AS 2118.5-2008
The latest, up-to-date edition.
Automatic fire sprinkler systems Home fire sprinkler systems (Reconfirmed 2020)
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Specifies requirements for the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of automatic fire sprinkler systems for one and two family homes.
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0 7337 8640 5
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ProductNote |
Reconfirmed 25/09/2020.
This standard has been reconfirmed in Australia in 2020 and remains current in New Zealand. Reconfirmation Notice 25/09/2020 |
PublisherName |
Standards Australia
Status |
Supersedes |
This Standard specifies minimum requirements for the components, design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of automatic home fire sprinkler systems for one- and two-family homes. It provides two options, namely an independent piping system serving fire sprinklers only or a combined piping system serving both the fire sprinklers and the domestic plumbing fixtures.This Standard is intended to provide a degree of life safety and property protection for the occupants of one- and two-family homes as follows:(a) Single dwellings, detached houses.(b) Terrace houses, townhouses, villa units (multiple adjoining dwellings which are separated by fire rated walls).(c) Moveable or relocatable dwellings.(d) Cabins.(e) ‘Granny’ flats.This Standard does not apply to residential occupancies covered by AS 2118.1 (general systems) and AS 2118.4 (residential systems).NOTES: 1 This Standard provides minimum requirements; however, in certain circumstances, such as concealed spaces used for storage purposes, extended protection may be considered. Guidance on optional additional protection is given in Appendix A.2 The installation of smoke alarms forms an integral part of the requirements of this Standard.3 The design criteria in this Standard are aimed at maintaining survival conditions for a period of at least 10 min during which it is assumed that evacuation will be accomplished.4 Consumer information is provided in Appendix B.5 Guide to function and benefits of home sprinklers is provided in Appendix C.6 Information on maintenance is given in Appendix D.
First published as AS2118.5-1995. (DOMESTIC SPRINKLERS) Second edition 2008.
ATS 5200.420-2005 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Trap-priming valves |
ATS 5200.105-2005 | |
ATS 5200.037.1-2006 | |
ATS 5200.053-2006 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Stainless steel pipes and tubes |
ATS 5200.482-2006 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Soil waste dump fitting |
AS 2118.1-1999 | Automatic fire sprinkler systems General requirements |
ATS 5200.477-2006 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Rainwater/mains supply changeover devices |
ATS 5200.017-2005 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Cistern outlet valves |
ATS 5200.101-2005 | Appliances (low hazard rating) |
ATS 5200.014-2004 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products - Jointing materials |
ATS 5200.047-2005 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Self-sealing devices |
ATS 5200.461-2004 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Stainless steel tubes and mechanical compression fittings for pressure applications |
ATS 5200.006-2005 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Reflux valves - Sewerage |
ATS 5200.021-2004 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Flushing valves for water closets and urinals - for use with break tank supply |
ATS 5200.467-2004 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Rainwater tank connection valve |
ATS 5200.046-2005 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Diversion systems - Wash down and first flush |
ATS 5200.042-2004 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products - Roll-grooved jointing systems |
ATS 5200.040-2005 | Waste pipe connection outlets and gratings, separate or integral |
ATS 5200.007-2004 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products - Water hammer arrestors |
ATS 5200.475-2006 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Heated Water Systems - Cold water recovery device |
ATS 5200.460-2005 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Grey water diversion device (GWDD) |
ATS 5200.051-2005 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Bidet douche seats |
AS/NZS 3500.1:2003 | Plumbing and drainage Water services |
ATS 5200.999-2005 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Developing technical specifications |
ATS 5200.004-2005 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Urinal flushing cisterns |
ATS 5200.466-2004 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products - Rainwater tank connection devices |
ATS 5200.481-2006 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Thermal switching valves |
ATS 5200.472-2006 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Heated water system recirculation device |
ATS 5200.463-2005 | Positive air pressure attenuator |
ATS 5200.479-2006 | Flood stop safety valve |
AS/NZS 3000:2007 | Electrical installations (known as the Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules) |
AS 4118.1.3-1995 | Fire sprinkler systems Components - Water motor alarms (Reconfirmed 2013) |
HB 147-2000 | Sprinklers Simplified |
AS 4118.1.2-1996 | Fire sprinkler systems Components - Alarm valves (wet) (Reconfirmed 2013) |
ATS 5200.471-2005 | Technical specification for plumbing and drainage products Stainless steel tubes and mechanical compression fittings for pressure applications - Alternative systems |
ATS 5200.030-2007 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Solenoid valves |
ATS 5200.026-2004 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Cold water storage tanks |
AS 2118.1-2006 | Automatic fire sprinkler systems General systems |
ATS 5200.016-2005 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Cistern inlet valves |
ATS 5200.459-2004 | |
ATS 5200.490-2007 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Cross-linked polyethylene/ aluminium/polyethylene-composite pipe systems for pressure applications (Reconfirmed 2018) |
ATS 5200.458-2004 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Universal transition fitting |
ATS 5200.476-2006 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Heated water systems - Leak protection device |
AS 4118.2.1-1995 | Fire sprinkler systems Piping - General (Reconfirmed 2013) |
ATS 5200.485-2006 | Pressure compensating tank |
AS 5200.000-2006 | Technical specification for plumbing and drainage products Procedures for certification of plumbing and drainage products (Reconfirmed 2018) |
ATS 5200.052-2005 | Metallic-bodied inlet pressure control valves greater than DN 50 |
ATS 5200.050-2005 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Prefabricated bathroom modules |
ATS 5200.104-2005 | Appliances (miscellaneous) |
AS 4118.1.8-1999 | Fire sprinkler systems Components - Pressure-reducing valves (Reconfirmed 2013) |
ATS 5200.033-2004 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Spraying apparatus/dispensing units with the option of chemical additions - Hose connected |
AS 3786-1993 | Smoke alarms |
ATS 5200.468-2005 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Hot water systems - Recirculation valves |
ATS 5200.028-2004 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products - Commercial food waste disposal unit |
ATS 5200.464-2004 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products - Hot water manual or sensor-activated pumping systems |
ATS 5200.037.2-2005 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Flow controllers - For use in heated or cold water plumbing systems |
AS 4118.1.5-1996 | Fire sprinkler systems Components - Deluge and pre-action valves (Reconfirmed 2013) |
AS 1210 SUPP 2-1999 | Pressure vessels - Cold-stretched austenitic stainless steel vessels (Supplement to AS 1210-1997) |
AS 4118.1.6-1995 | Fire sprinkler systems Components - Stop valves and non-return valves (Reconfirmed 2013) |
AS 4118.1.4-1994 | Fire sprinkler systems Components - Valve monitors (Reconfirmed 2013) |
AS 1210 SUPP 1-1990 | |
AS 4118.1.1-1996 | Fire sprinkler systems Components - Sprinklers and sprayers (Reconfirmed 2013) |
AS 1210-1997 | Pressure vessels |
AS 4118.1.7-1996 | Fire sprinkler systems Components - Alarm valves (dry) (Reconfirmed 2013) |
ATS 5200.469-2005 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Waterless or limited flush urinals - With an integral sealing device |
ATS 5200.453-2004 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Heated water systems - Thermostatic circulation valve |
AS 1670.6-1997 | Fire detection, warning, control and intercom systems - System design, installation and commissioning Smoke alarms |
ATS 5200.103-2004 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products - Water treatment systems (other than those specified in AS/NZS 3497) |
AS 2118.10-1995 | Automatic fire sprinkler systems Approval documentation (Reconfirmed 2013) |
ATS 5200.478-2006 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Cross-linked polyethylene/Aluminium/Cross-linked polyethylene macro-composite pipe systems for pressure applications |
ATS 5200.020-2004 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Flushing valves for water closets and urinals - for use with mains supply |
ATS 5200.012-2005 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products In-line valves for use in plumbing water supply systems - Miscellaneous types metallic and non-metallic |
AS 1851-2012 | Routine service of fire protection systems and equipment |
AS 2118.1:2017 | Automatic fire sprinkler systems General systems |
AS 1940:2017 | The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids |
AS/NZS 3500.1:2018 | Plumbing and drainage Water Services |
AS/NZS 2243.8:2014 | Safety in laboratories Fume cupboards |
AS 2714-2008 | The storage and handling of organic peroxides (Reconfirmed 2021) |
AS 2941-2013 | Fixed fire protection installations - Pumpset systems |
AS 4809:2017 | Copper pipe and fittings - Installation and commissioning |
AS/NZS 3084:2017 | Telecommunications installations - Telecommunications pathways and spaces for commercial buildings |
AS/NZS 3007:2013 | Electrical equipment in mines and quarries - Surface installations and associated processing plant |
AS/NZS 2293.1:2018 | Emergency lighting and exit signs for buildings System design, installation and operation |
ATS 5200.486-2008 | Technical Specification for plumbing and drainage products Sprinklers for home applications |
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