AS 1670.3-2004
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Fire detection, warning, control and intercom systems - System design, installation and commissioning - Fire alarm monitoring
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Specifies requirements for the connection between the monitored fire alarm system and the fire dispatch centre and includes the requirements for the monitoring equipment.
Committee |
DocumentType |
0 7337 5877 0
Pages |
PublisherName |
Standards Australia
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SupersededBy | |
Supersedes | |
UnderRevision |
This Standard sets out requirements for the monitoring of fire alarm systems except where existing systems operated by a fire service are permitted by State and Territory regulations. The Standard specifies the requirements for the connection between the monitored fire alarm system and the fire dispatch centre and includes requirements for the monitoring equipment (see Figure 1).
First published as AS 1670.3-1997.
Second edition 2004.
AS 3011.2-1992 | Electrical installations - Secondary batteries installed in buildings Sealed cells |
AS 3011.1-1992 | Electrical installations - Secondary batteries installed in buildings - Vented cells Vented cells |
AS 60870.4-1998 | Telecontrol equipment and systems Performance requirements |
AS 2484.2-1991 | Fire - Glossary of terms Fire protection and firefighting equipment (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 60870.5.5-1998 | Telecontrol equipment and systems Transmission protocols - Basic application functions |
AS 4418.2-2000 | Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) - Generic telecommunications interface and protocol Fire alarm systems (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 60870.5.2-1998 | Telecontrol equipment and systems Transmission protocols - Link transmission procedures |
AS/NZS 3833:2007 | The storage and handling of mixed classes of dangerous goods, in packages and intermediate bulk containers |
AS 2118.3-2010 | Automatic fire sprinkler systems Deluge systems |
AS 2118.1:2017 | Automatic fire sprinkler systems General systems |
AS 1940:2017 | The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids |
AS 4326-2008 | The storage and handling of oxidizing agents (Reconfirmed 2024) |
AS 2118.2-2010 | Automatic fire sprinkler systems Drencher systems |
AS 4418.2-2000 | Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) - Generic telecommunications interface and protocol Fire alarm systems (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 1940-2004 | The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids |
AS/NZS 3000:2007 | Electrical installations (known as the Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules) |
AS 3007.3-2004 | Electrical installations - Surface mines and associated processing plant General requirements for equipment and ancillaries |
AS 2118.6-2012 | Automatic fire sprinkler systems Combined sprinkler and hydrant systems in multistorey buildings |
AS 2118.1-2006 | Automatic fire sprinkler systems General systems |
AS 1851-2005 | Maintenance of Fire Protection Systems and Equipment |
AS/NZS 3000:2018 (Unamended Hardcopy + Amendments) | Electrical installations (known as the Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules) |
AS/NZS 3007:2013 | Electrical equipment in mines and quarries - Surface installations and associated processing plant |
AS 1670.1-2004 | Fire detection, warning, control and intercom systems - System design, installation and commissioning Fire |
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