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AS 5006.1-2002



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Silver and silver bearing alloys Determination of silver content (0.1% to 99.9%) - Tritrimetric (potentiometric) method (Reconfirmed 2016)

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Sets out a titrimetric procedure for the determination of silver content and silver bearing alloys. This method is applicable to alloys containing 0.1 percent to 99.9 percent silver. Total of gold and platinum group metals must be less than 20 percent.

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Reconfirmed 09/12/2016.This standard has been reconfirmed in Australia in 2016 and remains current in New Zealand. Reconfirmation Notice 09/12/2016
Standards Australia

This Standard sets out a titrimetric procedure for the determination of silver content in silver and silver bearing alloys. This method is applicable to alloys containing 0.1% to 99.9% silver. Total of gold and platinum group metals must be less than 20%. Mercury and lead should be absent. If palladium or tungsten are present they need to be complexed.NOTES: 1 Recommended methods of sampling dore bullion for use with this Standard are provided in Appendix A.2 The presence of the following elements may cause difficulties in obtaining a homogeneous sample: iron, antimony, arsenic or nickel.

First published as AS 5006.1-2002.

AS 2508.6.014-1989 Safe storage and handling information card - Cyanides, inorganic (other than Sodium and Potassium Cyanides for which refer to AS 2508.6.002)
AS 2508.3.001-1982 Safe storage and handling information card - Acetone
AS 2508.8.010-1990 Safe storage and handling information cards for hazardous materials - Sulfuric acid (up to 98% m/m)
AS 2508.8.005-1992 Safe storage and handling information card - Acetic acid (containing more than 10 percent but not more than 80 percent acid, by mass, in water)
AS 2508.8.001-1995 Safe storage and handling information card - Acetic anhydride
AS 2508.3.025-1983 Safe storage and handling information cards for hazardous materials - Chlorobenzene (monochlorobenzene)
AS 2508.3.028-1983 Safe storage and handling information card - Ethylene dichloride (1,2-dichloroethane, ethylene chloride (EDC))
AS 2165-1996 Laboratory glassware - Burettes
AS 2508.3.008-1983 Safe storage and handling information cards for hazardous materials - Acrylonitrile (inhibited)
AS 2508.6.011-1988 Safe storage and handling information card - Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene, Per or Perc)
AS 2508.6.001-1988 Safe storage and handling information card - Carbon tetrachloride (tetrachloromethane)
AS 2243.10-1993 Safety in laboratories - Storage of chemicals
AS 2508.6.019-1995 Safe storage and handling information card - Lead alkyls
AS 2508.3.013-1984 Safe storage and handling information card - Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)
AS 2508.3.018-1983 Safe storage and handling information card - Methyl isobutyl carbinol
AS 2508.3.019-1983 Safe storage and handling information card - Methacrylates, HFP
AS 2243.6-1990 Safety in laboratories - Mechanical aspects
AS 2508.6.008-1989 Safe storage and handling information card - Ammonium thioglycolate
AS 2508.3.033-1984 Safe storage and handling information card - Isoprene, inhibited
AS 2508.6.020-1991 Safe storage and handling information card - Selenious acid, selenates and selenites
AS 2508.6.026-1984 Safe storage and handling information card - Formaldehyde solutions - Flashpoint above 61 degrees Celsius
AS 2508.6.012-1988 Safe storage and handling information card - Diphenyl methane-4, 4-Diisocyanate [Methylene bis-(Phenylene) Diisocyanate] (MDI)
AS 2508.6.009-1990 Safe storage and handling information card - 1,1,1-trichloroethane (Methylchloroform)
AS 2508.6.005-1984 Safe storage and handling information card - Fluorides (ammonium, potassium, magnesium or sodium fluoride)
AS 2508.2.006-1995 Safe storage and handling information card - Ethylene oxide
AS 2166-1995 One-mark pipettes
AS 2508.3.032-1984 Safe storage and handling information card - Glycol ether acetates
AS 2508.2.001-1992 Safe storage and handling information card - Acetylene (Dissolved) (Ethyne)
AS 2508.3.011-1992 Safe storage and handling information card - Methanol (methyl alcohol)
AS 2508.8.002-1986 Safe storage and handling information card - Hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid, spirits of salts)
AS 2508.8.004-1992 Safe storage and handling information card - Acetic acid (containing more than 80 percent acid, by mass, in water)
AS 2508.2.011-1984 Safe storage and handling information card - Butadiene (inhibited)
AS 2508.2.010-1984 Safe storage and handling information card - Sulphur dioxide (liquefied)
AS 2508.3.024-1995 Safe storage and handling information card - Dimethylamine solution
AS 2508.3.006-1995 Safe storage and handling information card - Butanols, propanols, amyl alcohols
AS 2508.8.009-1990 Safe storage and handling information card - Sulfuric acid (Oleum)
AS 2508.3.027-1983 Safe storage and handling information card - Diacetone alcohol
AS 2164-1995 Laboratory glassware - One-mark volumetric flasks
AS 2508.6.025-1984 Safe storage and handling information card - Arsenic acid
AS 2508.6.007-1995 Safe storage and handling information card - Epichlorohydrin (Ech or 1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane)
AS 2508.6.002-1985 Safe storage and handling information card - Cyanides (sodium and potassium)
AS 2508.2.003-1995 Safe storage and handling information card - Vinyl chloride (inhibited)
AS 2243.5-1993 Safety in laboratories Non-ionizing radiations
AS 2508.8.011-1995 Safe storage and handling information card - Methacrylic acid (inhibited)
AS 2508.3.020-1983 Safe storage and handling information card - Ethyl benzene
AS 2508.3.023-1983 Safe storage and handling information card - Vinyl acetate (vinyl acetate monomer)
AS 2243.3-1991 Safety in laboratories Microbiology
AS 2508.3.022-1983 Safe storage and handling information card - Cumene (isopropyl-benzene)
AS 2508.3.021-1983 Safe storage and handling information card - Cyclohexanone
AS 2508.6.010-1983 Safe storage and handling information card - Toluene diisocyanate (TDI)
AS 2167-1996 Graduated straight pipettes
AS 2508.5.002-1990 Safe storage and handling information card - Ammonium nitrate
AS 2508.6.028-1988 Safe storage and handling information card - Chloropicrin
AS 2162.2-1998 Verification and use of volumetric apparatus - Guide to the use of piston-operated volumetric apparatus (POVA)
AS 2508.8.012-1991 Safe storage and handling information card - Hydrogen fluoride (Anhydrous)(Anhydrous hydrofluoric acid)
AS 2243.7-1991 Safety in laboratories - Electrical aspects
AS 2830.1-1985 Good laboratory practice - Chemical analysis
AS 2508.6.016-1995 Safe storage and handling information card - Phenol (carbolic acid), cresols and cresylic acid
AS 2508.4.001-1982 Safe storage and handling information card - Calcium carbide
AS 2508.6.018-1989 Safe storage and handling information card - Lead arsenate and Lead aresenite
AS 2508.8.013-1991 Safe storage and handling information card - Hydrofluoric acid (aqueous)
AS 2508.6.017-1989 Safe storage and handling information card - Lead acetate
AS 2508.3.017-1983 Safe storage and handling information card - Ethanol/methylated spirits
AS 2508.2.007-2001 Safe storage and handling information card - Liquefied petroleum gas
AS 2508.5.001-1989 Safe storage and handling information card - Hydrogen peroxide
AS 2508.3.007-1995 Safe storage and handling information card - Carbon disulphide
AS 2508.3.026-1995 Safe storage and handling information card - Propylene oxide
AS 2508.2.009-1984 Safe storage and handling information card - Oxygen (refrigerated liquid)
AS 2508.8.007-1990 Safe storage and handling information card - Nitric acid
AS 2508.5.003-1990 Safe storage and handling information card - Calcium hypochlorite
AS 2508.6.015-1983 Safe storage and handling information card - Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane)
AS 2508.2.012-1985 Safe storage and handling information card - Non-flammable, inert, compressed gases (includes: argon, helium, krypton, neon, nitrogen and xenon)
AS 2508.3.034-1984 Safe storage and handling information card - Pentanes
AS 2508.3.031-1983 Safe storage and handling information card - Tetrahydrofuran (THF)
AS 2508.3.002-1982 Safe storage and handling information card - Acetates (ethyl acetate, propyl acetates, butyl acetates, amyl acetate)
AS 2243.2-1990 Safety in laboratories - Chemical aspects
AS 2508.3.004-1982 Safe storage and handling information card - Acrylates (methyl, ethyl)
AS 2508.8.003-1990 Safe storage and handling information card - Sodium hypochlorite Hypochlorite solutions
AS 2243.1-1990 Safety in laboratories General
AS 2508.2.005-1984 Safe storage and handling information card - Chlorine (compressed)
AS 2508.8.008-1992 Safe storage and handling information card - Maleic anhydride
AS 2243.8-1992 Safety in laboratories Fume cupboards
AS 2508.6.013-1991 Safe storage and handling information card - Trichloroethylene
AS 2508.3.016-1982 Safe storage and handling information card - Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK)
AS 2508.3.003-1982 Safe storage and handling information card - Acrylates (butyl, isobutyl)
AS 2508.3.030-1983 Safe storage and handling information card - Cyclohexane
AS 2508.6.024-1984 Safe storage and handling information card - Pentachlorophenol
AS 2508.6.022-1986 Safe storage and handling information card - Copper-chrome-arsenic
AS 2508.3.009-1982 Safe storage and handling information card - Hydrocarbon solvents
AS 2508.6.003-1984 Safe storage and handling information card - Aniline (aminobenzene)
AS 2508.6.004-1984 Safe storage and handling information card - Cadmium compounds (other than selenide and sulphide)
AS 2508.6.006-1982 Safe storage and handling information card - Beryllium and compounds
AS 2243.9-1991 Safety in laboratories - Recirculating fume cabinets
AS 2508.8.018-1995 Safe storage and handling information card - Formaldehyde solutions (with not less than 25 percent formaldehyde)
AS 2508.2.008-1984 Safe storage and handling information card - Oxygen (compressed)
AS 2508.8.006-1992 Safe storage and handling information card - Sodium hydroxide (solid and solution) (caustic soda)
AS 2508.5.004-1991 Safe storage and handling information card - Benzoyl peroxide
AS 2508.6.021-1984 Safe storage and handling information card - Sodium pentachlorophenate
AS 2508.3.029-1983 Safe storage and handling information card - Glycol ethers (flammable)
AS 2508.6.027-1984 Safe storage and handling information card - Tributyltin-oxide
AS 2508.8.014-1985 Safe storage and handling information card - Mercury metal
AS 2508.5.005-1992 Safe storage and handling information card - Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKP) (not more than 50% in solution with not more than 10% available oxygen)
AS 2508.10.001-2000 Safe storage and handling information card - Agricultural and veterinary chemicals (Packaged products only)
AS 2243.4-1998 Safety in laboratories - Ionizing radiations
AS 2508.8.017-1988 Safe storage and handling information card - Aluminium chloride (Anhydrous)
AS 2508.8.015-1988 Safe storage and handling information card - Dilute ammonia solution containing 10 percent up to 35 percent m/m ammonia
AS 2508.3.015-1992 Safe storage and handling information card - Toluene (toluol)
AS 2162.1-1996 Verification and use of volumetric apparatus General - Volumetric glassware
AS 2508.3.012-1982 Safe storage and handling information card - Styrene (vinyl benzene, styrene monomer)
AS 2508.3.010-1995 Safe storage and handling information card - Amines (isopropylamine, diethylamine, triethylamine)
AS 2508.3.005-1995 Safe storage and handling information card - Benzene
AS 2508.6.023-1989 Safe storage and handling information card - Phenylmercuric compounds
AS 2508.8.016-1988 Safe storage and handling information card - Phosphoric acid (Orthophosphoric acid)
AS 2508.2.004-1995 Safe storage and handling information card - Ammonia (anhydrous)
AS 2508.2.002-1992 Safe storage and handling information card - Hydrogen (compressed)
AS 2508.3.014-1992 Safe storage and handling information card - Xylenes (xylols)
AS 2508.2.013-1992 Safe storage and handling information card - Ethylene (ethene)
AS 2850-1986 Chemical analysis - Interlaboratory test programs - For determining precision of analytical method(s) - Guide to the planning and conduct

AS 2140-2008 Jewellery - Fineness of precious metal alloys (Reconfirmed 2021)

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