PREN ISO 19905-1 : DRAFT 2009
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.

1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Abbreviated terms and symbols
4.1 Abbreviated terms
4.2 Symbols used in Clause 8
4.3 Symbols used in Clause 9
4.4 Symbols used in Clause 10
4.5 Symbols used in Clause 12
4.6 Symbols used in Clause 13
5 Overall considerations
5.1 General
5.2 Assessment approach
5.3 Selection of limit states
5.4 Determination of assessment situations
5.5 Exposure levels
5.6 Analytical tools
6 Data to be assembled for each site
6.1 Applicability
6.2 Rig data
6.3 Site data
6.4 Metocean data
6.5 Geophysical and geotechnical data
6.6 Earthquake data
7 Actions
7.1 Applicability
7.2 General
7.3 Metocean actions
7.4 Functional actions
7.5 Displacement dependent effects
7.6 Dynamic effects
7.7 Earthquakes
7.8 Other actions
8 Structural modelling
8.1 Applicability
8.2 Overall considerations
8.3 Modelling the leg
8.4 Modelling the hull
8.5 Modelling the leg/hull connection
8.6 Modelling the spudcan and foundation
8.7 Mass modelling
8.8 Application of actions
9 Foundations
9.1 Applicability
9.2 General
9.3 Geotechnical analysis of independent leg foundations
9.4 Other considerations
10 Structural response
10.1 Applicability
10.2 General considerations
10.3 Types of analyses and associated methods
10.4 Common parameters
10.5 Storm analysis
10.6 Fatigue
10.7 Earthquake
10.8 Accidental situations
10.9 Alternative analysis methods
11 Long-term applications
11.1 Applicability
11.2 Assessment data
11.3 Special requirements
11.4 Survey requirements
12 Structural strength
12.1 Applicability
12.2 Classification of member cross-sections
12.3 Section properties
12.4 Effects of axial force on bending moment
12.5 Strength of tubular members
12.6 Strength of prismatic members
12.7 Assessment of joints
13 Acceptance criteria
13.1 Applicability
13.2 General formulation
13.3 Leg strength
13.4 Spudcan strength
13.5 Holding system strength
13.6 Hull elevation
13.7 Leg length reserve
13.8 Overturning stability
13.9 Foundation Integrity
13.10 Temperatures
Annex A (informative) - Recommendations and information
A.1 Scope
A.2 Normative references
A.3 Terms and definitions
A.4 Symbols
A.5 Overall considerations
A.6 Data to be assembled for each site
A.7 Actions
A.8 Structural modelling
A.9 Foundations
A.10 Structural response
A.11 Long-term applications
A.12 Structural strength
A.13 Acceptance checks
Annex B (normative) - Summary of partial action and
resistance factors
Annex C (informative) - Structural modelling and response
analysis - additional information
C.1 Guidance on 8.5: Modelling the leg/hull
C.2 Guidance on A. General
C.3 Guidance on A. Variability in natural period
C.4 Guidance on A. SDOF hysteretic damping
C.5 Guidance on A. Methods for determining
the MPME
Annex D (informative) - Foundations: Recommendations for the
acquisition of site specific geotechnical data
D.1 Recommendations for the acquisition of
site specific geotechnical data
Annex E (informative) - Foundations: Additional information
and alternative approaches
E.1 Guidance on A. Penetration in clays - bearing
capacity factors of Houlsby and Martin
E.2 Guidance on A. Penetration in silica sands
E.3 Guidance on A. Punch-through on: Sand
overlying clay: further details on alternate methods
Annex F (informative) - Informative annex on A.12: Structural
F.1 Guidance on A. Axial compressive column
buckling strength
F.2 Guidance on A. The interaction equation
approach - determination of eta
F.3 Guidance on A. The interaction surface approach
Annex G (informative) - Contents list for typical site assessment
G.1 General
G.2 Jack-up and location:
G.3 Data check:
G.4 Site assessment results summary
G.5 Jack-up data:
G.7 Arrangements at location
G.9 Metocean conditions
G.11 Site investigation
G.12 Site hazards
G.13 Soils
G.14 Analysis path/route/assumptions
G.16 Spudcan fixity used in analysis
G.18 Earthquake analysis
G.19 Accidental situations
G.20 Intermediate results
G.21 Analysis results (utilisation checks)
Describes requirements and guidance for the site-specific assessment of independent leg jack-up units for use in the petroleum and natural gas industries.
Committee |
TC 12
DocumentType |
PublisherName |
Comite Europeen de Normalisation
Status |
Standards | Relationship |
DIN EN ISO 19905-1:2015-12 (Draft) | Identical |
09/30210211 DC : 0 | Identical |
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