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UNE-EN 1459-2:2016



A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.

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Rough-terrain trucks - Safety requirements and verification - Part 2: Slewing variable-reach trucks

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Spanish, Castilian, English

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CTN 58/SC 4
Asociacion Espanola de Normalizacion

Standards Relationship
EN 1459-2:2015 Identical

ISO 3449:2005 Earth-moving machinery — Falling-object protective structures — Laboratory tests and performance requirements
EN ISO 2860:2008 Earth-moving machinery - Minimum access dimensions (ISO 2860:1992)
ISO 10532:1995 Earth-moving machinery Machine-mounted retrieval device Performance requirements
EN ISO 3164:2013 Earth-moving machinery - Laboratory evaluations of protective structures - Specifications for deflection-limiting volume (ISO 3164:2013)
ISO 3164:2013 Earth-moving machinery — Laboratory evaluations of protective structures — Specifications for deflection-limiting volume
ISO 10263-5:2009 Earth-moving machinery — Operator enclosure environment — Part 5: Windscreen defrosting system test method
ISO 4302:2016 Cranes — Wind load assessment
EN ISO 6683:2008 Earth-moving machinery - Seat belts and seat belt anchorages - Performance requirements and tests (ISO 6683:2005)
ISO 13333:1994 Earth-moving machinery Dumper body support and operator's cab tilt support devices
ISO/TR 11688-1:1995 Acoustics Recommended practice for the design of low-noise machinery and equipment Part 1: Planning
ISO 15817:2012 Earth-moving machinery — Safety requirements for remote operator control systems
ISO 7096:2000 Earth-moving machinery Laboratory evaluation of operator seat vibration
ISO 3411:2007 Earth-moving machinery Physical dimensions of operators and minimum operator space envelope
ISO 6683:2005 Earth-moving machinery Seat belts and seat belt anchorages Performance requirements and tests
EN ISO 3449:2008 Earth-moving machinery - Falling-object protective structures - Laboratory tests and performance requirements (ISO 3449:2005)
EN ISO 3411:2007 Earth-moving machinery - Physical dimensions of operators and minimum operator space envelope (ISO 3411:2007)
EN ISO 3457:2008 Earth-moving machinery - Guards - Definitions and requirements (ISO 3457:2003)
ISO 22915-20:2008 Industrial trucks — Verification of stability — Part 20: Additional stability test for trucks operating in the special condition of offset load, offset by utilization
ISO 13732-1:2006 Ergonomics of the thermal environment — Methods for the assessment of human responses to contact with surfaces — Part 1: Hot surfaces
ISO 5353:1995 Earth-moving machinery, and tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry Seat index point
ISO 4413:2010 Hydraulic fluid power General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components
ISO 12508:1994 Earth-moving machinery Operator station and maintenance areas Bluntness of edges
EN ISO 13850:2015 Safety of machinery - Emergency stop function - Principles for design (ISO 13850:2015)
ISO 22915-10:2008 Industrial trucks — Verification of stability — Part 10: Additional stability test for trucks operating in the special condition of stacking with load laterally displaced by powered devices
ISO 21507:2010 Earth-moving machinery Performance requirements for non-metallic fuel tanks
ISO 11862:1993 Earth-moving machinery — Auxiliary starting aid electrical connector
EN ISO 13857:2008 Safety of machinery - Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being reached by upper and lower limbs (ISO 13857:2008)
ISO 12509:2004 Earth-moving machinery — Lighting, signalling and marking lights, and reflex-reflector devices
EN ISO 11688-2:2000 Acoustics - Recommended practice for the design of low-noise machinery and equipment - Part 2: Introduction to the physics of low-noise design (ISO/TR 11688-2:1998)
ISO 6011:2003 Earth-moving machinery — Visual display of machine operation
ISO 10896-1:2012 Rough-terrain trucks Safety requirements and verification Part 1: Variable-reach trucks
ISO 12100:2010 Safety of machinery — General principles for design — Risk assessment and risk reduction
EN 12895:2015 Industrial trucks - Electromagnetic compatibility
EN 1175-2:1998+A1:2010 Safety of industrial trucks - Electrical requirements - Part 2: General requirements of internal combustion engine powered trucks
ISO 3795:1989 Road vehicles, and tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry — Determination of burning behaviour of interior materials
EN ISO 13732-1:2008 Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Methods for the assessment of human responses to contact with surfaces - Part 1: Hot surfaces (ISO 13732-1:2006)
EN ISO 5353:1998 Earth-moving machinery, and tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry - Seat index point (ISO 5353:1995)
ISO 10263-3:2009 Earth-moving machinery — Operator enclosure environment — Part 3: Pressurization test method
ISO 3471:2008 Earth-moving machinery — Roll-over protective structures — Laboratory tests and performance requirements
ISO 22915-24:2015 Industrial trucks Verification of stability Part 24: Slewing variable-reach rough-terrain trucks
ISO 2860:1992 Earth-moving machinery — Minimum access dimensions
EN 15830:2012 Rough-terrain variable reach trucks - Visibility - Test methods and verification
EN 1459-3:2015 Rough-terrain trucks - Safety requirements and verification - Part 3: Interface between the variable-reach truck and the work platform
ISO 5006:2017 Earth-moving machinery — Operator's field of view — Test method and performance criteria
IEC 60529:1989+AMD1:1999+AMD2:2013 CSV Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)
ISO 4305:2014 Mobile cranes — Determination of stability
EN 842:1996+A1:2008 Safety of machinery - Visual danger signals - General requirements, design and testing
EN 13309:2010 Construction machinery - Electromagnetic compatibility of machines with internal power supply
EN ISO 4414:2010 Pneumatic fluid power - General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components (ISO 4414:2010)
ISO 10263-2:2009 Earth-moving machinery — Operator enclosure environment — Part 2: Air filter element test method
ISO 3457:2003 Earth-moving machinery — Guards — Definitions and requirements
EN ISO 3471:2008 Earth-moving machinery - Roll-over protective structures - Laboratory tests and performance requirements (ISO 3471:2008)
ISO 13857:2008 Safety of machinery Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being reached by upper and lower limbs
EN 13059:2002+A1:2008 Safety of industrial trucks - Test methods for measuring vibration
EN ISO 6682:2008 Earth-moving machinery - Zones of comfort and reach for controls (ISO 6682:1986, including Amd 1:1989)
ISO 6292:2008 Powered industrial trucks and tractors Brake performance and component strength
EN ISO 12100:2010 Safety of machinery - General principles for design - Risk assessment and risk reduction (ISO 12100:2010)
ISO 10263-4:2009 Earth-moving machinery — Operator enclosure environment — Part 4: Heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) test method and performance
EN ISO 13849-1:2015 Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of control systems - Part 1: General principles for design (ISO 13849-1:2015)
ISO 4414:2010 Pneumatic fluid power General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components
ISO 13850:2015 Safety of machinery Emergency stop function Principles for design
CEN/TR 1459-6:2015 Rough-terrain trucks - Safety requirements and verification - Part 6: Application of EN ISO 13849-1 to slewing and non-slewing variable-reach rough-terrain truck
IEC 61310-1:2007 Safety of machinery - Indication, marking and actuation - Part 1: Requirements for visual, acoustic and tactile signals
EN ISO 2867:2011 Earth-moving machinery - Access systems (ISO 2867:2011)
ISO 7000:2014 Graphical symbols for use on equipment Registered symbols
IEC 62061:2005+AMD1:2012+AMD2:2015 CSV Safety of machinery - Functional safety of safety-related electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control systems
EN ISO 4413:2010 Hydraulic fluid power - General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components (ISO 4413:2010)
EN ISO 11688-1:2009 Acoustics - Recommended practice for the design of low-noise machinery and equipment - Part 1: Planning (ISO/TR 11688-1:1995)
EN 12053:2001+A1:2008 Safety of industrial trucks - Test methods for measuring noise emissions
ISO 6016:2008 Earth-moving machinery — Methods of measuring the masses of whole machines, their equipment and components
ISO 2867:2011 Earth-moving machinery Access systems
EN 13000:2010+A1:2014 Cranes - Mobile cranes
ISO 9533:2010 Earth-moving machinery Machine-mounted audible travel alarms and forward horns Test methods and performance criteria
ISO 13849-1:2015 Safety of machinery — Safety-related parts of control systems — Part 1: General principles for design
ISO/TR 11688-2:1998 Acoustics Recommended practice for the design of low-noise machinery and equipment Part 2: Introduction to the physics of low-noise design
ISO 5053-1:2015 Industrial trucks Terminology and classification Part 1: Types of industrial trucks

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