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BS EN 61268:1996



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Alternating current static var-hour meters for reactive energy (classes 2 and 3)

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1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Definitions
3.1 General definitions
3.2 Definitions related to the functional elements
3.3 Definitions of mechanical elements
3.4 Definitions of insulations
3.5 Definitions of meter quantities
3.6 Definitions of influence quantities
3.7 Definition of tests
4 Requirements
4.1 Standard electrical values
4.2 Mechanical requirements
4.3 Climatic conditions
4.4 Electrical requirements
4.5 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
4.6 Accuracy requirements
5 Tests and test conditions
5.1 General testing procedures
5.2 Tests of mechanical requirements
5.3 Tests of climatic influences
5.4 Tests of electrical requirements
5.5 Tests for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
5.6 Tests for accuracy requirements
1 Standard reference voltages
2 Standard reference currents
3 Clearances and creepage distances for the terminal
4 Voltage marking
5 Temperature range
6 Relative humidity
7 Voltage range
8 Variations due to short-time overcurrents
9 Variations due to self-heating
10 Percentage error limits (single-phase meters and
      polyphase meters with balanced loads)
11 Percentage error limits (polyphase meters carrying
      a single-phase load, but with balanced polyphase
      voltages applied to voltage circuits)
12 Influence quantities
13 Temperature coefficient
14 Starting current
15 A.C. voltage tests
16 Voltage and current balance
17 Reference conditions
18 Interpretation of test results
A Relationship between ambient air temperature and
      relative humidity
B Test circuit diagram for d.c. influence test
C Voltage waveform for the tests of the effect of
      voltage dips and short interruptions
D Electromagnet for testing the influence of
      externally produced magnetic fields
E Geometric representation of active and reactive
F Test schedule
ZA (normative) Normative references to international
      publications with their corresponding European
ZB (normative) Special national conditions

Applies to newly manufactured units and follows practice set in BS EN 61036:1995. Includes type tests only. Accuracy requirements are based on BS EN 61036 class 2 meters

Supersedes 92/23181 DC Also numbered as IEC 61268. Inactive for new design. (03/2004)
British Standards Institution

Standards Relationship
EN 61268:1996 Identical
DIN EN 61268 : 1996 Identical
UNE-EN 61268:1996 Identical
NBN EN 61268 : 1996 Identical
SN EN 61268 : 1996 Identical
I.S. EN 61268:1999 Identical
NF EN 61268 : 1996 Identical

BS EN 60068-2-6:2008 Environmental testing Tests. Test Fc. Vibration (sinusoidal)
BS EN 55022:2010 Information technology equipment. Radio disturbance characteristics. Limits and methods of measurement
IEC 60038:2009 IEC standard voltages
IEC 60068-2-5:2010 Environmental testing - Part 2-5: Tests - Test Sa: Simulated solar radiation at ground level and guidance for solar radiation testing
BS EN 60387:1993 Specification for symbols for alternating-current electricity meters
BS 7003:1988 Specification for spring-operated impact-test apparatus and its calibration
IEC 60695-2-1:1991 Fire hazard testing - Part 2: Test methods - Section 1: Glow-wire test and guidance
BS 3939-2:1985 Graphical symbols for electrical power, telecommunications and electronics diagrams Symbol elements, qualifying symbols and other symbols having general application
BS EN 60068-2-27:2009 Environmental testing Tests. Test Ea and guidance. Shock
IEC 60068-2-27:2008 Environmental testing - Part 2-27: Tests - Test Ea and guidance: Shock
BS EN 60514:1995 Acceptance inspection of class 2 alternating-current watthour meters
IEC TR 60736:1982 Testing equipment for electrical energy meters
IEC 60145:1963 Var-hour (reactive energy) meters
IEC 60801-4:1988 Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial-process measurement and control equipment - Part 4: Electrical fast transient/burst requirements
IEC 60068-2-11:1981 Basic environmental testing procedures - Part 2-11: Tests - Test Ka: Salt mist
IEC 60269-1:2006+AMD1:2009+AMD2:2014 CSV Low-voltage fuses - Part 1: General requirements
ISO 75-2:2013 Plastics — Determination of temperature of deflection under load — Part 2: Plastics and ebonite
IEC 60817:1984 Spring-operated impact-test apparatus and its calibration
BS 7625:1993 Specification for voltage transformers
IEC 60085:2007 Electrical insulation - Thermal evaluation and designation
BS 3939-1:1986 Graphical symbols for electrical power, telecommunications and electronics diagrams General information, general index
BS EN 60060-2:1995 High-voltage test techniques Measuring systems
BS EN 61036:1997 Alternating current static watt-hour meters for active energy (classes 1 and 2)
IEC 60375:2003 Conventions concerning electric and magnetic circuits
BS EN 60068-2-1:2007 Environmental testing Tests. Test A. Cold
BS 2011-2.1Sa:1977 Environmental testing. Tests Test Sa. Simulated solar radiation at ground level
IEC 60529:1989+AMD1:1999+AMD2:2013 CSV Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)
IEC 60068-2-2:2007 Environmental testing - Part 2-2: Tests - Test B: Dry heat
BS 2011-2.1Ka:1982 Environmental testing. Tests Test Ka.Salt mist
BS EN 60068-2-2:2007 Environmental testing Tests. Test B. Dry heat
IEC 60801-3:1984 Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial-process measurement and control equipment - Part 3: Radiated electromagnetic field requirements
IEC 60721-3-3:1994+AMD1:1995+AMD2:1996 CSV Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3-3: Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities - Stationary use at weatherprotected locations
IEC 60417C:1977 Third supplement.
IEC 60359:2001 Electrical and electronic measurement equipment - Expression of performance
IEC 60186:1987 Voltage transformers
BS EN 60801-2:1993 Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial-process measurement and control equipment Electrostatic discharge requirements
IEC 60068-2-1:2007 Environmental testing - Part 2-1: Tests - Test A: Cold
BS 7697:1993 Nominal voltages for low voltage public electricity supply systems
BS EN 60721-3-3:1995 Classification of environmental conditions. Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities Stationary use at weatherprotected locations
IEC 60387:1992 Symbols for alternating-current electricity meters
BS 7626:1993 Specification for current transformers
IEC 61036:1996+AMD1:2000 CSV Alternating current static watt-hour meters for active energy (classes 1 and 2)
BS 6217:1981 Guide to graphical symbols for use on electrical equipment
IEC 60801-2:1991 Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial-process measurement and control equipment - Part 2: Electrostatic discharge requirements
IEC 60068-2-30:2005 Environmental testing - Part 2-30: Tests - Test Db: Damp heat, cyclic (12 h + 12 h cycle)

Excluding VAT

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