I.S. EN 60255-1-00:1999
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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For Harmonized Standards, check the EU site to confirm that the Standard is cited in the Official Journal.
Only cited Standards give presumption of conformance to New Approach Directives/Regulations.
National foreword
Cooperating organizations
1 General
1.1 Scope
1.2 Object
2 Terms and definitions
2.1 Fundamental terms
2.2 Terms relating to energization (input and
2.3 Terms relating to conditions and operation of a
2.4 Terms relating to influencing quantities or factors
2.5 Terms relating to contact circuits
2.6 Terms relating to times
2.7 Terms relating to accuracy, applicable to a given
specified-time relay
3 Recommended values
3.1 Energizing quantities
3.2 Contact circuits
3.3 Specified times
3.4 Influencing quantities and factors
3.5 Recommended values of intermittent periodic duty
3.6 Recommended values of the dielectric test voltages
3.7 Recommended values for surge voltage tests
4 Permissible maximum temperatures
4.1 Permissible maximum temperatures of relay parts
4.2 Conditions for assessing maximum temperatures
5 Accuracy of the specified times
5.1 General
5.2 Methods of determining the errors relating to the
specified time
6 Mechanical durability
7 Contact performance
8 Rated burden (power)
9 Clearance and creepage distances
10 Test methods
10.1 General test conditions (under consideration)
10.2 Energizing quantities
10.3 Dielectric tests
10.4 Surge voltage tests
10.5 Temperature rise of energizing circuits
10.6 Accuracy
10.7 Mechanical durability
10.8 Contact performance
10.9 Rated burden (power)
10.10 Insulation resistance
10.11 Environmental conditions (under consideration)
11 Data and marking
11.1 General
11.2 Requirements for marking
Appendix A Explanatory notes
Appendix B Notes concerning the accuracy of relays
Appendix C Requirements relating to the insulation of
electrical relays and appropriate insulating
Gives standard values relating to energising quantities and to influencing quantities.
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
National Standards Authority of Ireland
Status |
SupersededBy |
Standards | Relationship |
EN 60255-1-00 : 1997 | Identical |
UNE-EN 60255-1-00:1997 | Identical |
BS EN 60255-1-00:1997 | Identical |
IEC 60255-1-00:1975 | Identical |
DIN EN 60255-1-00 : 1997 | Identical |
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