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AS 2661-1983



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Vapour degreasing plant - Design, installation and operation - Safety requirements

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Sets out safety requirements for the design, construction and installation of vapour degreasing plant with or without ultrasonic agitation. Provides also recommended methods for the safe operation of such plant and prescribes the inspection and maintenance procedures relevant to the safety of persons. Appendices cover a recommended method for plant cleaning, and first aid in emergencies. It does not cover surface treatment processes or aqueous or alkaline degreasing.

0 7262 3188 6
Standards Australia

This standard sets out the requirements for the safe operation of vapour degreasing plant. It includes requirements for design, construction, installation and operation of such plant where they are related to the safety of personnel and equipment.

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AS 2106-1980 Methods for the determination of the flashpoint of flammable liquids (closed cup)
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AS 1375-1985 Industrial fuel-fired appliances (known as the SAA Industrial Fuel-fired Appliances Code)
AS 2626-1983 Industrial safety belts and harnesses - Selection, use and maintenance
AS/NZS 1715:1994 Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective devices
AS 1319-1994 Safety signs for the occupational environment (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 1470-1986 Health and safety at work - Principles and practices
AS/NZS 2243.2:2006 Safety in laboratories Chemical aspects
AS 1345-1995 Identification of the contents of pipes, conduits and ducts (Reconfirmed 2018)
AS 1891-1983 Industrial safety belts and harnesses
AS 1853-1983 Automatic oil and gas burners - Mechanical draught
AS CB18.1-1967 Design, fabrication, installation and inspection of pressure piping (known as the SAA Pressure Piping Code) Ferrous piping
AS 1210-1997 Pressure vessels
AS/NZS 2243.1:2005 Safety in laboratories Planning and operational aspects
AS/NZS 1337:1992 Eye protectors for industrial applications

AS/NZS 2243.6:2010 Safety in laboratories Plant and equipment aspects
AS 1470-1986 Health and safety at work - Principles and practices
AS 1627.1-2003 Metal finishing - Preparation and pretreatment of surfaces Removal of oil, grease and related contamination (Reconfirmed 2017)
AS 2243.6-1990 Safety in laboratories - Mechanical aspects
AS 2871-1988 Solvents - 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (inhibited)

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