AS/NZS 1359.5:2000
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Rotating electrical machines - General requirements Three-phase cage induction motors - High efficiency and minimum energy performance standards requirements
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Specifies minimum acceptable efficiencies for three-phase cage induction motors when measured in accordance with AS 1359.102.1 or AS 1359.102.3. This Standard also proposes additional criteria for motors to be rated as high efficiency and specifies requirements for compliance with the Standard and certification by the regulatory authorities.
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0 7337 3582 7
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Standards Australia
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UnderRevision |
This Standard applies to three-phase cage induction motors with ratings from 0.73 kW andup to but not including 185 kW. The scope covers motors of rated voltages up to1100 V a.c.NOTE: This range includes motors with ratings of 1 hp and 1 CV/PS (French/German or metrichorsepower).This Standard specifies the minimum efficiency values that a motor shall meet, and also theminimum efficiency values that a motor shall meet in order to be designated ‘highefficiency’. Two methods of measurement are prescribed (Method A and Method B) foreach category; see Sections 2 and 3.Only one method need be applied.
First published as AS/NZS 1359.5:2000.
AS/NZS 1359.102.3:2000 | Rotating electrical machines - General requirements - Methods for determining losses and efficiency - Three-phase cage induction motors |
AS 1359.101-1997 | Rotating electrical machines - General requirements Rating and performance |
AS 1359.102.1-1997 | Rotating electrical machines - General requirements Methods for determining losses and efficiency - General |
AS 1418.1-2002 | Cranes, hoists and winches General requirements |
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