BS EN 14725:2003
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Space engineering. Verification
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1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
3.1 Terms and definitions
3.2 Abbreviated terms
4 Verification process
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Verification objectives
4.3 Verification process logic
4.3.1 General
4.3.2 Verification process flow
4.3.3 Verification approach
4.3.4 Verification close-out
4.4 Verification methods
4.4.1 General
4.4.2 Test
4.4.3 Analysis
4.4.4 Review-of-design
4.4.5 Inspection
4.5 Verification levels
4.6 Verification stages
4.6.1 General
4.6.2 Qualification
4.6.3 Acceptance
4.6.4 Pre-launch
4.6.5 In-orbit
4.6.6 Post-landing
5 Verification strategy
5.1 Preparation
5.2 Requirements classification
5.2.1 Requirements identification
5.2.2 Requirements documentation
5.2.3 Requirement characteristics
5.2.4 Requirement criticality
5.2.5 Requirements not to be tracked
5.2.6 Requirement categories
5.2.7 Requirements traceability
5.2.8 Verification matrix
5.3 Selection of methods, levels and stages of
5.3.1 General
5.3.2 Selection of verification method
5.3.3 Selection of verification level
5.3.4 Selection of verification stages
5.3.5 Additional rules for selection
5.4 Selection of models
5.4.1 Number and type of models
5.4.2 Model philosophy definition
5.4.3 Model applicability
5.5 Verification by test
5.5.1 General
5.5.2 Test programme definition
5.5.3 Integration flow
5.5.4 Integration tests
5.5.5 Re-integration tests
5.5.6 Test versus verification stages
5.5.7 Test versus verification levels
5.5.8 Test matrices
5.6 Verification by analysis
5.6.1 General
5.6.2 Analysis programme definition
5.6.3 Verification analysis criteria
5.6.4 Analysis versus verification stages
5.6.5 Analysis versus verification levels
5.6.6 Analysis matrices
5.7 Verification by review-of-design
5.7.1 General
5.7.2 Review-of-design programme definition
5.7.3 Review-of-design versus verification stages
5.7.4 Review-of-design versus verification levels
5.7.5 Review-of-design matrices
5.8 Verification by inspection
5.8.1 General
5.8.2 Inspection programme definition
5.8.3 Inspection versus verification stages
5.8.4 Inspection versus verification levels
5.8.5 Inspection matrix
5.9 Re-flight verification
5.9.1 Re-flight verification programme
5.9.2 Re-flight verification activities
6 Verification implementation
6.1 General aspects
6.2 Verification
6.2.1 Assignment of responsibility
6.2.2 Verification control board (VCB)
6.2.3 Test readiness review (TRR) and post test
review (PTR)
6.2.4 Nonconformance review board (NRB)
6.2.5 Verification responsibilities documentation
6.3 Verification planning
6.3.1 Establishment of planning activity
6.3.2 Verification planning content
6.3.3 Phasing with project life cycle
6.3.4 Verification planning documentation
6.4 Verification tools
6.4.1 General
6.4.2 Tools validation
6.4.3 Ground support equipment (GSE)
6.4.4 Software validation facility (SVF)
6.4.5 Simulators
6.4.6 Software tools for verification by analysis
6.4.7 Integration and test facilities and equipment
6.5 Verification execution and control
6.5.1 Monitoring
6.5.2 Verification database
6.5.3 Re-verification
6.5.4 Verification execution evidence
6.5.5 Verification close-out
6.5.6 Test effectiveness
6.5.7 Verification lessons learnt
6.6 Verification documentation
6.6.1 Documentation steps
6.6.2 Verification documents
6.6.3 Other documents
Annex A (normative) Verification documents
Annex B (informative) Verification guidelines
B.1 Model and model philosophy definition guidelines
B.1.1 Introduction
B.1.2 Models description
B.1.3 Model philosophies description
B.1.4 Hardware matrix
B.2 Specific tailoring guidelines
B.3 Re-verification review guidelines for re-flight
B.4 Verification activities guidelines
B.4.1 General
B.4.2 Phase A
B.4.3 Phase B
B.4.4 Phase C
B.4.5 Phase D
B.4.6 Phase E
B.4.7 Phase F
B.4.8 Verification flow
B.5 Typical verification team responsibility
B.5.1 Team responsibility
B.5.2 Relationship with engineering
B.5.3 Relationship with product assurance &
quality control
B.5.4 Relationship with project management
Annex C (normative) Verification matrix - Document
requirements definition (DRD)
C.1 Introduction
C.2 Scope and applicability
C.2.1 Scope
C.2.2 Applicability
C.3 References
C.3.1 Glossary and dictionary
C.3.2 Source document
C.4 Definitions, abbreviations and symbols
C.4.1 Definitions
C.4.2 Abbreviations
C.5 Description and purpose
C.6 Application and interrelationship
C.7 Verification matrix preliminary elements
C.7.1 Title
C.7.2 Title page
C.7.3 Contents list
C.7.4 Foreword
C.7.5 Introduction
C.8 Content
C.8.1 Scope and applicability
C.8.2 References
C.8.3 Definitions and abbreviations
C.8.4 Verification entries
Annex D (normative) Assembly, integration and
verification (AIV) plan - Document requirements
definition (DRD)
D.1 Introduction
D.2 Scope and applicability
D.2.1 Scope
D.2.2 Applicability
D.3 References
D.3.1 Glossary and dictionary
D.3.2 Source document
D.4 Definitions, abbreviations and symbols
D.4.1 Definitions
D.4.2 Abbreviations
D.5 Description and purpose
D.6 Application and interrelationship
D.7 AIV plan preliminary elements
D.7.1 Title
D.7.2 Title Page
D.7.3 Contents List
D.7.4 Foreword
D.7.5 Introduction
D.8 Content
D.8.1 Scope and applicability
D.8.2 References
D.8.3 Definitions and abbreviations
D.8.4 Verification subject
D.8.5 Verification approach
D.8.6 Model philosophy
D.8.7 Verification strategy
D.8.8 Assembly integration and verification
D.8.9 AIV tools
D.8.10 Verification control methodology
D.8.11 Documentation
D.8.12 Organization and management
Annex E (normative) Verification control document
(VCD) - Document requirements definition (DRD)
E.1 Introduction
E.2 Scope and applicability
E.2.1 Scope
E.2.2 Applicability
E.3 References
E.3.1 Glossary and dictionary
E.3.2 Source Document
E.4 Definitions, abbreviations and symbols
E.4.1 Definitions
E.4.2 Abbreviations
E.5 Description and purpose
E.6 Application and Interrelationship
E.7 VCD preliminary elements
E.7.1 Title
E.7.2 Title page
E.7.3 Contents list
E.7.4 Foreword
E.7.5 Introduction
E.8 Content
E.8.1 Scope and applicability
E.8.2 References
E.8.3 Definitions and abbreviations
E.8.4 Verification subject
E.8.5 Verification control document sheets
Annex F (normative) Test specification - Document
requirements definition (DRD)
F.1 Introduction
F.2 Scope and applicability
F.2.1 Scope
F.2.2 Applicability
F.3 References
F.3.1 Glossary and dictionary
F.3.2 Source Document
F.4 Definitions, abbreviations and symbols
F.4.1 Definitions
F.4.2 Abbreviations
F.5 Description and purpose
F.6 Application and interrelationship
F.7 Test specification preliminary elements
F.7.1 Title
F.7.2 Title page
F.7.3 Contents list
F.7.4 Foreword
F.7.5 Introduction
F.8 Content
F.8.1 Scope and applicability
F.8.2 References
F.8.3 Definitions and abbreviations
F.8.4 Requirements to be verified
F.8.5 Test approach
F.8.6 Test description
F.8.7 Test facility
F.8.8 Test sequence
F.8.9 Pass/fail criteria
F.8.10 Test documentation
F.8.11 Test organization
Annex G (normative) Test procedure - Document
requirements definition (DRD)
G.1 Introduction
G.2 Scope and applicability
G.2.1 Scope
G.2.2 Applicability
G.3 References
G.3.1 Glossary and dictionary
G.3.2 Source document
G.4 Definitions, abbreviations and symbols
G.4.1 Definitions
G.4.2 Abbreviations
G.5 Description and purpose
G.6 Application and interrelationship
G.7 Test procedure preliminary elements
G.7.1 Title
G.7.2 Title page
G.7.3 Contents list
G.7.4 Foreword
G.7.5 Introduction
G.8 Content
G.8.1 Scope and applicability
G.8.2 References
G.8.3 Definitions and abbreviations
G.8.4 Requirements to be verified
G.8.5 Test article
G.8.6 Test set-up
G.8.7 GSE required
G.8.8 Test equipment and instrumentation
G.8.9 Test facility
G.8.10 Test conditions
G.8.11 Documentation required
G.8.12 Participants
G.8.13 Test constraints and operations
G.8.14 Step-by-step procedure
Annex H (normative) Test report - Document
requirements definition (DRD)
H.1 Introduction
H.2 Scope and applicability
H.2.1 Scope
H.2.2 Applicability
H.3 References
H.3.1 Glossary and dictionary
H.3.2 Source document
H.4 Definitions, abbreviations and symbols
H.4.1 Definitions
H.4.2 Abbreviations
H.5 Description and purpose
H.6 Application and interrelationship
H.7 Test report preliminary elements
H.7.1 Title
H.7.2 Title page
H.7.3 Contents list
H.7.4 Foreword
H.7.5 Introduction
H.8 Content
H.8.1 Scope and applicability
H.8.2 References
H.8.3 Definitions and abbreviations
H.8.4 Test results
H.8.5 Anomalies
H.8.6 Conclusions
Annex I (normative) Analysis report - Document
requirements definition (DRD)
I.1 Introduction
I.2 Scope and applicability
I.2.1 Scope
I.2.2 Applicability
I.3 References
I.3.1 Glossary and dictionary
I.3.2 Source document
I.4 Definitions, abbreviations and symbols
I.4.1 Definitions
I.4.2 Abbreviations
I.5 Description and purpose
I.6 Application and interrelationship
I.7 Analysis report preliminary elements
I.7.1 Title
I.7.2 Title page
I.7.3 Contents list
I.7.4 Foreword
I.7.5 Introduction
I.8 Content
I.8.1 Scope and applicability
I.8.2 References
I.8.3 Definitions and abbreviations
I.8.4 Analysis approach
I.8.5 Assumptions
I.8.6 Analysis technique description
I.8.7 Analysis results
I.8.8 Conclusions
Annex J (normative) Review-of-design report - Document
requirements definition (DRD)
J.1 Introduction
J.2 Scope and applicability
J.2.1 Scope
J.2.2 Applicability
J.3 References
J.3.1 Glossary and dictionary
J.3.2 Source document
J.4 Definitions, abbreviations and symbols
J.4.1 Definitions
J.4.2 Abbreviations
J.5 Description and purpose
J.6 Application and interrelationship
J.7 ROD report preliminary elements
J.7.1 Title
J.7.2 Title page
J.7.3 Contents list
J.7.4 Foreword
J.7.5 Introduction
J.8 Content
J.8.1 Scope and applicability
J.8.2 References
J.8.3 Definitions and abbreviations
J.8.4 ROD summary
J.8.5 Conclusions
Annex K (normative) Inspection report - Document
requirements definition (DRD)
K.1 Introduction
K.2 Scope and applicability
K.2.1 Scope
K.2.2 Applicability
K.3 References
K.3.1 Glossary and dictionary
K.3.2 Source document
K.4 Definitions, abbreviations and symbols
K.4.1 Definitions
K.4.2 Abbreviations
K.5 Description and purpose
K.6 Application and interrelationship
K.7 Inspection report preliminary elements
K.7.1 Title
K.7.2 Title page
K.7.3 Contents list
K.7.4 Foreword
K.7.5 Introduction
K.8 Content
K.8.1 Scope and applicability
K.8.2 References
K.8.3 Definitions and abbreviations
K.8.4 Inspection summary
K.8.5 Inspected item
K.8.6 Conclusions
Annex L (normative) Verification report - Document
requirements definition (DRD)
L.1 Introduction
L.2 Scope and applicability
L.2.1 Scope
L.2.2 Applicability
L.3 References
L.3.1 Glossary and dictionary
L.3.2 Source document
L.4 Definitions, abbreviations and symbols
L.4.1 Definitions
L.4.2 Abbreviations
L.5 Description and purpose
L.6 Application and interrelationship
L.7 Verification report preliminary elements
L.7.1 Title
L.7.2 Title page
L.7.3 Contents list
L.7.4 Foreword
L.7.5 Introduction
L.8 Content
L.8.1 Scope and applicability
L.8.2 References
L.8.3 Definitions and abbreviations
L.8.4 Verification results
L.8.5 Conclusions
Covers the requirements for the verification of a space system product.
Committee |
DevelopmentNote |
Supersedes 03/311010 DC (01/2004)
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
SupersededBy | |
Supersedes |
This standard establishes the requirements for the verification of a space system product. It specifies the fundamental concepts of the verification process, the criteria for defining the verification strategy and the rules for the implementation of the verification programme. It includes also in annex A and B the description of the required documentation (i.e. DRDs) and some guidelines on specific aspects of the verification process such as the Model Philosophy definition.
Standards | Relationship |
DIN EN 14725:2005-01 | Identical |
NBN EN 14725 : 2004 | Identical |
EN 14725:2003 | Identical |
SN EN 14725 : 2004 | Identical |
I.S. EN 14725:2004 | Identical |
NF EN 14725 : 2004 | Identical |
NEN EN 14725 : 2004 | Identical |
UNI EN 14725 : 2004 | Identical |
NS EN 14725 : 1ED 2004 | Identical |
EN 13290-1:1999 | Space project management - General requirements - Part 1: Policy and principles |
EN 14097:2001 | Space product assurance - Nonconformance control system |
EN 13701:2001 | Space systems - Glossary of terms |
ISO 14620-1:2002 | Space systems Safety requirements Part 1: System safety |
EN 13290-4:2001 | Space project management - General requirements - Part 4: Project phasing and planning |
EN ISO 14620-1:2002 | Space systems - Safety requirements - Part 1: System safety (ISO 14620-1:2002) |
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