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SN EN 61217 : 1996 AMD 1 2001



The latest, up-to-date edition.


Published date


1 Scope and object
2 Coordinate systems
    2.1 General rules
    2.2 Fixed reference system ("f") (figure 1a)
    2.3 Gantry coordinate system ("g") (figure 4)
    2.4 Beam limiting device or delineator coordinate
          system ("b")(figure 5)
    2.5 Wedge filter coordinate system ("w")(figure 7)
    2.6 X-ray image receptor coordinate system ("r")
          (figures 6 and 8)
    2.7 Patient support coordinate system ("s")(figure 9)
    2.8 Table top eccentric rotation coordinate system
          ("e")(figures 10 and 11)
    2.9 Table top coordinate system ("t")(figures 10
          and 11)
3 Identification of scales and digital displays
4 Designation of equipment movements
5 Equipment zero positions
6 List of scales, graduations, directions and displays
    6.1 Rotation of the gantry (figures 14a and 14b)
    6.2 Rotation of the beam limiting device or
         delineator (figures 15a and 15b)
    6.3 Rotation of the wedge filter (figures 7 and 14a)
    6.4 Radiation field or delineated radiation field
    6.5 Patient support isocentric rotation
    6.6 Table top eccentric rotation
    6.7 Tabler top linear movements
    6.8 X-ray image receptor movements
    6.9 Other scales
1 Equipment movements and designations
2 Individual coordinate systems
1a Coordinate systems (see 2.1.2) with all angular
    positions set to zero
1b Translation of origin Id along Xm, Ym, Zm and rotation
    around axis Zd parallel to Zm (see 2.1.4)
1c Translation of origin Id along Xm, Ym, Zm and rotation
    around axis Yd parallel to Ym (see 2.1.4)
2 X Y Z right-hand coordinate mother system (isometric
    drawing), showing directions of positive rotation for
    daughter system (see 2.2)
3 Hierarchical structure among coordinate systems (see
    2.1.3 and 2.1.5)
4 Rotation of gantry coordinate system Xg, Yg, Zg in
    fixed coordinate system Xf, Yf, Zf (see2.3)
5 Rotation of beam limiting device or delineator
    coordinate system Xb, Yb, Zb in gantry coordinate system
    Xg, Yg, Zg and resultant rotation of radiation field or
    delineated radiation field of dimensions FX and FY (see2.4)
6 Displacement of image intensifier type X-ray image
    receptor coordinate system origin Ir, in gantry coordinate
    system, by Rx=-8, Ry=+10, RZ=-40 (see 2.60)
7 Rotation (O2=270 deg) and translation of wedge filter
    coordinate system Xw, Yw, Zw in beam limiting device
    coordinate system Xb, Yb, Zb, the beam limiting device
    coordinate system having a rotation (Ob) of 345 deg (see 2.5)
8 Rotation (Or=90 deg) and displacement of radiographic
    cassette type X-ray image receptor coordinate system Xr,
    Yr, Zr in gantry coordinate system Xg, Yg, Zg (see 2.6)
9 Rotation (Or=345 deg) of patient support coordinate system
    Xs, Yx, Zs in fixed coordinate system Xf, Yf, Zf (see 2.7)
10 Table top eccentric coordinate system rotation Oe in
    patient support coordinate system which has been rotated
    by 0s in the fixed coordinate system with 0e=360 deg-0s
    (see 2.8 and 2.9)
11a Table top displaced below isocentre by Tz=-20cm (see 2.8
    and 2.9)
11b Table top coordinate system displacement Tx=+5, Ty=Le
    + 10 in patient support coordinate system Xs,Ys,Zs
    rotation (0s=330 deg) in fixed coordinate system Xf,Yf,Zf
    (see 2.8 and 2.9)
11c Table top coordinate system rotation (0e=30 deg) about
    table top eccentric system. Patient support rotation
    (0s=330 deg) in fixed coordinate system Tx=O, Ty=Le
    (see 2.8 and 2.9)
12a Example of beam limiting device scale, pointer on mother
    system (gantry) scale on daughter system (beam limiting
    device), viewed from isocentre (see and clause 3)
12b Examples of beam limiting device scale, pointer on
    daughter system (beam limiting device) scale on mother
    system (gantry), viewed from isocentre (see and
    clause 3)
12c Examples of scales (see clause 3)
13a Rotary gantry (adapted from IEC 601-2-1) with
    identification of axes 1 to 8, directions 9 to 13 and
    dimensions 14 and 15 (see clause 4)
13b Isocentric radiotherapy simulator or teleradiotherapy
    equipment, with identification of axes 1;4 to 6, 19, of
    directions 9 to 12; 16 to 18 and of dimensions 14; 15;
    20 to 23 (clause 4)
13c View from radiation source of teleradiotherapy radiation
    field or radiotherapy simulator delineated radiation field
    (see clause 4)
14a Example of isocentric teleradiotherapy equipment
    (see 6.1 and 6.3)
14b Example of isocentric radiotherapy simulator equipment
    (see 6.1)
15a Rotated (0b=30deg) symmetrical rectangular radiation field
    (FX x FY) at normal treatment distance, viewed from
    Radiation Source (see 6.2)
15b Same rotated (0b=30deg) symmetrical rectangular
    radiation field (FX x FY) at normal treatment distance
    viewed from radiation source (see 6.2)
16a Rectangular and symmetrical radiation field or
    delineated radiation field, viewed from radiation source
    (see 6.4)
16b Rectangular and asymmetrical in Yb radiation field or
    delineated radiation field, viewed from radiation source
    (see 6.4)
16c Rectangular and asymmetrical in Xb radiation field or
    delineated radiation field, viewed from radiation source
    (see 6.4)
16d Rectangular and asymmetrical in Xb and Yb radiation field
    or delineated radiation field, viewed from radiation
    source (see 6.4)
16e Rectangular and asymmetrical in Yb radiation field,
    rotated by 0b=30 deg, viewed from radiation source (see 6.4)
16f Rectangular and asymmetrical in Yb radiation field,
    rotated by 0b=30 deg, viewed from radiation source (see 6.4)
16g Rectangular and asymmetrical in Xb radiation field,
    rotated by 0b=30deg, viewed from radiation source (see 6.4)
16h Rectangular and asymmetrical in Xb and Yb radiation
    field, rotated by 0b=30 deg, viewed from radiation source
16i Irregular multi-element (multileaf) contiguous radiation
    field, with element motion in Xb direction (see 6.4)
16j Irregular multi-element (multileaf) two-part radiation
    field, viewed from radiation source, with element motion
    in Xb direction (see 6.4)
16k Irregular multi-element (multileaf) contiguous radiation
    field, viewed from radiation source, with element motion
    in Yb direction (see 6.4)
A Examples of coordinate transformations between individual
    coordinate systems
B Bibliography
C Rationale for changes in IEC scales
D Summary of additions and changes to scale statements in
    IEC 601-2-1, IEC 601-2-11, IEC 975 and IEC 977
E Terminology

Applicable to equipment and data related to the process of teleradiotherapy. Includes patient image data relative to radiotherapy treatment planning systems, simulators, isocentric gamma beam therapy equipment, isocentric medical electron accelerators, and non-isocentric equipment where relevant. Specifies a consistent set of coordinate systems to be used throughout the teleradiotherapy process to specify the marking of scales where applicable for definition of the movements of equipment in this process and to facilitate computer control if used.

Swiss Standards

Standards Relationship
EN 61217:2012 Identical
DIN EN 61217:2015-11 Identical
UNE-EN 61217:1999 Identical
BS EN 61217:2012 Identical
I.S. EN 61217:2012 Identical

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