NS EN 45510-4-9 : 2000
The latest, up-to-date edition.

1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Definitions
3.1 Organizational terms
3.2 Technical terms
3.3 General terms
4 Brief overall project description
4.1 Role and organization of purchaser
4.2 Site location
4.3 Equipment task
4.4 Equipment to be purchased
4.5 Control and instrumentation
4.6 Electrical supplies and other services
4.7 Other interfaces
4.8 Project programme
4.9 Equipment identification systems
5 Extent of supply
6 Terminal points
7 Operational requirements
7.1 Operating environment
7.2 Manning levels
7.3 Normal operation
7.4 Operating hours
7.5 Start-up and shut-down
7.6 Abnormal conditions
7.7 Further operational requirements
8 Life expectancy
8.1 Design life
8.2 Components requiring periodic maintenance
9 Performance requirements
9.1 Duty
9.2 Performance
9.3 Equipment margins
9.4 Availability
9.5 Levels of component redundancy
9.6 Further performance requirements
10 Design and fabrication
10.1 Specific equipment features
10.2 Design justification
10.3 Material selection
10.4 Safety
10.5 Interchangeability
10.6 Fabrication methods
11 Maintenance requirements
11.1 Planned maintenance
11.2 Personnel safety
11.3 Requirements for access
11.4 Lifting requirements
11.5 Special tools
11.6 Test equipment
11.7 Spare parts strategy
11.8 Special precautions
12 Technical documentation requirements
12.1 Tender documentation
12.2 Contract documentation
13 Applicable legislation, regulations, standards and
further requirements
13.1 Legislation and regulations
13.2 Standards
13.3 Further requirements
14 Evaluation criteria
14.1 General
14.2 Technical criteria
15 Quality measures
15.1 General
15.2 Approvals procedure
15.3 Inspection requirements
15.4 Non-conformity
16 Site factors
16.1 Access
16.2 Facilities
16.3 Site specific requirements
17 Verification of specified performance
17.1 General
17.2 Works tests
17.3 Test during installation and commissioning
17.4 Technical conditions for trial run
17.5 Functional and performance tests
Gives advice on writing technical specification for procurement of sootblower apparatus for steam generating plants used in power stations. Does not cover apparatus used in the nuclear reactor area of nuclear power stations. Applies to mechanical, steam or air, and acoustic sootblowers for furnace wall sootblowers and water lances, rotating element (including rake) sottblowers, air- heater sootblowers and long retractable and semi-retractable sootblowers. Apparatus is specified by function rather than design type. So the guidance is specified in terms of performance, rather than a detailed outline of apparatus to be supplied.
DocumentType |
PublisherName |
Norwegian Standards (Norges Standardiseringsforbund)
Status |
Standards | Relationship |
UNE-EN 45510-4-9:2000 | Identical |
EN 45510-4-9 : 1999 | Identical |
EN 45510-4-9:1999 | Identical |
DIN EN 45510-4-9:1999-12 | Identical |
BS EN 45510-4-9:2000 | Identical |
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