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BS 5944-4:1984



The latest, up-to-date edition.

Measurement of airborne noise from hydraulic fluid power systems and components Method of determining sound power levels from valves controlling flow and pressure

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0 Introduction
1 Scope
2 Definitions
3 Measurement uncertainty
4 Test environment
5 Instrumentation
6 Installation conditions for valve
7 Operating conditions
8 Location and number of sound measurement points
9 Test procedure
10 Calculation of valve mean sound pressure levels and
    sound power levels
11 Calculation of mean sound pressure level at a
    reference distance
12 Information to be recorded
13 Test report
14 Identification statement
A Guidance on valve instability and its detection
B Guidance on measuring in an anechoic chamber
C Errors and classes of measurement
1 Standard deviation of sound power level
2 Environmental qualification procedures
3 Flow settings
4 Pressure settings
5 Limit of variations in test conditions
6 Permissible systematic errors of measuring
    instruments as determined during calibration
1 Example of test installation in an anechoic chamber
2 Relationship between the reference box and
    hemispherical measurement surface
3 Coiling of return hose

Describes procedures for the determination of sound power levels of a hydraulic fluid power valve under controlled conditions of installation and operation, suitable for providing a basis for comparing the noise levels of valves.

Supersedes 83/72219 DC (09/2005) Reviewed and confirmed by BSI, February 2012. (01/2012)
British Standards Institution

This British Standard describes procedures for the deter-mination of the sound power levels of a hydraulic fluid power valve, under controlled conditions of installation and operation, suitable for providing a basis for comparing the noise levels of valves in terms of:

  1. A-weighted sound power level;
  2. octave band sound power levels.

From these sound power levels, reference sound pressure levels may be calculated for reporting purposes (see clause 11). For general purposes, the frequency range of interest includes the octave bands with centre frequencies between 125 Hz and 8000 Hz.

This method is applicable to all types of fluid power control valves operating with oil hydraulic fluids* under steady state conditions, irrespective of size or specific function, provided that the noise level measured is dominantly cavitation noise and the physical provisions of the method can be complied with.

The procedures described are intended to measure the airborne noise level obtainable from a valve installation representing good noise control practice, including valve casing noise and the noise radiated by flexible fluid lines immediately adjacent to the valve. Other systems depen¬dent factors are eliminated.

The measurement of valve noise due to instability is specifically excluded from the provisions of this standard. Guidance on valve stability and its detection is given in appendix A. Guidance is also given in appendix B on measuring in an anechoic chamber.

Accuracy of measurement is divided into three classes, A, B and C, which are explained in appendix C.

NOTE. The titles of the publications referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back cover.

* e.g. hydraulic fluid designations L-HH, L-HL, L-HM, L-HR, L-HV and L-HG only as classified in BS 6413 : Part 4.

BS 5944-5:1985 Measurement of airborne noise from hydraulic fluid power systems and components Simplified method of determining sound power levels from pumps using an anechoic chamber

ISO 2204:1979 Acoustics Guide to International Standards on the measurement of airborne acoustical noise and evaluation of its effects on human beings
BS 2511:1970 Methods for the determination of water (Karl Fischer method)
BS 4385:1980 Method for determination of water in petroleum products and bituminous materials (distillation method)
BS 4196-4:1981 Sound power levels of noise sources Engineering methods for determination of sound power levels for sources in free-field conditions over a reflecting plane
BS 4196-0:1981 Sound power levels of noise sources Guide for the use of basic standards and for the preparation of noise test codes
BS 4196-2:1981 Sound power levels of noise sources Precision methods for determination of sound power levels for discrete-frequency and narrow-band sources in reverberation rooms
BS 661:1969 Glossary of acoustical terms
BS 4196-5:1981 Sound power levels of noise sources Precision methods for determination of sound power levels for sources in anechoic and semi-anechoic rooms
BS 4196-3:1981 Sound power levels of noise sources Engineering methods for determination of sound power levels for sources in special reverberation test rooms
ISO 2944:2000 Fluid power systems and components — Nominal pressures
BS 5969:1981 Specification for sound level meters
BS 6413-4:1983 Lubricants, industrial oils and related products (class L) Classification for family H (hydraulic systems)

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