I.S. EN 15643-3:2012
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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For Harmonized Standards, check the EU site to confirm that the Standard is cited in the Official Journal.
Only cited Standards give presumption of conformance to New Approach Directives/Regulations.
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Principles
5 Requirements for assessment methods
6 Requirements for assessment methods of social
performance of buildings
Annex A (informative) - Work programme of CEN/TC 350
Annex B (informative) - Social Aspects in the Life
cycle stages of construction works
Gives the specific principles and requirements for the assessment of social performance of buildings taking into account technical characteristics and functionality of a building.
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
National Standards Authority of Ireland
Status |
SupersededBy |
Standards | Relationship |
EN 15643-3:2012 | Identical |
ISO 15686-8:2008 | Buildings and constructed assets — Service-life planning — Part 8: Reference service life and service-life estimation |
EN ISO 13792:2012 | Thermal performance of buildings - Calculation of internal temperatures of a room in summer without mechanical cooling - Simplified methods (ISO 13792:2012) |
EN 13465:2004 | Ventilation for buildings - Calculation methods for the determination of air flow rates in dwellings |
EN 15603:2008 | Energy performance of buildings - Overall energy use and definition of energy ratings |
EN 12464-1:2011 | Light and lighting - Lighting of work places - Part 1: Indoor work places |
EN 15251:2007 | Indoor environmental input parameters for design and assessment of energy performance of buildings addressing indoor air quality, thermal environment, lighting and acoustics |
ISO 6707-1:2017 | Buildings and civil engineering works Vocabulary Part 1: General terms |
ISO 13792:2012 | Thermal performance of buildings Calculation of internal temperatures of a room in summer without mechanical cooling Simplified methods |
EN 15316-3-3:2007 | Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 3-3: Domestic hot water systems, generation |
ISO 16814:2008 | Building environment design — Indoor air quality — Methods of expressing the quality of indoor air for human occupancy |
ISO 15686-5:2017 | Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning — Part 5: Life-cycle costing |
ISO/TS 15686-9:2008 | Buildings and constructed assets — Service-life planning — Part 9: Guidance on assessment of service-life data |
ISO 16813:2006 | Building environment design — Indoor environment — General principles |
EN 15978:2011 | Sustainability of construction works - Assessment of environmental performance of buildings - Calculation method |
EN 15804:2012 | Sustainability of construction works - Environmental product declarations - Core rules for the product category of construction products |
EN 15643-4:2012 | Sustainability of construction works - Assessment of buildings - Part 4: Framework for the assessment of economic performance |
EN ISO 13790:2008 | Energy performance of buildings - Calculation of energy use for space heating and cooling (ISO 13790:2008) |
EN 15643-1:2010 | Sustainability of construction works - Sustainability assessment of buildings - Part 1: General framework |
CEN/TR 15941:2010 | Sustainability of construction works - Environmental product declarations - Methodology for selection and use of generic data |
ISO 15686-2:2012 | Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning — Part 2: Service life prediction procedures |
ISO 15686-7:2017 | Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning — Part 7: Performance evaluation for feedback of service life data from practice |
EN ISO 14025:2010 | Environmental labels and declarations - Type III environmental declarations - Principles and procedures (ISO 14025:2006) |
EN 15232:2012 | Energy performance of buildings - Impact of Building Automation, Controls and Building Management |
ISO/IEC Guide 73:2002 | Risk management Vocabulary Guidelines for use in standards |
EN 15942:2011 | Sustainability of construction works - Environmental product declarations - Communication format business-to-business |
ISO 6707-2:2017 | Buildings and civil engineering works — Vocabulary — Part 2: Contract and communication terms |
ISO 15686-1:2011 | Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning — Part 1: General principles and framework |
EN 15316-3-1:2007 | Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 3-1: Domestic hot water systems, characterisation of needs (tapping requirements) |
EN 13032-1:2004+A1:2012 | Light and lighting - Measurement and presentation of photometric data of lamps and luminaires - Part 1: Measurement and file format |
ISO 14025:2006 | Environmental labels and declarations — Type III environmental declarations — Principles and procedures |
EN 15316-3-2:2007 | Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 3-2: Domestic hot water systems, distribution |
EN 15643-2:2011 | Sustainability of construction works - Assessment of buildings - Part 2: Framework for the assessment of environmental performance |
EN 15243:2007 | Ventilation for buildings - Calculation of room temperatures and of load and energy for buildings with room conditioning systems |
ISO 21931-1:2010 | Sustainability in building construction Framework for methods of assessment of the environmental performance of construction works Part 1: Buildings |
ISO 13790:2008 | Energy performance of buildings Calculation of energy use for space heating and cooling |
EN 15217:2007 | Energy performance of buildings - Methods for expressing energy performance and for energy certification of buildings |
ISO 15392:2008 | Sustainability in building construction General principles |
EN 13032-3:2007 | Light and lighting - Measurement and presentation of photometric data of lamps and luminaires - Part 3: Presentation of data for emergency lighting of work places |
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