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AS/NZS 3725:2007



The latest, up-to-date edition.

Design for installation of buried concrete pipes

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6 - 1 SCOPE
6 - 2.1 General
6 - 2.2 Use of other materials or methods
6 - 2.3 Existing structures
8 - 4.1 Bed zone
8 - 4.2 Bedding
8 - 4.3 Bedding factor (F)
8 - 4.4 Fill
8 - 4.5 Foundation
9 - 4.6 Haunch zones
9 - 4.7 Installation condition
9 - 4.8 Overlay zone
9 - 4.9 Pipe
9 - 4.10 Settlement ratio (rs)
9 - 4.11 Side zones
9 - 4.12 Superimposed load
9 - 4.13 Test loads
9 - 4.14 Working load
15 - 6.1 Types of loading
15 - 6.2 Data required
16 - 6.3 Working dead loads due to fill or in situ materials
16 - 6.3.1 General
16 - 6.3.2 Trench condition
16 - 6.3.3 Embankment conditions
24 - 6.4 Working loads due to superimposed dead loads
24 - 6.5 Working loads due to superimposed live loads
24 - 6.5.1 General
24 - 6.5.2 Construction and other equipment loads
24 - 6.5.3 Road vehicle loads
25 - 6.5.4 Railway loads
26 - 6.5.5 Aircraft loads
27 - 9.1 General
27 - 9.1.1 Pipe supports
28 - 9.1.2 Bedding factors
28 - 9.2 Support types
28 - 9.2.1 Type U support
29 - 9.2.2 Type H support
29 - 9.2.3 Type HS support
30 - 9.3 Bedding factors for dead loads
30 - 9.3.1 General
30 - 9.3.2 Reduction of bedding factors
31 - 9.3.3 Jacked (thrust) or bored pipes
34 - 10 TEST LOADS
34 - 10.1 General
34 - 10.2 Test loads for steel- or fibre-reinforced pipes not subject to internal pressure
34 - 10.3 Test load for unreinforced pipes not subject to internal pressure
34 - 10.4 Test loads for steel-reinforced pipes subject to internal pressure
37 - B3.1 Australian requirements
38 - B3.2 New Zealand requirements

Specifies methods, and provides data, for calculating the vertical working loads on buried concrete pipes due to the materials covering the pipes and superimposed loads, and for relating the minimum proof test load to the calculated vertical working loads on concrete pipes installed under particular conditions, including that of combined vertical load plus internal pressure.

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Pending Revision indicates that as a result of the Aged Standards review process, the document needs updating. If no project proposal, meeting the quality criteria, is received within the 12 month timeframe, the document shall be withdrawn.
Standards Australia

This Standard sets out methods and provides data for the following:(a) Calculating the vertical working loads on buried concrete pipes due to-(i) the materials covering the pipes; and(ii) superimposed loads.(b) Relating the minimum proof test load to the selection of appropriate pipes made in accordance with either AS 4058 or AS 4139, to the calculated vertical working loads on concrete pipes installed under particular conditions, including that of combined vertical load plus internal pressure.In addition, the Standard classifies types of pipe installation and types of bedding and sets minimum requirements for the soil materials around the pipes and compaction of these materials.NOTE: AS/NZS 3724 Supp 1 is a Commentary on this Standard. It provides further information relevant to many Clauses in this Standard. The Supplement, while bound with the Standard, is 'informative' and does not form an integral part of the Standard.

Originated as AS CA33-1962.
Revised and designated AS 3725-1989.
Jointly revised and redesignated AS/NZS 3725:2007

AS 1289.6.4.2-1998 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil strength and consolidation tests - Determination of compressive strength of a soil - Compressive strength of a saturated specimen tested in undrained triaxial compression with measurement of pore
AS 1289.4.4.1-1997 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil chemical tests - Determination of the electrical resistivity of a soil - Method for sands and granular materials
AS 1289.3.1.2-1995 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil classification tests - Determination of the liquid limit of a soil - One point Casagrande method (subsidiary method)
AS 1726-1993 Geotechnical site investigations
AS 1289.5.4.1-1993 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil compaction and density tests - Compaction control test - Dry density ratio, moisture variation and moisture ratio
AS 5100.2-2004 Bridge design Design loads
AS 1289.4.2.1-1997 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil chemical tests - Determination of the sulfate content of a natural soil and the sulfate content of the groundwater - Normal method
AS 4058-1992 Precast concrete pipes (pressure and non-pressure)
AS 1289.2.1.5-2005 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil moisture content tests - Determination of the moisture content of a soil - Infrared lights method (subsidiary method)
AS 1289.5.3.5-1997 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil compaction and density tests - Determination of the field dry density of a soil - Water replacement method (Reconfirmed 2013)
AS 1289.6.7.1-2001 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil strength and consolidation tests - Determination of permeability of a soil - Constant head method for a remoulded specimen (Reconfirmed 2013)
AS 1289.6.1.3-1998 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil strength and consolidation tests - Determination of the California Bearing Ratio of a soil - Standard field-in-place method
AS 1289.6.3.3-1997 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil strength and consolidation tests - Determination of the penetration resistance of a soil - Perth sand penetrometer test (Reconfirmed 2013)
AS 1289.6.4.1-1998 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil strength and consolidation tests - Determination of compressive strength of a soil - Compressive strength of a specimen tested in undrained triaxial compression without measurement of pore water p
AS 1289.1.1-2001 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Sampling and preparation of soils - Preparation of disturbed soil samples for testing
AS 1289.3.3.1-1995 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil classification tests - Calculation of the plasticity index of a soil
AS 1289.5.8.6-1998 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil compaction and density tests - Nuclear surface moisture-density gauges - Assigned density of a Type B standard density block
AS 1289.3.4.1-1995 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil classification tests - Determination of the linear shrinkage of a soil - Standard method
AS 1289.3.1.1-1995 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil classification tests - Determination of the liquid limit of a soil - Four point Casagrande method
AS 1289.2.1.4-2005 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil moisture content tests - Determination of the moisture content of a soil - Microwave-oven drying method (subsidiary method)
AS 1289.5.5.1-1998 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil compaction and density tests - Determination of the minimum and maximum dry density of a cohesionless material - Standard method (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 1289.2.1.1-2005 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil moisture content tests - Determination of the moisture content of a soil - Oven drying method (standard method)
AS 1289.2.3.1-1998 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil moisture content tests - Establishment of correlation - Subsidiary method and the standard method (Reconfirmed 2013)
AS/NZS 1170.1:2002 Structural design actions Permanent, imposed and other actions
AS 1289.3.5.1-2006 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil classification tests - Determination of the soil particle density of a soil - Standard method (Reconfirmed 2025)
AS 1289.1.4.1-1998 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Sampling and preparation of soils - Selection of sampling or test sites - Random number method (Reconfirmed 2013)
AS 1289.4.1.1-1997 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil chemical tests - Determination of the organic matter content of a soil - Normal method
AS 1289.5.8.1-1995
AS 1289.6.1.1-1998 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil strength and consolidation tests - Determination of the California Bearing Ratio of a soil - Standard laboratory method for a remoulded specimen
AS 1289.1.2.1-1998 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Sampling and preparation of soils - Disturbed samples - Standard method
AS 1289.7.1.1-2003 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil reactivity tests - Determination of the shrinkage index of a soil - Shrink-swell index
AS 1289.2.1.2-2005 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil moisture content tests - Determination of the moisture content of a soil - Sand bath method (subsidiary method)
AS 1289.2.2.1-1998 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil moisture content tests - Determination of the total suction of a soil - Standard method (Reconfirmed 2013)
AS 1289.6.5.1-1999 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil strength and consolidation tests - Determination of the static cone penetration resistance of a soil - Field test using a mechanical and electrical cone or friction-cone penetrometer (Reconfirmed 2013)
AS 1289.6.3.1-2004 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil strength and consolidation tests - Determination of the penetration resistance of a soil - Standard penetration test (SPT) (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 1289.3.6.3-2003 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil classification tests - Determination of the particle size distribution of a soil - Standard method of fine analysis using a hydrometer
AS 1379-1997 Specification and supply of concrete
AS 4139-2003 Fibre-reinforced concrete pipes and fittings (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS/NZS 4058:2007 Precast concrete pipes (pressure and non-pressure)
AS 1289.5.7.1-2006 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil compaction and density tests - Compaction control test - Hilf density ratio and Hilf moisture variation (rapid method)
AS 1289.1.3.1-1999
AS 1289.5.8.5-1998 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil compaction and density tests - Nuclear surface moisture-density gauges - Density of a Type A or Type C standard density block (Reconfirmed 2013)
AS 1289.3.2.1-1995 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil classification tests - Determination of the plastic limit of a soil - Standard method
AS 1289.3.6.1-1995 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil classification tests - Determination of the particle size distribution of a soil - Standard method of analysis by sieving
AS 1289.5.4.1-2007 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil compaction and density tests - Compaction control test - Dry density ratio, moisture variation and moisture ratio (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 1289.6.9.1-2000 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil strength and consolidation test - Determination of stiffness of soil - Clegg impact value (CIV)
AS 1289.3.6.2-1995 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil classification tests - Determination of the particle size distribution of a soil - Analysis by sieving in combination with hydrometer analysis (subsidiary method)
AS 1289.5.4.3-2006 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil compaction and density tests - Compaction control test - Dry density ratio and moisture ratio using statistical selection of reference values
AS 1289.3.8.2-1997 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil classification tests - Dispersion - Determination of the percent dispersion of a soil
AS 1289.5.8.9-1998 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil compaction and density tests - Nuclear surface moisture-density gauges - Water content of a standard moisture block using comparison against primary blocks (Reconfirmed 2013) (Reconfirmed 2014)
AS 1289.6.3.2-1997 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil strength and consolidation tests - Determination of the penetration resistance of a soil - 9 kg dynamic cone penetrometer test
AS 1289.5.6.1-1998 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil compaction and density tests - Compaction control test - Density index method for a cohesionless material (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 1289.7.1.2-1998 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil reactivity tests - Determination of the shrinkage index of a soil - Loaded shrinkage index
AS 1289.3.5.2-2002 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil classification tests - Determination of the soil particle density of combined soil fractions - Vacuum pycnometer method (Reconfirmed 2013)
AS 1289.5.2.1-2003 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil compaction and density tests - Determination of the dry density or moisture content relation of a soil using modified compactive effort
AS 1289.5.1.1-2003 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil compaction and density tests - Determination of the dry density/moisture content relation of a soil using standard compactive effort
AS 1289.5.4.2-1993 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil compaction and density tests - Compaction control test - Assignment of maximum dry density and optimum moisture content values
AS 1379-2007 Specification and supply of concrete (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS 3582.1-1998 Supplementary cementitious materials for use with portland and blended cement Fly ash
AS 1289.6.6.1-1998 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes - Soil strength and consolidation tests Determination of the one-dimensional consolidation properties of a soil - Standard method
AS 1289.3.8.3-1997 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil classification tests - Dispersion - Determination of pinhole dispersion classification of a soil
AS 1289.3.7.1-2002 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil classification tests - Determination of the sand equivalent of a soil using a power-operated shaker
AS 1289.2.1.6-2005 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil moisture content tests - Determination of the moisture content of a soil - Hotplate drying method
AS 3972-1997 Portland and blended cements
AS 1289.6.1.2-1998 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil strength and consolidation tests - Determination of the California Bearing Ratio of a soil - Standard laboratory method for an undisturbed specimen
AS 1289.7.1.3-1998 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil reactivity tests - Determination of the shrinkage index of a soil - Core shrinkage index (Reconfirmed 2013)
AS 1289.3.3.2-1995 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil classification tests - Calculation of the cone plasticity index of a soil
AS 1289.5.3.1-2004 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil compaction and density tests - Determination of the field density of a soil - Sand replacement method using a sand-cone pouring apparatus (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 1289.6.2.1-2001 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil strength and consolidation tests - Determination of the shear strength of a soil - Field test using a vane (Reconfirmed 2013)
AS 1289.5.8.4-1998 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil compaction and density tests - Nuclear surface moisture-density gauges - Calibration using standard blocks
AS 1289.5.8.1-2007 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil compaction and density tests - Determination of field density and field moisture content of a soil using a nuclear surface moisture-Density gauge - Direct transmission mode
AS 1289.1.4.2-1998 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Sampling and preparation of soils - Selection of sampling or test sites - Stratified random number method (Reconfirmed 2013)
AS 1289.3.9.2-2006 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil classification tests - Determination of the cone liquid limit of soil - One-point method
AS 1289.6.7.2-2001 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil strength and consolidation tests - Determination of permeability of a soil - Falling head method for a remoulded specimen (Reconfirmed 2013)
AS 1289.6.2.2-1998 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil strength and consolidation tests - Determination of shear strength of a soil - Direct shear test using a shear box
AS 1289.6.7.3-1999 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil strength and consolidation tests - Determination of permeability of a soil - Constant head method using a flexible wall permeameter
AS 1289.3.8.1-2006 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil classification tests - Dispersion - Determination of Emerson class number of a soil
AS 1289.5.3.2-2004 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil compaction and density tests - Determination of the field density of a soil - Sand replacement method using a sand pouring can, with or without a volume displacer (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 1289.5.8.7-1998 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil compaction and density tests - Nuclear surface moisture-density gauges - Water content of a standard moisture block using hydrogen content of components
AS 1289.3.9.1-2002 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil classification tests - Determination of the cone liquid limit of a soil
AS 1289.6.8.1-1995 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil strength and consolidation tests - Determination of the resilient modulus and permanent deformation of granular unbound pavement materials
AS 1289.4.3.1-1997 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil chemical tests - Determination of the pH value of a soil - Electrometric method
AS 1289.0-2000 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes General requirements and list of methods
AS 1289.5.8.8-1998 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil compaction and density tests - Nuclear surface moisture-density gauges - Water content of a standard moisture block using proportion of water (Reconfirmed 2013)
AS 5100.7-2004 Bridge design Rating of existing bridges

AS 4139-2003 Fibre-reinforced concrete pipes and fittings (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS/NZS 4058:2007 Precast concrete pipes (pressure and non-pressure)
AS/NZS 3500.3:2003 Plumbing and drainage Stormwater drainage
AS 5100.8:2017 Bridge design Rehabilitation and strengthening of existing bridges
AS 4060 SUPP 1-1992 Loads on buried vitrified clay pipes - Commentary (Supplement to AS 4060-1992)
AS/NZS 3500.3:2018 Plumbing and drainage Stormwater drainage
AS/NZS 3500.3:2015 Plumbing and drainage Stormwater drainage

Excluding Tax where applicable

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