AS 3705-2003
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Geotextiles - Identification, marking, and general data
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AS 3705-2003 sets out the information to be provided on rolls or data sheets for geotextiles.
Committee |
DocumentType |
0 7337 5450 3
Pages |
PublisherName |
Standards Australia
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SupersededBy | |
Supersedes | |
UnderRevision |
This Standard sets out the information to be provided on rolls or data sheets for geotextiles.
First published as AS 3705-1990.
Second edition 2003.
AS 3704-1990 | Geotextiles - Glossary of terms |
AS 1199.1-2003 | Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 3706.12-2001 | Geotextiles - Methods of test Determination of durability - Resistance to degradation by hydrocarbons or chemical reagents (Reconfirmed 2018) (Reconfirmed 2023) |
AS 3706.1-1990 | Geotextiles - Methods of test - General requirements, sampling, conditioning, basic physical properties and statistical analysis |
AS 3706.3-2000 | Geotextiles - Methods of test Determination of tearing strength - Trapezoidal method |
AS 3706.10.1-2001 | Geotextiles - Methods of test Determination of transmissivity - Radial method |
HB 18.28-1991 | Guidelines for third-party certification and accreditation - Guide 28: General rules for a model third-party certification system for products |
AS 3706.11-1990 | Geotextiles - Methods of test Determination of durability - Resistance to degradation by light and heat |
AS 3706.7-2003 | Geotextiles - Methods of Test Determination of pore-size distribution - Dry-sieving method |
AS 2450-1987 | Textiles - Natural and man-made fibres - Generic names |
AS 2001.2.3.2-2001 | Methods of test for textiles Physical tests - Determination of maximum force using the grab method (ISO 13934-2:1999, MOD) (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 3704-2005 | Geosynthetics - Glossary of terms (Reconfirmed 2018) (Reconfirmed 2023) |
AS 3706.9-2001 | Geotextiles Methods of test - Determination of permittivity, permeability and flow rate |
AS/NZS 2450:1994 | Textiles - Natural and man-made fibres - Generic names |
HB 18.28-2005 | Conformity assessment - Guidance on a third-party certification system for products |
AS 3706.6-2000 | Geotextiles Methods of test - Determination of seam strength |
AS/NZS ISO 9004:2000 | Quality management systems - Guidelines for performance improvements |
AS 3706.4-2001 | Geotextiles - Methods of test Determination of burst strength - California bearing ratio (CBR) - Plunger method |
AS/NZS ISO 9001:2000 | Quality management systems - Requirements |
AS 3706.13-2000 | Geotextiles - Methods of test Determination of durability - Resistance to certain microbiological agents |
AS 1199.0-2003 | Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes Introduction to the ISO 2859 attribute sampling system (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 3706.0-2003 | Geotextiles - Methods of test General introduction and list of methods (Reconfirmed 2018) (Reconfirmed 2023) |
AS 3706.5-2000 | Geotextiles - Methods of test Determination of puncture resistance - Drop cone method |
AS 3706.2-2000 | Geotextiles - Methods of test Determination of tensile properties - Wide-strip method |
AS/NZS 3500.3:2003 | Plumbing and drainage Stormwater drainage |
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