AS B166-1962
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Dial test indicators (lever type) for linear measurement
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This Standard relates to dial test indicators of the lever type, fitted with a ball ended adjustable stylus lever which can operate in either of two directions and with reversal of the working force controlled automatically or by manually operated bial lever. Unless otherwise stated, the indicators are intended for application to the work in a direction normal to the stylus lever. Generally, dial test indicators have a small measuring range. Requirements are specified for dial test indicators with dial graduations in English or metric measure as follows: - inch graduations in units of 0.001 inch (sometimes sub-divided into half-units of 0.0005 inch) and with a minimum magnification of 50X, of inch graduations in units of 0.0001 inch and with a minimum magnification of 500X; metric graduations in units of 0.01 mm and with a minimum magnification of 125X or metric graduations in units of 0.002 mm and with minimum magnification of 500X.
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Standards Australia
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