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BS EN 61523-1:2002



A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.

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Delay and power calculation standards Integrated circuit delay and power calculation systems

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Superseded by

BS IEC 61523-1:2023



Published date


1 Overview
   1.1 Scope
   1.2 Purpose
   1.3 Contents of this standard
2 References
3 Definitions
4 Acronyms and abbreviations
5 Delay and power calculation system architecture
   5.1 Overview
   5.2 Procedural interface
        5.2.1 Global policies and conventions
        5.2.2 Flow of control
   5.3 DPCM - application relationships
        5.3.1 Technology library
        5.3.2 Subrule
   5.4 Inter-operability
6 Delay Calculation Language (DCL)
   6.1 Character set
   6.2 Lexical elements
        6.2.1 Whitespace
        6.2.3 Tokens
        6.2.4 Header names
        6.2.5 Preprocessing directives
   6.3 Name spaces of identifiers
   6.4 Storage durations of objects
   6.5 Scope of identifiers
   6.6 Linkages of identifiers
        6.6.1 EXPORT
        6.6.2 IMPORT
        6.6.3 FORWARD
        6.6.4 Chaining of EXPOSE identifiers
   6.7 DCL data types
        6.7.1 Native data types
        6.7.2 Array types
        6.7.3 Derived data types
   6.8 Type conversions
        6.8.1 Implicit conversions
        6.8.2 Explicit conversions
   6.9 Operators
        6.9.1 String prefix operator
        6.9.2 Assignment operator
        6.9.3 New operator
        6.9.4 SCOPE operator
        6.9.5 Purity operator
        6.9.6 Timing propagation
        6.9.7 Timing checks
        6.9.8 Test mode operators
   6.10 Expressions
        6.10.1 Array subscripting
        6.10.2 Statement calls
        6.10.3 Assign variable reference
        6.10.4 Store variable reference
        6.10.5 Mathematical expressions
        6.10.6 Logical expressions and operators
        6.10.7 Pin range
        6.10.8 Embedded C code expressions
   6.11 Computation order
        6.11.1 Mathematical expressions
        6.11.2 Logical expressions
        6.11.3 Passed parameters
        6.11.4 WHEN clause
        6.11.5 REPEAT - UNTIL clause
   6.12 DCL statements
        6.12.1 Clauses
        6.12.2 Modifiers
        6.12.3 Prototypes
        6.12.4 Statement failure
        6.12.5 Interfacing statements
        6.12.6 Calculation statements
        6.12.7 METHOD statement
   6.13 Tables
        6.13.1 TABLEDEF statement
        6.13.2 Table visibility rules
        6.13.3 TABLE statement
        6.13.4 Static tables
        6.13.5 Dynamic tables
        6.13.6 Dynamic table manipulation
        6.13.7 Lookup table
   6.14 Library control statements
        6.14.1 Meta-variables
        6.14.2 SUBRULE statement
        6.14.3 SUBRULES statement
        6.14.4 TECH_FAMILY statement
   6.15 Modelling
        6.15.1 Model organization
        6.15.2 MODELPROC statement
        6.15.3 SUBMODEL statement
        6.15.4 Modeling statements
   6.16 Embedded C code
   6.17 Definition of a subrule
7 Power modelling and calculation
   7.1 Power overview
   7.2 Caching state information
        7.2.1 Initializing the state cache
        7.2.2 State cache lifetime
   7.3 Caching load and slew information
        7.3.1 Loading the load and slew cache
        7.3.2 Load and slew cache lifetime
   7.4 Simultaneous switching events
   7.5 Partial swing events
   7.6 Power calculation
   7.7 Accumulation of power consumption by the design
   7.8 Group pin list syntax and semantics
        7.8.1 Syntax
        7.8.2 Semantics
        7.8.3 Example
   7.9 Group condition list syntax and semantics
        7.9.1 Syntax
        7.9.2 Semantics
        7.9.3 Example
   7.10 Sensitivity list syntax and semantics
        7.10.1 Syntax
        7.10.2 Semantics
        7.10.3 Example
   7.11 Group condition language
        7.11.1 Syntax
        7.11.2 Semantics
        7.11.3 Condition expression operator precedence
        7.11.4 Condition expressions referencing pin
                states and transitions
        7.11.5 Semantics of nonexistent pins
8 Procedural Interface (PI)
   8.1 Overview
        8.1.1 DPCM
        8.1.2 Application
        8.1.3 libdcmlr
   8.2 Control and data flow
   8.3 Architectural requirements
   8.4 Data ownership technique
        8.4.1 Persistence of data passed across the Pl
        8.4.2 Data cache guidelines for the DPCM
   8.5 Application/DPCM interaction
        8.5.1 Application initializes message/memory
        8.5.2 Application loads and initializes the DPCM
        8.5.3 Application requests timing models for cell
        8.5.4 Model domain issues
        8.5.5 DPCM invokes application modeling callback
        8.5.6 Application requests propagation delay
        8.5.7 DPCM calls application EXTERNAL functions
   8.6 Re-entry requirements
   8.7 Application responsibilities when using a DPCM
        8.7.1 Standard structures rules
        8.7.2 User object registration
        8.7.3 Selection of early and late slew values
   8.8 Application use of the DPCM
        8.8.1 Initialization of DPCM
        8.8.2 Use of the DPCM
        8.8.3 Termination of the DPCM
   8.9 DPCM library organization
        8.9.1 Multiple technologies
        8.9.2 Model names
   8.10 DPCM error handling
   8.11 C level language foe EXPOSE and EXTERNAL functions
        8.11.1 Integer return code
        8.11.2 The Standard Structure pointer
        8.11.3 Result structure pointer
        8.11.4 Passed arguments
        8.11.5 DCL array indexing
        8.11.6 Conversion to C data types
        8.11.7 include files
   8.12 PIN and BLOCK data structure requirements
   8.13 DCM_STD_STRUCT Standard Structure
        8.13.1 Alternate semantics for Standard Structure
        8.13.2 Reserved fields
        8.13.3 Standard Structure value restriction
   8.14 DCMTransmittedInfo structure
   8.15 Environment or user variables
   8.16 PI functions summary
        8.16.1 Expose functions
        8.16.2 External functions
        8.16.3 Implicit functions
        8.16.4 Pl function table description
   8.17 PI function descriptions
        8.17.1 Interconnect loading related functions
        8.17.2 Interconnect delay related functions
        8.17.3 Functions assessing netlist information
        8.17.4 Functions exporting limit information
        8.17.5 Function getting/setting model information
        8.17.6 Functions importing instance name information
        8.17.7 Process information functions
        8.17.8 Miscellaneous standard interface functions
        8.17.9 Power related functions
        8.17.10 Array manipulation functions
        8.17.11 Initialization functions
        8.17.12 Calculation functions
        8.17.13 Modeling functions
   8.18 86Standard structure (dcmstd_stru.h) file
   8.19 Standard macros (dcmstd_macs.h) file
   8.20 Standard interface structures (dcmintf.h) file
   8.21 Standard loading (dcmload.h) file
   8.22 Standard debug (dcmdebug.h) file
   8.23 Standard array (dcmgarray.h) file
   8.24 DCM user array defines (dcmuarray.h) file
   8.25 Standard platform-dependency (dcmpltfm.h) file
   8.26 Standard state variables (dcmstate.h) file
   8.27 Standard table descriptor (dcmutab.h)
9 Parasitics
   9.1 Introduction
   9.2 Targeted applications for SPEF
   9.3 SPEF specification
        9.3.1 Grammar
        9.3.2 File syntax
        9.3.3 Escaping rules
        9.3.5 File semantics
   9.4 Examples
        9.4.1 Basic D_NET file
        9.4.2 Basic R_NET file
        9.4.3 R_NET with poles and residues plus name
        9.4.4 D_NET with triplet par_value
        9.4.5 R_NET with poles and residues plus triplet
        9.4.6 Merging SPEF files
10 Physical design exchange
   10.1 Introduction
        10.1.1 Scope
        10.1.2 Targeted applications
   10.2 PDEF specification
        10.2.1 PDEF grammar
        10.2.2 PDEF file syntax
        10.2.3 Comments within a PDEF file
        10.2.4 PDF name semantics
        10.2.5 PDF file semantics
        10.2.6 Attributes
   10.3 Examples
        10.3.1 Escaping
        10.3.2 Clusters
        10.3.3 Global routing
        10.3.4 Symbolic placement constraints using PDEF
A Implementation requirements
B Calculation of total load capacitance in the DPCS
C Hold Control
D Bibliography

Applicable to both unit logic cells supplied by the integrated circuit vendor and logical macros defined by the integrated circuit designer. Its application applies equally well to representation of timing and power for designer defined macros, although this specification is written towards the integrated circuit supplier and EDA developer.

British Standards Institution

The scope of the DPCS standard is to make it possible for integrated circuit designers to analyze chip timing and power consistently across a broad set of EDA applications, for integrated circuit vendors to express timing and power information once (for a given technology), and for EDA vendors to meet their application performance and capacity needs.

Standards Relationship
NBN EN 61523-1 : 2002 Identical
DIN EN 61523-1:2002-10 Identical
EN 61523-1:2002 Identical
NF EN 61523-1 : 2002 Identical
I.S. EN 61523-1:2002 Identical

ISO/IEC 9899:2011 Information technology Programming languages C

Excluding Tax where applicable

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