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CEN/TS 15731:2008



The latest, up-to-date edition.

Cereals and cereal products - Common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) - Determination of alveograph properties of dough at adapted hydration from commercial or test flours and test milling methodology

Published date


1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Principle
4 Reagents
5 Apparatus
6 Sampling
7 Preparation of the wheat for test milling
   7.1 Cleaning the laboratory sample
   7.2 Test portion
   7.3 Determining the moisture content of wheat
   7.4 Wheat conditioning
       7.4.1 General
       7.4.2 Case of wheat with an initial moisture content
             of between 13 % and 15 %: (one-stage moistening)
       7.4.3 Case of wheat with a moisture content less than
             13 %: (two-stage moistening)
       7.4.4 Wheat with a moisture content greater than 15 %:
             preliminary drying followed by conditioning, as
             described above
8 Laboratory milling
   8.1 General
   8.2 Milling procedure
       8.2.1 Break system
       8.2.2 Reduction system
       8.2.3 Flour homogenisation
       8.2.4 Storage of the flour
   8.3 Expression of milling results
9 Preparation and Alveograph test
   9.1 Preliminary checks
   9.2 Preliminary operations
   9.3 Determination of flour water absorption capacity
   9.4 Kneading
   9.5 Preparation of dough test pieces
   9.6 Alveograph test
   9.7 Expression of the results of the Alveograph test at
       adapted hydration
       9.7.1 General
       9.7.2 Maximum pressure parameter "T"
       9.7.3 Average abscissa at rupture "A"
       9.7.4 Index of swelling "Ex"
       9.7.5 Elasticity index "Iec"
       9.7.6 "T/A" ratio
       9.7.7 Deformation energy "Fb"
10 Test report
Annex A (informative) Characteristics of the Chopin-Dubois
        CD1 mill
      A.1 Break system
      A.2 Reduction system
      A.3 Sieve material
          A.3.1 Post-break
          A.3.2 Post-reduction
      A.4 Milling
      A.5 Break performance indicator
      A.6 Conversion performance indicator
      A.7 Maintenance operations
Annex B (normative) Moisture required to condition wheat
Annex C (informative) Example milling sheet
Annex D (informative) Calculated values of "Ex"
Annex E (informative) Routine maintenance instructions for
        the alveograph
      E.1 Before every trial
      E.2 Every day
      E.3 Every week
      E.4 Every month
      E.5 Every year

This document specifies a method that uses an alveograph to determine the rheological properties of different types of dough at adapted hydration obtained from “soft” to “hard” wheat flour (Triticum aestivum L.) produced by industrial milling or laboratory test milling.It describes the alveograph test and how to use a laboratory mill to produce flour in two stages:  Stage 1: preparation of the wheat grain for milling to make it easier to separate the bran from the endosperm (see Clause 7); Stage 2: the milling process itself, including the break system involving three fluted rollers, reduction of particle size between two smooth rollers and the use of a centrifugal sieving machine to grade the products (see Clause 8).

CEN/TC 338
Technical Specification
Comite Europeen de Normalisation

ISO 660:2009 Animal and vegetable fats and oils Determination of acid value and acidity
ISO 7700-1:2008 Food products — Checking the performance of moisture meters in use — Part 1: Moisture meters for cereals
ISO 712:2009 Cereals and cereal products — Determination of moisture content — Reference method
ISO 6644:2002 Flowing cereals and milled cereal products Automatic sampling by mechanical means
EN ISO 6644:2007 Flowing cereals and milled cereal products - Automatic sampling by mechanical means (ISO 6644:2002)
EN ISO 660:2009 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of acid value and acidity (ISO 660:2009)
ISO 13690:1999 Cereals, pulses and milled products Sampling of static batches
EN ISO 13690:2007 Cereals, pulses and milled products - Sampling of static batches (ISO 13690:1999)

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