AS 1445-1986
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Hot-dipped zinc-coated or aluminium/zinc-coated steel sheet - 76 mm pitch corrugated
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Specifies requirements for 76 mm pitch corrugated steel sheet manufactured from hot-dipped zinc-coated or aluminium/zinc-coated steel sheet in accordance with AS 1397. Three classes of product are specified and these represent materials in common use - for roofing (Class R), tank making (Class T) and walling (Class W).
Committee |
DocumentType |
0 7262 4079 6
Pages |
PublisherName |
Standards Australia
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SupersededBy | |
Supersedes | |
UnderRevision |
This standard specifies requirements for 76 mm pitch corrugated steel sheet manufactured from hot-dipped zinc-coated or aluminium/zinc-coated steel sheet in accordance with AS 1397.Three classes of product are specified and these represent materials in common use for roofing (Class R), tankmaking (Class T), and walling (Class W).NOTES:1. Other combinations of dimensions and steel properties not covered by this standard may be appropriate when designed to comply with AS 1170 and AS 1562 in accordance with wind loading and support requirements.2. Attention is drawn to the fact that aluminium/zinc coatings are not solderable.3. Guidelines to purchasers on requirements that are to be specified by the purchaser at the time of enquiry and/or order are given in Appendix A.
AS 2338-2004 | Preferred dimensions of wrought metal products |
AS 1562-1980 | Design and installation of metal roofing |
AS 1397-2001 | Steel sheet and strip - Hot-dipped zinc-coated or aluminium/zinc-coated |
AS/NZS 2312:2002 | Guide to the protection of structural steel against atmospheric corrosion by the use of protective coatings |
HB 31-1992 | Handbook of building construction tolerances - Extracts from building products and structures Standards |
AS/NZS 2312:1994 | Guide to the protection of iron and steel against exterior atmospheric corrosion |
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