AS 2717.3-1992
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Welding - Electrodes - Gas metal arc Corrosion-resisting chromium and chromium-nickel steel electrodes
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Specifies requirements for stainless steel electrodes for gas metal arc welding. Covers electrodes in which chromium content exceeds 10.5 percent and nickel content does not exceed 50 percent. The Standard is based on ANSI/AWS A5.9, Specification for corrosion-resisting chromium and chromium-nickel steel bare and composite metal cored and stranded welding electrodes and welding rods.
Committee |
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0 7262 7462 3
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PublisherName |
Standards Australia
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Supersedes | |
UnderRevision |
This Standard specifies requirements for solid corrosion-resisting chromium and chromium-nickel steel electrodes for gas metal arc welding. It covers electrodes in which chromium content exceeds 10.5% and nickel content does not exceed 50%.NOTE: Additional information concerning electrodes is given in Appendix B.
First published as AS 2717.3-1992.
AS/NZS 1270:2002 | Acoustics - Hearing protectors (Reconfirmed 2014) |
AS 2038-1977 | Methods for detecting the susceptibility of austenitic stainless steels to intergranular corrosion |
AS 2865-1995 | Safe working in a confined space |
AS 2717.1-1984 | Welding - Electrodes - Gas metal arc Ferritic steel electrodes |
AS/NZS 2865:2001 | Safe working in a confined space |
AS/NZS 1336:1997 | Recommended practices for occupational eye protection |
AS 2074-1982 | Steel castings |
AS 2205.7.1-1997 | Methods for destructive testing of welds in metal Charpy V-notch impact fracture toughness test |
AS 1558-1973 | Protective clothing for welders |
AS/NZS 1338.1:1992 | Filters for eye protectors Filters for protection against radiation generated in welding and allied operations |
AS 2074-2003 | Cast steels |
AS 1337-1984 | Eye protectors for industrial applications |
AS/NZS 2717.1:1996 | Welding - Electrodes - Gas metal arc - Ferritic steel electrodes |
AS 2205.7.1-2003 | Methods for destructive testing of welds in metal Charpy V-notch impact fracture toughness test |
AS 2812-2005 | Welding, brazing and cutting of metals - Glossary of terms (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS 1336-1982 | Recommended practices for eye protection in the industrial environment |
AS 1674-1980 | Fire precautions in cutting, heating and welding operations |
AS 1270-1988 | Acoustics - Hearing protectors |
AS 2812-1985 | Welding, brazing and cutting of metals - Glossary of terms |
AS/NZS 1337:1992 | Eye protectors for industrial applications |
AS/NZS 3992:1998 | Pressure equipment - Welding and brazing qualification |
AS/NZS 2717.1:1996 | Welding - Electrodes - Gas metal arc - Ferritic steel electrodes |
AS/NZS 1554.6:1994 | Structural steel welding - Welding stainless steels for structural purposes |
AS 2980-2004 | Qualification of welders for fusion welding of steels |
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