BS 7639:1993
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Short-circuit current calculation in three-phase a.c. systems
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Committees responsible
National foreword
1 Scope
2 Object
3 Definitions
4 Symbols, subscripts and superscripts
4.1 Symbols
4.2 Subscripts
4.3 Superscripts
5 Calculation assumptions
6 Equivalent voltage source at the short-circuit
Section one - Systems with short-circuit currents having
no a.c. component decay (far-from-
generator short circuits)
7 General
8 Short-circuit parameters
8.1 Balanced short circuit
8.2 Unbalanced short circuit
8.3 Short-circuit impedances
8.4 Conversion of impedances, currents and voltages
9 Calculation of short-circuit currents
9.1 Calculation method for balanced short circuits
9.2 Calculation method for line-to-line and line-to-
earth short circuits
9.3 The minimum short-circuit currents
Section two - Systems with the short-circuit currents
having decaying a.c. components (near-to-
generator short circuits)
10 General
11 Short-circuit parameters
11.1 General
11.2 Balanced short circuit
11.3 Unbalanced short circuit
11.4 Equivalent voltage source at the short-circuit
11.5 Short-circuit impedances
12 Calculation of short-circuit currents
12.1 General
12.2 Calculation method for balanced short circuits
12.3 Calculation method for line-to-line and line-to-
earth short circuits
12.4 The minimum short-circuit currents
13 Influence of motors
13.1 Synchronous motors and synchronous compensators
13.2 Asynchronous motors
13.3 Static converter fed drives
14 Consideration of non-rotating loads and capacitors
14.1 Parallel capacitors
14.2 Series capacitors
A Calculation of short-circuit currents, examples
National annexes
NA (informative) Original IEC text amended by CENELEC
common modifications
NB (informative) Cross-references
Specifies a procedure for the calculation of systems operating at 50 Hz or 60 Hz with nominal voltage up to 380 kV.
Committee |
DevelopmentNote |
Implementation of HD 533 S1
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
SupersededBy |
PD 7639-1:1994 | Short-circuit current calculation in three-phase a.c. systems Factors for the calculation of short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c. systems according to BS 7639 |
BS 7638:1993 | Application guide for calculation of short-circuit currents in low-voltage radial systems |
PD 7639-2:1994 | Short-circuit current calculation in three-phase a.c. systems Data for electrical equipment for short-circuit current calculations in accordance with BS 7639 |
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