CEN/TR 16366:2012
The latest, up-to-date edition.

Liquid petroleum products - Middle distillates and fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) fuels and blends - Round Robin report on applicability of Rapid Small Scale Oxidation Test method
1 Scope
2 Test method background
3 Description of the samples
4 Round Robin Instructions
5 Description of equipment
6 Form of data reports
7 Statistical data summary
Annex A (informative) - Comparative study protocol
for oxidation stability test methods
Annex B (informative) - Precision estimation for
PetroOxy test
This Technical Report describes a series of round robin test campaigns for precision estimation of EN 16091. Furthermore, this document includes a summary of the results of the RRTs (see Clause 7 and Annex B). NOTEThe identities of the participating laboratories are not displayed in this report. They are, however filed with the original RRT documentation at the CEN/TC 19/JWG1 secretariat.
Committee |
DocumentType |
Technical Report
PublisherName |
Comite Europeen de Normalisation
Status |
Standards | Relationship |
S.R. CEN/TR 16366:2012 | Identical |
PD CEN/TR 16366:2012 | Identical |
ASTM D 7545 : 2014 : REDLINE | Standard Test Method for Oxidation Stability of Middle Distillate Fuels—Rapid Small Scale Oxidation Test (RSSOT) |
EN 14112:2016 | Fat and oil derivatives - Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) - Determination of oxidation stability (accelerated oxidation test) |
EN 16091:2011 | Liquid petroleum products - Middle distillates and fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) fuels and blends - Determination of oxidation stability by rapid small scale oxidation method |
ISO 4259:2006 | Petroleum products Determination and application of precision data in relation to methods of test |
EN 15751:2014 | Automotive fuels - Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) fuel and blends with diesel fuel - Determination of oxidation stability by accelerated oxidation method |
EN ISO 4259:2006 | Petroleum products - Determination and application of precision data in relation to methods of test (ISO 4259:2006) |
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