BS ISO 6243:1997
The latest, up-to-date edition.

Climatic data for building design. Proposed system of symbols
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1 Scope
2 Air temperature
3 Solar radiation (thermal)
4 Solar radiation (light)
5 Long-wave radiation
6 Total radiation
7 Radiation balance
8 Atmospheric humidity
9 Wind
10 Rain
11 Snow
A Letter symbols to represent climatological descriptions
B Bibliography
Specifies a range of climatological data for building design, provides guidance on measurement methods and suggests symbols for designation. Is not concerned with suffixes or concepts combining several kinds of data, or values taken from basic data eg degree-days or characteristic wind speed.
Committee |
DevelopmentNote |
Supersedes 93/107295 DC. (07/2005)
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
This International Standard defines a range of climatological data required for building design, gives guidance on methods of measurement and proposes symbols to designate them. It does not deal with suffixes or concepts combining several types of data, or values derived from basic data such as degree-days or characteristic wind speed.
The definitions and symbols given in this International Standard aim to harmonize the expression of climatological data which may be drawn on when drafting regulatory and standard documents and when definitions and symbols are required for building design and construction.
Standards | Relationship |
ISO 6243:1997 | Identical |
ISO 3898:2013 | Bases for design of structures — Names and symbols of physical quantities and generic quantities |
ISO 31-11:1992 | Quantities and units Part 11: Mathematical signs and symbols for use in the physical sciences and technology |
ISO 31-2:1992 | Quantities and units Part 2: Periodic and related phenomena |
ISO 31-10:1992 | Quantities and units Part 10: Nuclear reactions and ionizing radiations |
ISO 31-12:1992 | Quantities and units Part 12: Characteristic numbers |
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