JIS C 8708:2007
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Sealed nickel-metal hydride rechargeable single cells
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Japanese, English
This Standard specifies the test methods and requirements for small prismatic, cylindrical and button sealed nickel-metal hydride rechargeable single cells.
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Japanese Standards Association
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SupersededBy | |
Supersedes |
JIS C 8511:2004 | Alkaline primary batteries |
JIS C 8500:2006 | Primary Batteries - General |
JIS B 7411:1997 | Solid-stem general purpose liquid-in-glass thermometers |
JIS B 7507:1993 | Vernier, dial and digital callipers |
JIS C 1102-2:1997 | Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories Part 2: Special requirements for ammeters and voltmeters |
JIS C 8713:2006 | Secondary Cells And Batteries Containing Alkaline Or Other Non-acid Electrolytes - Mechanical Tests For Sealed Portable Secondary Cells And Batteries |
JIS C 8501:2004 | Carbon zinc batteries |
JIS C 9502:1998 | Dynamo lamps for bicycles |
JIS C 60079-18:2008 | Electrical Apparatus For Explosive Gas Atmospheres - Part 18: Construction, Test And Marking Of Type Of Protection Encapsulation "m" Electrical Apparatus |
JIS C 8712:2006 | Safety Requirements For Portable Sealed Secondary Cells, And Batteries Made From Them, For Use In Portable Applications |
JIS C 8713:2006 | Secondary Cells And Batteries Containing Alkaline Or Other Non-acid Electrolytes - Mechanical Tests For Sealed Portable Secondary Cells And Batteries |
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