  7.8 Structural elements with regular polygonal section
  7.9 Circular cylinders
       7.9.1 External pressure coefficients
       7.9.2 Force coefficients
       7.9.3 Force coefficients for vertical cylinders
             in a row arrangement
  7.10 Spheres
  7.11 Lattice structures and scaffoldings
  7.12 Flags
  7.13 Effective slenderness lambda and end-effect
       factor psi[lambda]
Section 8 Wind actions on bridges
  8.1 General
  8.2 Choice of the response calculation procedure
  8.3 Force coefficients
       8.3.1 Force coefficients in x-direction
              (general method)
       8.3.2 Force in x-direction - Simplified Method
       8.3.3 Wind forces on bridge decks in z-direction
       8.3.4 Wind forces on bridge decks in y-direction
  8.4 Bridge piers
       8.4.1 Wind directions and design situations
       8.4.2 Wind effects on piers
Annex A (informative) Terrain effects
  A.1 Illustrations of the upper roughness of each
      terrain category
  A.2 Transition between roughness categories 0, I, II,
      III and IV
  A.3 Numerical calculation of orography coefficients
  A.4 Neighbouring structures
  A.5 Displacement height
Annex B (informative) Procedure 1 for determining the
                      structural factor c[s]c[d]
  B.1 Wind turbulence
  B.2 Structural factor
  B.3 Number of loads for dynamic response
  B.4 Service displacement and accelerations for
      serviceability assessments of a vertical structure
Annex C (informative) Procedure 2 for determining the
                      structural factor c[s]c[d]
  C.1 Wind turbulence
  C.2 Structural factor
  C.3 Number of loads for dynamic response
  C.4 Service displacement and accelerations for
      serviceability assessments
Annex D (informative) c[s]c[d] values for different types
                      of structures
Annex E (informative) Vortex shedding and aeroelastic
  E.1 Vortex shedding
      E.1.1 General
      E.1.2 Criteria for vortex shedding
      E.1.3 Basic parameters for vortex shedding
      E.1.4 Vortex shedding action
      E.1.5 Calculation of the cross wind amplitude
      E.1.6 Measures against vortex induced vibrations
  E.2 Galloping
      E.2.1 General
      E.2.2 Onset wind velocity
      E.2.3 Classical galloping of coupled cylinders
  E.3 Interference galloping of two or more free
      standing cylinders
  E.4 Divergence and Flutter
      E.4.1 General
      E.4.2 Criteria for plate-like structures
      E.4.3 Divergency velocity
Annex F (informative) Dynamic characteristics of structures
  F.1 General
  F.2 Fundamental frequency
  F.3 Fundamental mode shape
  F.4 Equivalent mass
  F.5 Logarithmic decrement of damping

Provides guidance on the determination of natural wind actions for the structural design of building and civil engineering works for each of the loaded areas under consideration.

2005 Edition Re-Issued in September 2009 & incorporates NA 2009. (09/2009) Supersedes NS 3491-4. (04/2010)
Norwegian Standards (Norges Standardiseringsforbund)

Standards Relationship
UNI EN 1991-1-4 : 2010 Identical
I.S. EN 1991-1-4:2005 Identical
BS EN 1991-1-4 : 2005 Identical
UNE-EN 1991-1-4:2007 Identical
DIN EN 1991-1-4:2010-12 Identical

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