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BS 5703-1:1980



A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.

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Guide to data analysis and quality control using cusum techniques Introduction to cusum charting

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Superseded date


Superseded by

BS 5703-1:2003



Published date


Cooperating organizations
Section one. General
0 Introduction
1 Scope and general principles
2 References
3 Symbols and terminology
Section two. Preparation for cusum charting
4 Notation
5 Choice of target value (T)
6 Types of variation
7 Measures of variation
8 Scaling the chart
9 Worked example
Section three. Presentation and interpretation
10 Check list of cusum preliminaries
11 Presentation
12 Choice of chart origin
13 Calculation of local averages
14 Replotting the cusum chart
15 Examples of replotting and calculation of local
16 Interpretation and diagnosis
17 Worked example: control of departmental expenditure
A Interpretation and diagnosis of artificially
    generated series
B Measures of variation
C Summary of formulae
D Manhattan diagrams
1 Data for cusum plotting
2 Data from table 1 standardized on estimate of 2.05
    for sigma e
3 Textile process productivity data
4 Strength data for plastics material
5 Factors for converting mean range to an estimate of
    standard deviation, sigma = R/dn
1 Conventional chart of data from table 1
2 Cusum chart of data from table 1
3 Cusum chart of data from table 1 with target value
4 Cusum chart of data from table 1 with target value
    15 but compressed cusum scale
5 Cusum chart for data of table 1 using plotting
    convention of 8.2
6 Standardized cusum chart. Data of table 1
7 Construction of cusum protractor (slope guide)
8 Cusum chart of productivity data (table 3)
9 Replotted cusum chart
10 Cusum chart for data of table 4
11 Replotted cusum chart for data of table 4
12 Cusum chart of administration expenditure on outside
    clerical and punching bureaux
13 Conventional chart of typical normal series mu = 0,
    sigma = 1
14 Cusum chart of typical normal series T = 0, (mu = 0,
    sigma = 1)
15 Conventional chart of negative exponential
    observations (mu = 1, sigma = 1)
16 Cusum chart of negative exponential observations
    (T = 1, mu = 1, sigma = 1)
17 Conventional chart of normally distributed data with
    changes in mean
18 Cusum chart of nomally distributed data with changes
    in mean T = 0, sigma = 1
19 Conventional chart of normal series with trend of
    0.05 per sample intervals
20 Cusum chart of normal series with various serial
21 Conventional charts of normal series with various
    serial correlations
22 Cusum charts of normal series with various serial
    correlations T = 0, sigma = 1
23 Conventional charts of normal series with various
    values of sigma
24 Cusum charts of normal series with various values of
25 Conventional chart of normal series with outliers
26 Cusum chart of normal series with outliers
27 Cusum chart with Manhattan diagram

Introduces the principles of cusum techniques and includes the preparation, charting, presentation and interpretation of data, with worked examples.

British Standards Institution

DD ENV ISO 13530:1999 Water quality. Guide to analytical quality control for water analysis
BS 903-2:1997 Physical testing of rubber Guide to the application of statistics to rubber testing
BS 5703-4:1982 Guide to data analysis and quality control using cusum techniques Cusums for counted/attributes data
BS 3843-3:1992 Guide to terotechnology (the economic management of assets) Guide to the available techniques
BS 6497:1984 Specification for powder organic coatings for application and stoving to hot-dip galvanized hot-rolled steel sections and preformed steel sheet for windows and associated external architectural purposes, and for the finish on galvanized steel sections and preformed sheet coated with powder organic coatings
BS 6143:1981 Guide to the determination and use of quality related costs
BS 5703-3:1981 Guide to data analysis and quality control using cusum techniques Cusum methods for process/quality control by measurement
BS 0-3:1991 A standard for standards Guide to drafting and presentation of British Standards
BS 2846-1:1991 Guide to statistical interpretation of data Routine analysis of quantitative data
PD 3542:1991 The role of standards in company quality management
BS 6143-2:1990 Guide to the economics of quality Prevention, appraisal and failure model
BS 6476:1984 Guide to garment quality and relevant British Standards
BS 4842:1984 Specification for liquid organic coatings for application to aluminium alloy extrusions, sheet and preformed sections for external architectural purposes, and for the finish on aluminium alloy extrusions, sheet and preformed sections coated with liquid organic coatings
BS 5700:1984 Guide to process control using quality control chart methods and cusum techniques

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