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BS EN ISO 22674:2016



A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.

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Dentistry. Metallic materials for fixed and removable restorations and appliances

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Superseded by

BS EN ISO 22674:2022



Published date


1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Classification
5 Requirements
6 Sampling
7 Preparation of test specimens
8 Test methods
9 Information and instructions for use
Annex A (informative) - Tensile testing of a non-cast Type
        0 metallic material that is intended for use in a
        thickness between 0,1 mm and 0,5 mm
Annex B (normative) - Calculation of uncertainty for elasticity
Annex C (informative) - Measurement of Poisson ratio

Gives metallic materials that are suitable for the fabrication of dental restorations and appliances, including metallic materials recommended for use either with or without a ceramic veneer, or recommended for both uses, and specifies their requirements.

Supersedes BS EN ISO 1562, BS EN ISO 16744, BS EN ISO 6871-1, BS EN ISO 6871-2 and BS EN ISO 8891. Supersedes 05/30059574 DC. (09/2007) Supersedes 14/30263397 DC. (03/2016)
British Standards Institution

ISO 9333:2006 Dentistry — Brazing materials
ISO 24234:2015 Dentistry Dental amalgam
ISO 10271:2011 Dentistry Corrosion test methods for metallic materials
ISO 6892-1:2016 Metallic materials Tensile testing Part 1: Method of test at room temperature
ISO 5832-3:2016 Implants for surgery Metallic materials Part 3: Wrought titanium 6-aluminium 4-vanadium alloy
ISO 7405:2008 Dentistry Evaluation of biocompatibility of medical devices used in dentistry
ISO 9513:2012 Metallic materials — Calibration of extensometer systems used in uniaxial testing
ISO 15841:2014 Dentistry Wires for use in orthodontics
ISO 1942:2009 Dentistry Vocabulary
ISO 9693-1:2012 Dentistry Compatibility testing Part 1: Metal-ceramic systems
ISO 10993-1:2009 Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 1: Evaluation and testing within a risk management process
ISO 5832-2:1999 Implants for surgery Metallic materials Part 2: Unalloyed titanium
ISO 12781-1:2011 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) Flatness Part 1: Vocabulary and parameters of flatness
ISO 3696:1987 Water for analytical laboratory use — Specification and test methods
ISO 28319:2010 Dentistry Laser welding
ISO 6344-1:1998 Coated abrasives Grain size analysis Part 1: Grain size distribution test
ISO 7500-1:2015 Metallic materials Calibration and verification of static uniaxial testing machines Part 1: Tension/compression testing machines Calibration and verification of the force-measuring system
ISO 15223-1:2016 Medical devices Symbols to be used with medical device labels, labelling and information to be supplied Part 1: General requirements
ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008 Uncertainty of measurement — Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM:1995)

Excluding Tax where applicable

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