AS 1497-1973
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Milled radiata pine for joinery
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AS 1492 - AS 1498 specify standard grade flooring; standard grade shelving; select and standard grade lining; select and standard grade cladding; select grade fascia and barge boards; provision is made for finger-jointed material. Appendices cover moisture content and joinery grade for joinery timber and mouldings. Tolerances are stated, and determination and procedures for knot plugging and finger-jointing. A list of preferred metric sizes for radiata pine for use in domestic construction is also appended.
Committee |
DocumentType |
0 7262 0154 5
Pages |
PublisherName |
Standards Australia
Status |
SupersededBy | |
Supersedes |
Under Revision (in part) see DR 98250-98251
AS 2689-1984 | Timber doorsets |
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