AS 4625-2005
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Electronic flame safeguards and flame detectors
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Specifies the uniform minimum requirements for manufacturers, designers, regulatory authorities, testing laboratories and similar organizations for the safety, performance and use of electronic flame safeguards and flame detectors. These electronic flame safeguards and flame detectors are intended for use with natural gas, town gas, tempered liquefied petroleum gas and liquefied petroleum gas.
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0 7337 6730 3
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Standards Australia
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UnderRevision |
These requirements apply to electronic flame safeguards and flame detectors for use on gas or multi-fuel burners.They do not cover complete burner management systems except insofar as the flame safeguard has provision to be interlocked into the burner management system.Compliance with these requirements does not imply acceptability for use without supplemental tests in an intended application.A flame safeguard and flame detector shall comply with the requirements of the appropriate electrical authority.Where a programmable electronic system (PES) is employed for safety related functions of burner management systems, the PES shall:be certified to the requirements of this Standard and conform to the relevant requirements of EN298 (or equivalent); or be certified by a body recognized by the Certifying Body to the requirements of EN298 (or equivalent).Requirements for thermoelectric flame safeguards and electronic igniters are published in AS4620 and AS4622.Flame safeguards incorporating electronic igniters shall meet the requirements of both this Standard and all the appropriate requirements of AS4622.European Standard, EN298, has been identified as an appropriate Standard for the evaluation of electronic flame safeguards and flame detectors. Compliance with EN298 will also be deemed to comply with the requirements of this Standard, however, specific local requirements as specified in this Standard shall take precedence.Compliance will be subject to the provision of relevant documentation submitted to the Certifying Body.Refer to Appendix C, which details equivalent European classification codes.
Originated as AG 210-1976.
Previous edition 1998.
Republished and designated AS 4625-2005.
AS 4622-2004 | Electrical and electronic ignition devices for gas appliances (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 4620-2004 | Thermoelectric flame safeguards (Reconfirmed 2021) |
AS 4554-2005 | Gas laundry dryers (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 4553-2008 | Gas space heating appliances |
AS 3814-2005 | Industrial and commercial gas-fired appliances |
AS 4551-2008 | Domestic gas cooking appliances |
AS 4643-2007 | Overhead radiant tube gas heaters |
AS 4552-2005 | Gas fired water heaters for hot water supply and/or central heating |
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