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BS 3680-3B:1997



A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.

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Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Stream flow measurement Guide for the establishment and operation of a gauging station

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Superseded date


Superseded by

BS EN ISO 18365:2013



Published date


Excluding Tax where applicable

Committees responsible
National foreword
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Definitions
4 Units of measurement
5 Stage-discharge gauging stations(natural channels)
6 Direct discharge-gauging stations
7 Measurement of stage and discharge under
    particular conditions
8 Compilation of records
A (informative) Bibliography

Deals with the establishment of a gauging station on a lake, reservoir, river or open channel, for the measurement of stage, or discharge, or both.

Also numbered as ISO 1100-1 Supersedes 92/04142 DC and BS 3680-3B(1983) (07/2005)
British Standards Institution

BS 5555:1993 Specification for SI units and recommendations for the use of their multiples and of certain other units
BS 3680-8B:1983 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Measuring instruments and equipment Recommendations for direct depth sounding and suspension equipment
BS 3680-3F:1986 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Stream flow measurement Collection and processing of data for determination of errors in measurement
ISO 4373:2008 Hydrometry Water level measuring devices
BS 3680-3H:1993 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Stream flow measurement Electromagnetic method using a full-channel-width coil
BS 3680-3A:1980 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Stream flow measurement Velocity-area methods
BS 3680-8C:1980 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Measuring instruments and equipment Calibration of rotating-element current-meters in straight open tanks
BS 3680-3E:1993 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Stream flow measurement Measurement of discharge by the ultrasonic (acoustic) method
BS 3680-3D:1980 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Stream flow measurement Moving-boat method
BS 3680-2D:1993 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Dilution methods Methods of measurement using fluorescent tracers
ISO/TR 7178:1983 Liquid flow measurement in open channels Velocity-area methods Investigation of total error
BS 7118-2:1989 Measurement of fluid flow: assessment of uncertainty in the calibration and use of flow measurement devices Non-linear calibration relationships
ISO 4366:2007 Hydrometry — Echo sounders for water depth measurements
ISO 9123:2017 Hydrometry — Stage-fall-discharge relationships
ISO 4359:2013 Flow measurement structures — Rectangular, trapezoidal and U-shaped flumes
ISO 3847:1977 Liquid flow measurement in open channels by weirs and flumes — End-depth method for estimation of flow in rectangular channels with a free overfall
BS 3680-10B:1980 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Sediment transport Measurement of suspended sediment
BS 3680-3G:1990 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Stream flow measurement General guidelines for the selection of methods
ISO 9196:1992 Liquid flow measurement in open channels — Flow measurements under ice conditions
ISO 2425:2010 Hydrometry Measurement of liquid flow in open channels under tidal conditions
BS 5844:1980 Methods of measurement of fluid flow: estimation of uncertainty of a flow-rate measurement
BS 3680-3C:1983 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Stream flow measurement Methods for determination of the stage-discharge relation
BS 3680-4H:1986 Methods of measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Weirs and flumes Guide to the selection of flow gauging structures
BS 7118-1:1990 Measurement of fluid flow: assessment of uncertainty in the calibration and use of flow measurement devices Linear calibration relationships
ISO 772:1996 Hydrometric determinations — Vocabulary and symbols
ISO 3716:1977 Liquid flow measurement in open channels — Functional requirements and characteristics of suspended sediment load samplers
BS 3680-2B:1993 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Dilution methods Methods of measurement using radioactive tracers
BS 3680-8D:1980 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Measuring instruments and equipment Cableway system for stream gauging

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