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NEN EN 15312 : 2007 + A1 2010



The latest, up-to-date edition.


Published date


1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 General requirements
   4.1 Materials
   4.2 Structural integrity
   4.3 Finish of equipment
   4.4 Entrapment
        4.4.1 Moving parts
        4.4.2 Protection against entrapment
   4.5 Protection against injuries due to movement
   4.6 Connections
   4.7 Consumable components (parts of wear and tear)
   4.8 Wire ropes
   4.9 Chains
   4.10 Foundations
   4.11 Accessibility
   4.12 Removable elements
5 Specific requirements
   5.1 General
   5.2 Basketball equipment
        5.2.1 Requirements
        5.2.2 Safety requirements
   5.3 Goals
        5.3.1 General
        5.3.2 Structural stability and integrity
   5.4 Nets and net fixings
        5.4.1 Nets
        5.4.2 Net fixings
   5.5 Multi-sports surround and ball stop screen
        5.5.1 Multi-sports surround
        5.5.2 Ball stop screen
   5.6 Multi-function central nets and posts
   5.7 Table tennis tables
6 Test methods
   6.1 General test methods
   6.2 Test methods specific to basketball equipment
        6.2.1 Ring
        6.2.2 Net
        6.2.3 Rigidity
        6.2.4 Stability
7 Test report
8 Information for users
9 Marking
10 Information provided by the supplier and/or the
Annex A (normative) Loads
   A.1 Permanent loads
        A.1.1 General
        A.1.2 Self weight
        A.1.3 Prestressing loads
        A.1.4 Mass of water
   A.2 Variable loads
        A.2.1 General
        A.2.2 User loads
        A.2.3 Snow loads
        A.2.4 Wind loads
        A.2.5 Temperature loads
        A.2.6 Seats: Specific loads
   A.3 Numbers of users on the equipment
        A.3.1 General
        A.3.2 Number of users on a point
        A.3.3 Number of users on line type elements
        A.3.4 Number of users on an area
Annex B (normative) Method of calculation of structural
   B.1 General principles: Limit state
        B.1.1 Limit state
        B.1.2 Ultimate limit state
        B.1.3 Serviceability limit state
   B.2 Load combinations for static analysis
   B.3 Worked example of the calculation of user loads
        (without safety factors) for a surround/barrier
Annex C (normative) Physical testing of structural integrity
   C.1 Pass/fail criteria
        C.1.1 Load carrying ability
        C.1.2 Failure
   C.2 Test load for equipment
        C.2.1 Load combinations for testing
        C.2.2 Safety factor for tests on identical series
        C.2.3 Safety factor for tests on a unique product
   C.3 Load application
        C.3.1 Point loads
        C.3.2 Line loads
        C.3.3 Area loads
Annex D (normative) Test methods for entrapment
   D.1 General
   D.2 Finger entrapment
        D.2.1 Apparatus
        D.2.2 Procedure
   D.3 Head and neck entrapment
        D.3.1 Completely bound openings
        D.3.2 Partially bound and V-shaped openings
Annex E (normative) Information to be provided by the
                    supplier and/or manufacturer
   E.1 Information provided by the manufacturer of equipment
        E.1.1 General product information
        E.1.2 Pre information
        E.1.3 Installation information
        E.1.4 Inspection and maintenance information
Annex F (normative) Test methods for resistance surround
   F.1 Testing repeated impact resistance to footballs and
   F.2 Impact resistance (violent kick from player)

Defines requirements, including safety, for the equipment itself as well as for its installation, inspection and maintenance. Pertains to free access multi-sports equipment and combinations intended for permanent installation (not temporary), which includes, but not exclusively, equipment for sports such as badminton, basketball, football, handball, hockey, table tennis, tennis, volleyball.

2007 Edition Re-Issued in September 2010 & incorporates AMD 1 2010. (09/2010)
Netherlands Standards

Standards Relationship
DIN EN 15312:2010-12 Identical
BS EN 15312 : 2007 Identical
EN 15312:2007+A1:2010 Identical
UNI EN 15312 : 2010 Identical
UNE-EN 15312:2007 Identical

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