EN 61724-1:2017
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Photovoltaic system performance - Part 1: Monitoring
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Monitoring system classification
5 General
6 Data acquisition timing and reporting
7 Measured parameters
8 Data processing and quality check
9 Calculated parameters
10 Performance metrics
11 Data filtering
Annex A (informative) - Sampling interval
Annex B (informative) - Module backsheet temperature
sensor selection and Attachment
Annex C (informative) - Derate factors
Annex D (normative) - Systems with local loads, storage,
or auxiliary sources
Annex ZA (normative) - Normative references to
international publications with their
corresponding European publications
IEC61724-1:2017(E) outlines equipment, methods, and terminology for performance monitoring and analysis of photovoltaic (PV) systems. It addresses sensors, installation, and accuracy for monitoring equipment in addition to measured parameter data acquisition and quality checks, calculated parameters, and performance metrics. In addition, it serves as a basis for other standards which rely upon the data collected.
Committee |
DevelopmentNote |
Supersedes EN 61724. (05/2017)
DocumentType |
PublisherName |
European Committee for Standards - Electrical
Status |
SupersededBy | |
Supersedes |
Standards | Relationship |
IEC 61724-1:2017 | Identical |
SN EN 61724-1 : 2017 | Identical |
PN EN 61724-1 : 2017 | Identical |
I.S. EN 61724-1:2017 | Identical |
NEN EN IEC 61724-1 : 2017 | Identical |
UNE-EN 61724-1:2017 | Identical |
CEI EN 61724-1 : 1ED 2017 | Identical |
VDE 0126-25-1 : 2017 | Identical |
BS EN 61724-1:2017 | Identical |
DIN EN 61724-1 : 2017 | Identical |
EN 60904-3:2016 | Photovoltaic devices - Part 3: Measurement principles for terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) solar devices with reference spectral irradiance data |
EN 60904-2:2015 | Photovoltaic devices - Part 2: Requirements for photovoltaic reference devices |
IEC 60050-131:2002 | International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Part 131: Circuit theory |
CLC/TS 61836:2009 | Solar photovoltaic energy systems - Terms, definitions and symbols |
IEC 60904-10:2009 | Photovoltaic devices - Part 10: Methods of linearity measurement |
IEC 62053-21:2003+AMD1:2016 CSV | Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Particular requirements - Part 21: Static meters for active energy (classes 1 and 2) |
IEC 60904-5:2011 | Photovoltaic devices - Part 5: Determination of the equivalent cell temperature (ECT) of photovoltaic (PV) devices by the open-circuit voltage method |
ASTM G 183 : 2015 : REDLINE | Standard Practice for Field Use of Pyranometers, Pyrheliometers and UV Radiometers |
ISO 9488:1999 | Solar energy Vocabulary |
ISO 9060:1990 | Solar energy Specification and classification of instruments for measuring hemispherical solar and direct solar radiation |
EN 61557-12:2008 | Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 12: Performance measuring and monitoring devices (PMD) |
IEC TS 61836:2007 | Solar photovoltaic energy systems - Terms, definitions and symbols |
ISO/IEC Guide 98-1:2009 | Uncertainty of measurement — Part 1: Introduction to the expression of uncertainty in measurement |
IEC TS 61724-2:2016 | Photovoltaic system performance - Part 2: Capacity evaluation method |
IEC 62670-3:2017 | Photovoltaic concentrators (CPV) - Performance testing - Part 3: Performance measurements and power rating |
IEC 60904-2:2015 RLV | Photovoltaic devices - Part 2: Requirements for photovoltaic reference devices |
ISO 9847:1992 | Solar energy — Calibration of field pyranometers by comparison to a reference pyranometer |
EN ISO 9488:1999 | Solar energy - Vocabulary (ISO 9488:1999) |
EN 60904-5:2011 | Photovoltaic devices - Part 5: Determination of the equivalent cell temperature (ECT) of photovoltaic (PV) devices by the open-circuit voltage method |
IEC 60904-3:2016 | Photovoltaic devices - Part 3: Measurement principles for terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) solar devices with reference spectral irradiance data |
EN 62670-3:2017 | Photovoltaic concentrators (CPV) - Performance testing - Part 3: Performance measurements and power rating |
IEC 62053-22:2003+AMD1:2016 CSV | Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Particular Requirements - Part 22: Static meters for active energy (classes 0,2 S and 0,5 S) |
IEC 61557-12:2007 | Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 12: Performance measuring and monitoring devices (PMD) |
EN 60904-10:2010 | Photovoltaic devices - Part 10: Methods of linearity measurement |
ISO 9846:1993 | Solar energy Calibration of a pyranometer using a pyrheliometer |
ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008 | Uncertainty of measurement — Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM:1995) |
IEC 62817:2014+AMD1:2017 CSV | Photovoltaic systems - Design qualification of solar trackers |
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