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NBN EN 61373 : 2010



The latest, up-to-date edition.


Published date


1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Definitions
4 General
5 Order of testing
6 Reference information required by the test house
      6.1 Method of mounting and orientation of equipment
             under test
      6.2 Reference and control points
             6.2.1 Fixing point
             6.2.2 Control point
             6.2.3 Reference point
             6.2.4 Response point (measuring points)
      6.3 Mechanical state and functioning during test
             6.3.1 Mechanical state
             6.3.2 Functional tests
             6.3.3 Performance tests
      6.4 Reproducibility for random vibration tests
             6.4.1 Acceleration spectral density (ASD)
             6.4.2 Root Mean Square Value (r.m.s.)
             6.4.3 Probability density function (PDF)
             6.4.4 Duration
      6.5 Measuring tolerances
      6.6 Recovery
7 Initial measurements and preconditioning
8 Random vibration test conditions
      8.1 Test severity and frequency range
      8.2 Duration of functional vibration tests
      8.3 Functioning during test
9 Simulated long life testing at increased random
      vibration levels
      9.1 Test severity and frequency range
      9.2 Duration of accelerated vibration tests
10 Shock testing conditions
      10.1 Pulse shape and tolerance
      10.2 Velocity changes
      10.3 Mounting
      10.4 Repetition rate
      10.5 Test severity, pulse shape and direction
      10.6 Number of shocks
      10.7 Functioning during test
11 Transportation and handling
12 Final measurements
13 Acceptance criteria
14 Report
15 Attestation of testing
16 Disposal
Annex A (informative) Explanation of service measurements,
                      measuring positions, methods of
                      recording service data, summary of
                      service data, and method used to
                      obtain random test levels from
                      acquired service data
Annex B (informative) Guidance for deriving design levels
                      from random vibration test data
Annex C (informative) Figure identifying general location
                      of equipment on railway vehicles and
                      their resulting test category
Annex D (informative) Example of type test attestation
Annex ZA (normative) Normative references to international
                     publications with their corresponding
                     European publications

Definisce requisiti per provare attrezzatura per uso su ferrovia I veicoli hanno sottoposto successivamente a vibrazioni e colpo dovuto a lo Natura dell'ambiente operativo.

Belgian Standards

Standards Relationship
BS EN 61373:2010 Identical
EN 61373:2010/AC:2017-09 Identical
I.S. EN 61373:2010 Identical
NF EN 61373 : 2011 Identical
IEC 61373:2010 Identical
SN EN 61373 : 2010 COR 2017 Identical
DIN EN 61373 : 2011 COR 1 2018 Identical

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