I.S. EN 1986-1:1998
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1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Definitions
3.1 Energy consumption
3.2 Range
4 Test sequences
4.1 Composition
4.2 Tolerances
4.3 End of test sequence criteria
5 Measurement of the energy consumption
5.1 Principle
5.2 Equipment
5.3 Parameters, units and accuracy of measurements
5.4 Test conditions
5.5 Test procedure
6 Measurement of the range
6.1 Equipments
6.2 Parameters, units and accuracy of measurements
6.3 Test conditions
6.4 Test procedure
Annex A (normative) Determination of the total road load power
of a vehicle and calibration of the chassis dynamometer
A.1 Introduction
A.2 Characteristics of the track
A.3 Atmospheric conditions
A.4 Preparation of the vehicle
A.5 Specified speed V
A.6 Energy variation during coast-down
Annex B (informative) Technical information of the test
B.1 Identification of the test vehicle
B.2 Descriptions of the test vehicle
B.3 Operating manual
B.4 Claimed performances
B.5 Charge
Annex C (informative) Test report
C.1 Identification of the test vehicle
C.2 Kerb mass
C.3 Discharge of the battery
C.4 Initial charge
C.5 Application of the cycle and measurement of
the distance
C.6 Charge of the battery
C.7 Discharge of the battery
C.8 Initial charge
C.9 Application of the complete test sequence
Annex D (informative) Bibliography
Defines method for application so as to measure the range and consumption of electrically propelled road vehicles (pure electric vehicles). Applicable to vehicle categories M1, M2, N1 and N2 motor tricycles and quadricycles. Not applicable to electric hybrid or partially electrically propelled road vehicles.
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
National Standards Authority of Ireland
Status |
Standards | Relationship |
NF EN 119986-1 : 1998 | Identical |
NEN EN 1986-1 : 1997 | Identical |
NBN EN 1986-1 : 1997 | Identical |
NS EN 1986-1 : 1ED 1997 | Identical |
EN 1986-1:1997 | Identical |
SN EN 1986-1 : 1998 | Identical |
UNE-EN 1986-1:1998 | Identical |
BS EN 1986-1:1997 | Identical |
UNI EN 1986-1 : 1998 | Identical |
DIN EN 1986-1:1997-12 | Identical |
IEC 60687:1992 | Alternating current static watt-hour meters for active energy (classes 0,2 S and 0,5 S) |
EN 1821-1:1996 | Electrically propelled road vehicles - Measurement of road operating ability - Part 1: Pure electric vehicles |
ISO 7860:1995 | Motorcycles Methods of measuring fuel consumption |
SAE J1634_201210 | Battery Electric Vehicle Energy Consumption and Range Test Procedure |
ISO 10521:1992 | Motor vehicle road load Determination under reference atmospheric conditions and reproduction on chassis dynamometer |
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