AS 2082-1979
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Visually stress-graded hardwood for structural purposes
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Specifies grade requirements for structural grades Nos 1, 2, 3 and 4 for all hardwood, indigenous and exotic, graded for adequacy of strength. Derived from these grades are stud grades and lintel grades, and appearance grades which have additional limitations on the visual blemishes allowed in structural members exposed to view. Appendices cover strength group and stress grade and durability classifications, and measurement of defects.
Committee |
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0 7262 1294 6
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Standards Australia
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Supersedes |
This standard sets out requirements for seasoned or unseasoned, sawn, dressed or sized hardwood which is intended for structural purposes and which is stress graded by visual means.NOTE: The coverage by this standard of all hardwood species does not imply their availability, or the availability of every grade in any species or species group, or the availability of seasoned material in any particular species. Most structural hardwoods are sold unseasoned but appreciable quantities of seasoned material in some species are available in some areas.
Under Revision see DR 97184
AS 4219-1994 | Timber - Stumps and sole plates |
AS/NZS 1328.2:1998 | Glued laminated structural timber Guidelines for AS/NZS 1328: Pt 1 for the selection, production and installation of glued laminated structural timber |
AS 1684-1992 | National Timber Framing Code |
AS 3610-1995 | Formwork for concrete |
AS 3519-1993 | Timber - Machine proof-grading |
AS 4446-1999 | Manufacture of nailplate-joined timber products |
AS 3610 SUPP 2-1996 | Formwork for concrete - Commentary (Supplement to AS 3610-1995) |
AS/NZS 1328.1:1998 | Glued laminated structural timber Performance requirements and minimum production requirements |
AS 3818.4-2000 | Timber - Heavy structural products - Visually graded Cross-arms for overhead lines |
AS 1720.1-1997 | Timber structures Design methods |
AS 6001-1999 | Working platforms for housing construction |
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