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AS 1289.3.6.3:2020



The latest, up-to-date edition.

Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil classification tests - Determination of the particle size distribution of a soil - Standard method of fine analysis using an hydrometer

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The objective of this Standard is to establish a method for the quantitative determination of the particle size distribution in a soil using an hydrometer.

978 1 76072 794 9
Standards Australia

This Standard sets out a method for the quantitative determination of the particle size distribution in a soil from a coarse sand size down, using an hydrometer for particles finer than the 75 µm sieve (see Clause 9 Note 1).
The method as described is applicable if —
(a) more than 10 % of the material passes the 75 µm sieve as measured in AS 1289.3.6.1; and
(b) only an ASTM 152H hydrometer conforming to ASTM E100 is used. A method for calibrating an hydrometer is set out in Appendix B.

Originated as part of AS A89-1966.
Revised and redesignated as AS 1289.C.6.3-1977.
Revised and redesignated as AS 1289.3.6.3-1994.
Second edition 2003.
Third edition 2020.

AS 1289.0:2014 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Definitions and general requirements
ASTM D 422 : 1963 : R2007 : EDT 2 Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils (Withdrawn 2016)
AS 1289.3.5.1-2006 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil classification tests - Determination of the soil particle density of a soil - Standard method (Reconfirmed 2025)
AS 1289.2.1.1-2005 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil moisture content tests - Determination of the moisture content of a soil - Oven drying method (standard method)
AS 1289.1.1-2001 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Sampling and preparation of soils - Preparation of disturbed soil samples for testing
AS 1289.3.6.1-2009 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil classification tests - Determination of the particle size distribution of a soil - Standard method of analysis by sieving (Reconfirmed 2022)
ASTM E 100 : 2019 Standard Specification for ASTM Hydrometers
AS 1289.4.1.1:2019 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil chemical tests - Determination of the organic matter content of a soil - Normal method
BS 1377-2:1990 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes Classification tests
BS 1377-3:1990 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes Chemical and electro-chemical tests

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