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I.S. EN 14160:2002



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I.S. EN 16603-40:2014



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Excluding Tax where applicable

1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
   3.1 Terms and definitions
   3.2 Abbreviated terms
4 Space system software engineering
   4.1 Introduction
   4.2 Organisation of this standard
   4.3 Space system software engineering processes
       4.3.1 General
       4.3.2 Software requirements engineering process
       4.3.3 Software design engineering process
       4.3.4 Software verification and validation
              (qualification) process
       4.3.5 Software operations engineering process
       4.3.6 Software maintenance process
   4.4 Relation to space project management and space product
       assurance standards
       4.4.1 General
       4.4.2 Software product assurance
       4.4.3 Software project management
   4.5 Verification engineering
 5 General requirements
   5.1 Introduction
   5.2 System engineering processes related to software
       5.2.1 Introduction
       5.2.2 System requirements analysis
       5.2.3 System partitioning
       5.2.4 System level requirements for software verification
             and validation
       5.2.5 System level integration of software
       5.2.6 Software operations
   5.3 Software management
       5.3.1 Introduction
       5.3.2 Software life cycle
       5.3.3 Interface management
       5.3.4 Technical budget and margin management
   5.4 Software requirements engineering process
       5.4.1 Introduction
       5.4.2 Software requirements analysis
       5.4.3 Software top-level architectural design
       5.4.4 Software verification and validation
   5.5 Software design engineering process
       5.5.1 Introduction
       5.5.2 Design of software items
       5.5.3 Coding and testing
       5.5.4 Integration
   5.6 Software verification and validation (qualification)
       5.6.1 Introduction
       5.6.2 Milestones
       5.6.3 Verification and validation processes
       5.6.4 Verification process implementation
       5.6.5 Validation process implementation
       5.6.6 Verification process
       5.6.7 Validation process
       5.6.8 Joint technical review process
   5.7 Software operations engineering process
       5.7.1 Introduction
       5.7.2 Operation process
       5.7.3 Process implementation
       5.7.4 Operational testing
       5.7.5 System operation
       5.7.6 User support
   5.8 Software maintenance process
       5.8.1 Introduction
       5.8.2 Process implementation
       5.8.3 Problem and modification analysis
       5.8.4 Modification implementation
       5.8.5 Maintenance review and acceptance
       5.8.6 Software migration
       5.8.7 Software retirement
 6 Special requirements
   6.1 Introduction
   6.2 Space segment software
       6.2.1 General
       6.2.2 Critical functions
       6.2.3 System interfaces
       6.2.4 Inflight software modifications
   6.3 Ground segment software
   6.4 Software re-use
       6.4.1 General
       6.4.2 Developing software for intended re-use
       6.4.3 Re-using software from other projects
   6.5 Man-machine interfaces
   6.6 Critical software
Annex A (normative) Software documentation
        A.1 Introduction
        A.2 The requirements baseline (RB)
            A.2.1 General
            A.2.2 Requirements baseline contents at SRR
            A.2.3 Interface requirements document (IRD)
        A.3 Technical specification (TS)
            A.3.1 General
            A.3.2 Interface control document (ICD)
            A.3.3 Software maintenance plan
            A.3.4 Operations manual
        A.4 Design justification file (DJF)
        A.5 Design definition file (DDF)
        A.6 System level documentation
            A.6.1 Introduction
            A.6.2 Operations, maintenance, migration and
                  retirement documentation
Annex B (informative) Requirement cross references
Annex C (informative) References to other space standards

Specifies the space software engineering process and its interfaces with the space project management standards and space product assurance standards and explains how they apply in the software engineering process.

National Standards Authority of Ireland

Standards Relationship
BS EN 14160:2002 Identical
NF EN 14160 : 2002 Identical
NEN EN 14160 : 2002 Identical
NBN EN 14160 : 2002 Identical
SN EN 14160 : 2001 Identical
UNI EN 14160 : 2002 Identical
NS EN 14160 : 1ED 2002 Identical
UNE-EN 14160:2002 Identical
EN 14160:2001 Identical
DIN EN 14160:2002-10 Identical

EN 13290-1:1999 Space project management - General requirements - Part 1: Policy and principles
EN 13292:1999 Space engineering standards - Policy and principles
EN 13290-7:2001 Space project management - General requirements - Part 7: Cost and schedule management
EN 13290-2:2001 Space project management - General requirements - Part 2: Project breakdown structure
EN 13290-3:2001 Space project management - General requirements - Part 3: Project organization
EN 13290-5:2001 Space project management - General requirements - Part 5: Configuration management
ISO 8402:1994 Quality management and quality assurance — Vocabulary
IEEE 1062-1998 IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Acquisition, 1998 Edition
EN 13701:2001 Space systems - Glossary of terms
ISO/IEC 12207:2008 Systems and software engineering — Software life cycle processes
EN 13290-4:2001 Space project management - General requirements - Part 4: Project phasing and planning
EN 13290-6:2001 Space project management - General requirements - Part 6: Information/Documentation management

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