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AS 1210-1997



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Pressure vessels

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AS 1210-2010

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This Standard sets out minimum requirements for the materials, design,manufacture, testing, inspection, certification and dispatch of fired and unfired pressurevessels constructed in ferrous or non-ferrous metals by welding, brazing, casting, forging,or cladding and lining and includes the application of non-integral fittings required forsafe and proper functioning of pressure vessels.

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See also AS 1210 Supplement 1-1990 and AS 1210 Supplement 2-1999
Standards Australia

This Standard sets out minimum requirements for the materials, design, manufacture, testing, inspection, certification and despatch of fired and unfired pressure vessels constructed in ferrous or non-ferrous metals by welding, brazing, casting, forging, or cladding and lining and includes the application of non-integral fittings required for safe and proper functioning of pressure vessels. This Standard also specifies requirements for non-metallic vessels and metallic vessels with non-metallic linings.For detailed requirements for metallic materials, manufacture and testing, reference should be made to the relevant material Standards, and to AS 4458, AS 3992 and AS 4037.The requirements of this Standard have been formulated on the basis that the required examinations and inspection during manufacture are performed and that appropriate reasonable care is taken of the vessels during subsequent stages in the life of vessels including appropriate inspection for deterioration.

Originated in part as AS B31-1931 and AS CB1-1931.
Previous edition 1989.
Fifth edition 1997.
Reissued incorporating Amendment Nos. 1 (February 1998), 2 (September 1998) and 3 (April 2002).

AS 1391-2007 Metallic materials - Tensile testing at ambient temperature (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS 2291-2007 Metallic materials - Tensile testing at elevated temperatures (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS 1833-2002 Austenitic cast iron
AS 1111-1980 ISO metric hexagon commercial bolts and screws
AS 1594-1989
AS/NZS 2465:1999 Unified hexagon bolts, screws and nuts (UNC and UNF threads) (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 3892-1995 Pressure equipment - Installation
AS 1831-2007 Ductile cast iron (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS 4087-1996 Metallic flanges for waterworks purposes
AS 1569-1998 Copper and copper alloys - Seamless tubes for heat exchangers (Reconfirmed 2020)
AS 1271-1997 Safety valves, other valves, liquid level gauges, and other fittings for boilers and unfired pressure vessels
AS B148-1956 Unified black hexagon bolts, screws and nuts (UNC and UNF threads) and plain washers - Heavy series
AS 1358-1989 Bursting discs and bursting disc devices - Guide to application, selection, and installation
AS 3600-2001 Concrete structures
AS 2865-1995 Safe working in a confined space
AS 1170.2-1989 Minimum design loads on structures (known as the SAA Loading Code) Wind loads
AS 1832-2007 Malleable cast iron (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS 2465-1981 Unified hexagon bolts, screws and nuts (UNC and UNF threads)
AS 1544.2-2003 Method for impact tests on metals Charpy V-notch (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS 1832-1985 Iron castings - Malleable cast iron
AS 3920.1-1993 Assurance of product quality Pressure equipment manufacture
AS/NZS 3679.1:1996 Structural steel Hot-rolled bars and sections
AS 3142-1994 Approval and test specification - Electric water heaters
AS 1874-2000 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Ingots and castings (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 2129-1994 Flanges for pipes, valves and fittings
AS/NZS 3788:1996 Pressure equipment - In-service inspection
AS 3600-1994 Concrete structures
AS/NZS 1594:2002 Hot-rolled steel flat products (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 2809.1-1999 Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods - General requirements
AS 2809.6-1991 Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods - Tankers for cryogenic liquids
AS/NZS ISO 9001:1994 Quality systems - Model for quality assurance in design, development, production, installation and servicing
AS/NZS 1734:1997 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Flat sheet, coiled sheet and plate (Reconfirmed 2020)
AS 1544.2-1989 Methods for impact tests on metals Charpy V-notch
AS/NZS 3711.6:1993 Freight containers Tank containers
AS 3990-1993 Mechanical equipment - Steelwork (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 3857-1999 Heat exchangers - Tubeplates - Method of design (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 2022-1983 Anhydrous ammonia - Storage and handling (known as the SAA Anhydrous Ammonia Code)
AS/NZS 1567:1997 Copper and copper alloys - Wrought rods, bars and sections (Reconfirmed 2021)
AS 1425-1989 LP gas fuel systems for vehicle engines (known as the SAA Automotive LP Gas Code)
AS 1210 SUPP 1-1990
AS 2074-1982 Steel castings
AS 2528-1982 Bolts, studbolts and nuts for flanges and other high and low temperature applications
AS 1722.2-1992 Pipe threads of Whitworth form Fastening pipe threads (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS 1796-1993 Certification of welders and welding supervisors
AS 3678-1990 Structural steel - Hot-rolled plates, floorplates and slabs
AS 1112-1980 ISO metric hexagon nuts, including thin nuts, slotted nuts and castle nuts
AS/NZS 1200:1994 Pressure equipment
AS 1228-1997 Pressure equipment - Boilers
AS 4100-1990 Steel structures
AS 1722.1-1975 Pipe threads of Whitworth form Sealing pipe threads (metric units)
AS/NZS 4331.2:1995 Metallic flanges Cast iron flanges (Reconfirmed 2020)
AS 2613-1989 Safety devices for gas cylinders
AS 1391-1991 Methods for tensile testing of metals
AS 4458-1997 Pressure equipment - Manufacture (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 3509-1988 LP gas fuel vessels for automotive use
AS 2872-2000 Atmospheric heating of vessels containing fluids - Estimation of maximum temperature (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS/NZS 4360:2004 Risk management
AS/NZS 3509:2003 LP Gas fuel vessels for automotive use
AS 1170.4-1993 Minimum design loads on structures (known as the SAA Loading Code) Earthquake loads
AS 4041-2006 Pressure piping (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS/NZS 2312:2002 Guide to the protection of structural steel against atmospheric corrosion by the use of protective coatings
AS 2613-2005 Safety devices for gas cylinders (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS/NZS 3500.4:2003 Plumbing and drainage Heated water services
AS/NZS 4331.3:1995 Metallic flanges Copper alloy and composite flanges (Reconfirmed 2020)
AS 1170.4-2007 Structural design actions Earthquake actions in Australia (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 1596-1989 LP Gas - Storage and handling
AS/NZS 2312:1994 Guide to the protection of iron and steel against exterior atmospheric corrosion
AS 1830-1986 Iron castings - Grey cast iron
AS/NZS 1865:1997 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Drawn wire, rod, bar and strip (Reconfirmed 2020)
AS 1663-1974 Method for dropweight test for nil-ductility transition temperature of ferritic steels
AS/NZS 1110:1995 ISO metric precision hexagon bolts and screws
AS 1721-1985 General purpose metric screw threads (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS 1252-1983 High strength steel bolts with associated nuts and washers for structural engineering
AS 3892-2001 Pressure equipment - Installation (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS/NZS 2865:2001 Safe working in a confined space
AS/NZS 2451:1998 Bolts, screws and nuts with British Standard Whitworth threads (rationalized series) (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 2971-1987 Serially produced pressure vessels
AS 3711.6-2000 Freight containers Tank containers (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS/NZS 4360:1999 Risk management
AS 1275-1985 Metric screw threads for fasteners (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS 2809.4-2001 Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods - Tankers for toxic and corrosive cargoes
AS 1056.1-1991 Storage water heaters General requirements
AS 1831-1985 Iron castings - Spheroidal or nodular graphite cast iron
AS 1358-2004 Bursting discs and bursting disc devices - Application, selection and installation (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 3873-2001 Pressure equipment - Operation and maintenance (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 1442-1992 Carbon steels and carbon-manganese steels - Hot-rolled bars and semifinished products
AS 2809.6-2001 Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods Tankers for cryogenic liquids
AS 4037-1999 Pressure equipment - Examination and testing (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS/NZS 1596:2002 The storage and handling of LP Gas
AS 1874-1988 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Ingots and castings
AS 2074-2003 Cast steels
AS 1565-1996 Copper and copper alloys - Ingots and castings (Reconfirmed 2020)
AS/NZS 4331.1:1995 Metallic flanges Steel flanges (Reconfirmed 2020)
AS/NZS 1111:1996 ISO metric hexagon commercial bolts and screws
AS/NZS 3678:1996 Structural steel - Hot-rolled plates, floorplates and slabs
AS/NZS 1112:1996 ISO metric hexagon nuts, including thin nuts, slotted nuts and castle nuts
AS 4041-1998 Pressure piping
AS 3873-1995 Pressure equipment - Operation and maintenance
AS 1566-1997 Copper and copper alloys - Rolled flat products (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 1796-2001 Certification of welders and welding supervisors (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 4343-2005 Pressure equipment - Hazard levels
AS 1271-2003 Safety valves, other valves, liquid level gauges and other fittings for boilers and unfired pressure vessels (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 1548-1995 Steel plates for pressure equipment
AS 2971-2007 Serially produced pressure vessels (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS 1228-2006 Pressure equipment - Boilers
AS 3679.1-1990 Structural steel - Hot-rolled bars and sections
AS 1833-1986 Iron castings - Austenitic cast iron
AS 2291-1979 Methods for tensile testing of metals at elevated temperatures
AS 1734-1986 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Flat sheet, coiled sheet and plate
AS 2872-1988 Atmospheric heating of vessels containing fluids - Estimation of maximum temperature
AS 3992-1992 Boilers and pressure vessels - Welding and brazing qualification
AS 2634-1983 Chemical plant equipment made from glass-fibre reinforced plastics (GRP) based on thermosetting resins
AS 2809.3-1999 Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods - Tankers for compressed liquefiable gases
AS 4100-1998 Steel structures (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS/NZS 1170.2:2002 Structural design actions Wind actions
AS 4087-2004 Metallic flanges for waterworks purposes
AS 3597-1993 Structural and pressure vessel steel - Quenched and tempered plate
AS 1349-1986 Bourdon tube pressure and vacuum gauges (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 2812-2005 Welding, brazing and cutting of metals - Glossary of terms (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS/NZS 3992:1998 Pressure equipment - Welding and brazing qualification
AS 1442-2007 Carbon steels and carbon-manganese steels - Hot rolled bars and semifinished products (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS 2129-2000 Flanges for pipes, valves and fittings (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 2812-1985 Welding, brazing and cutting of metals - Glossary of terms
AS 1567-1985 Copper and copper alloys - Wrought rods, bars and sections
AS 2451-1981 Bolts, screws and nuts with British standard Whitworth threads (Rationalized Series)
AS 1074-1989 Steel tubes and tubulars for ordinary service (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 1830-2007 Grey cast iron (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS/NZS 1252:1996 High-strength steel bolts with associated nuts and washers for structural engineering
AS 3500.4-1994 National Plumbing and Drainage Code Hot water supply systems
AS/NZS 1200:2000 Pressure equipment
AS 3653-1993 Boilers - Safety, management, combustion and other ancillary equipment
AS 2809.4-1986 Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods Tankers for toxic and corrosive cargoes
AS/NZS 1425:2007 LP Gas fuel systems for vehicle engines
AS/NZS 3788:2006 Pressure equipment - In-service inspection (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS/NZS 2022:2003 Anhydrous ammonia - Storage and handling (Reconfirmed 2023)
AS 1865-1986 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Drawn wire, rod, bar and strip

AS 3860-1991 Fixed guideway people movers
AS 1988.1-2006 Welding of ferrous castings - Steel castings
AS/NZS 1715:2009 Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective equipment (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS/NZS 1596:2002 The storage and handling of LP Gas
AS 2470-2005 Steel cylinders for compressed gases - Welded three-piece construction with longitudinal joint - 11 kg to 150 kg (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 2885.2-2002 Pipelines - Gas and liquid petroleum - Welding
AS 2896-1998 Medical gas systems - Installation and testing of non-flammable medical gas pipeline systems
AS/NZS 2243.6:2010 Safety in laboratories Plant and equipment aspects
AS 1470-1986 Health and safety at work - Principles and practices
AS/NZS 4645.2:2008 Gas distribution networks Steel pipe systems
AS/NZS 3992:1998 Pressure equipment - Welding and brazing qualification
AS 2593-2004 Boilers - Safety management and supervision systems (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 3892-2001 Pressure equipment - Installation (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 5601-2004 Gas installations
AS/NZS 3509:2003 LP Gas fuel vessels for automotive use
AS 4326-2008 The storage and handling of oxidizing agents (Reconfirmed 2024)
AS/NZS 4645.3:2008 Gas distribution networks Plastics pipe systems
AS 3597-1993 Structural and pressure vessel steel - Quenched and tempered plate
AS 1410-2003 Sterilizers - Steam - Pre-vacuum
AS 1163-1991 Structural steel hollow sections
AS 1349-1986 Bourdon tube pressure and vacuum gauges (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 2885.0-2008 Pipelines - Gas and liquid petroleum General requirements
AS 3961-2005 The storage and handling of liquefied natural gas
AS 3780-1994 The storage and handling of corrosive substances
AS/NZS 1554.4:2004 Structural steel welding - Welding of high strength quenched and tempered steels
AS/NZS 2739:2009 Natural gas (NG) fuel systems for vehicle engines
AS 1219-1994 Power presses - Safety requirements
AS 1796-2001 Certification of welders and welding supervisors (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS/NZS 4692.1:2005 Electric water heaters Energy consumption, performance and general requirements (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 2941-2002 Fixed fire protection installations - Pumpset systems
AS 2809.6-2001 Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods Tankers for cryogenic liquids
AS 1735.3-2002 Lifts, escalators and moving walks Passenger and goods lifts - Electrohydraulic
AS 2865-2009 Confined spaces
AS 1692-2006 Steel tanks for flammable and combustible liquids (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 1697-2005 Installation and maintenance of steel pipe systems for gas
AS 4728-2005 Electric resistance welded steel pipe for pressure purposes (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS/NZS 2299.1:2007 Occupational diving operations Standard operational practice
AS 4211.3-1996 Gas recovery or combined recovery and recycling equipment Fluorocarbon refrigerants from commercial/domestic refrigeration and airconditioning systems
AS 3689.1-1989 Automatic fire extinguishing systems using halogenated hydrocarbons Halon 1301 total flooding systems
AS 1894-1997 The storage and handling of non-flammable cryogenic and refrigerated liquids (Reconfirmed 2021)
AS 1228-2006 Pressure equipment - Boilers
AS 1485-1983 Safety and health in workrooms of educational establishments
AS 2809.5-2001 Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods Tankers for bitumen-based products
AS 2809.2-1999 Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods - Tankers for flammable liquids
AS 1418.1-2002 Cranes, hoists and winches General requirements
AS 1940-2004 The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids
AS 5100.6-2004 Bridge design Steel and composite construction
AS/NZS 4645.1:2008 Gas distribution networks Network management
AS 1418.15-1994 Cranes (including hoists and winches) - Concrete placing equipment
AS 2809.3-2008 Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods Road tank vehicles for compressed liquefied gases
AS 4326-1995 The storage and handling of oxidizing agents
AS/NZS 1715:1994 Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective devices
AS 2872-2000 Atmospheric heating of vessels containing fluids - Estimation of maximum temperature (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 2067-1984 Switchgear assemblies and ancillary equipment for alternating voltages above 1 kV
AS/NZS 2022:2003 Anhydrous ammonia - Storage and handling (Reconfirmed 2023)
HB 213:2003 Guidelines for safe working in a confined space
AS 2941-2008 Fixed fire protection installations - Pumpset systems
AS 1418.8-2008 Cranes, hoists and winches Special purpose appliances (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS/NZS 2299.2:2002 Occupational diving operations Scientific diving
AS 3577-2006 Steel cylinders for compressed gases - Welded - 150 kg to 500 kg (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS 2661-1983 Vapour degreasing plant - Design, installation and operation - Safety requirements
AS 2746-2008 Working areas for gas-fuelled vehicles
AS 4100-1998 Steel structures (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 2182-1998 Sterilizers - Steam - Benchtop
AS 2885.2-2007 Pipelines - Gas and liquid petroleum Welding
AS/NZS 4673:2001 Cold-formed stainless steel structures
AS 4795-2002 Double-flanged butterfly valves for waterworks purposes
AS 2067-2008 Substations and high voltage installations exceeding 1 kV a.c.
AS 4774.1-2003 Work in compressed air and hyperbaric facilities Work in tunnels, shafts and caissons
AS 4037-1999 Pressure equipment - Examination and testing (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 2809.4-2001 Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods - Tankers for toxic and corrosive cargoes
AS 3780-2008 The storage and handling of corrosive substances
AS 2243.6-1990 Safety in laboratories - Mechanical aspects
AS/NZS 2243.1:2005 Safety in laboratories Planning and operational aspects
AS 2192-2002 Sterilizers - Steam - Downward-displacement
AS/NZS 2865:2001 Safe working in a confined space
AS 2885.1-2007 Pipelines - Gas and liquid petroleum Design and construction
AS/NZS 1554.6:1994 Structural steel welding - Welding stainless steels for structural purposes
AS 2809.2-2008 Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods Road tank vehicles for flammable liquids
AS 4211.1-1996 Gas recovery or combined recovery and recycling equipment Fluorocarbon refrigerants from automotive airconditioning systems
AS 1735.3-2001 Lifts, escalators and moving walks Passenger and goods lifts - Electrohydraulic
AS/NZS 4681:2000 The storage and handling of Class 9 (miscellaneous) dangerous goods and articles
AS/NZS 1425:2003 LP Gas fuel systems for vehicle engines
AS 3873-2001 Pressure equipment - Operation and maintenance (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 2337.2-2004 Gas cylinder test stations LP Gas fuel vessels for automotive use (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS/NZS 1418.9:1996 Cranes (including hoists and winches) Vehicle hoists
AS 2437-1987 Flusher/sanitizers for bed pans and urine bottles
AS/NZS 2843.1:2006 Timber preservation plants Timber preservation plant site design (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS/NZS 2843.1:2000 Timber preservation plant safety code - Plant design
AS 5062-2006 Fire protection for mobile and transportable equipment
AS/NZS 1425:2007 LP Gas fuel systems for vehicle engines
AS 3689.2-1991 Automatic fire extinguishing systems using halogenated hydrocarbons Mechanical components
AS 2809.3-1999 Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods - Tankers for compressed liquefiable gases
AS 1056.1-1991 Storage water heaters General requirements
AS 3533.1-2009 Amusement rides and devices Design and construction
AS 4795-2006 Butterfly valves for waterworks purposes
AS 3980-1999 Guide to the determination of gas content of coal - Direct desorption method
AS/NZS 3788:2006 Pressure equipment - In-service inspection (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS 4983-2003 Gas fuel systems for forklifts and industrial engines
AS/NZS 1596:2008 The storage and handling of LP Gas
AS 5034-2005 Installation and use of inert gases for beverage dispensing (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS/NZS 3497:1998 Drinking water treatment units - Plumbing requirements
AS 4774.2-2002 Work in compressed air and hyperbaric facilities - Hyperbaric oxygen facilities
MP 52-2001 Manual of authorization procedures for plumbing and drainage products
AS 4343-2005 Pressure equipment - Hazard levels
AS 1548-1995 Steel plates for pressure equipment
AS 3597-2008 Structural and pressure vessel steel - Quenched and tempered plate
AS 4738.1-2004 Metal castings Ferrous sand moulded
AS/NZS 2927:2001 The storage and handling of liquefied chlorine gas
AS 3583.4-1991 Methods of test for supplementary cementitious materials for use with portland cement Determination of autoclave expansion (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 1271-2003 Safety valves, other valves, liquid level gauges and other fittings for boilers and unfired pressure vessels (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 4983-2010 Gas fuel systems for forklifts and industrial engines
AS/NZS 1268:1996 Equipment for checking pressure and inflation of tyres
AS/NZS 2843.2:2000 Timber preservation plant safety code - Plant operation
AS 1418.8-2002 Cranes, hoists and winches - Special purpose appliances
AS 1210 SUPP 1-1990
AS/NZS 3509:2009 LP Gas fuel vessels for automotive use (Reconfirmed 2019)
AS/NZS 2843.2:2006 Timber preservation plants Treatment area operation (Reconfirmed 2016)
AS 1548-2008 Fine grained, weldable steel plates for pressure equipment (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 4732-2002 LP Gas fuel systems for marine engines
AS 4214-2002 Gaseous fire extinguishing systems
AS 2971-2002 Serially produced pressure vessels
AS 2118.5-2008 Automatic fire sprinkler systems Home fire sprinkler systems (Reconfirmed 2020)
AS 2971-2007 Serially produced pressure vessels (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS 1358-2004 Bursting discs and bursting disc devices - Application, selection and installation (Reconfirmed 2016)

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