UNE-EN 12911:2013
The latest, up-to-date edition.

Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Manganese greensand
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Spanish, Castilian, English
Si applica a sabbia verde di manganese utilizzata per trattamento di acqua Destinato a assorbimento umano. Copre le caratteristiche di Sabbia verde di manganese e specifica i requisiti e Procedure di test corrispondenti.
Committee |
CTN 77/SC 1
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
Asociacion Espanola de Normalizacion
Status |
Supersedes |
Standards | Relationship |
NF EN 12911 : 2013 | Identical |
NBN EN 12911 : 2013 | Identical |
NEN EN 12911 : 2013 | Identical |
NS EN 12911 : 2013 | Identical |
I.S. EN 12911:2013 | Identical |
SN EN 12911 : 2013 | Identical |
UNI EN 12911 : 2013 | Identical |
BS EN 12911:2013 | Identical |
EN 12911:2013 | Identical |
DIN EN 12911:2013-07 | Identical |
EN 12902:2004 | Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Inorganic supporting and filtering materials - Methods of test |
EN 12901:1999 | Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Inorganic supporting and filtering materials - Definitions |
ISO 6333:1986 | Water quality Determination of manganese Formaldoxime spectrometric method |
ISO 3696:1987 | Water for analytical laboratory use — Specification and test methods |
EN ISO 3696:1995 | Water for analytical laboratory use - Specification and test methods (ISO 3696:1987) |
ISO 9682-1:2009 | Iron ores Determination of manganese content Part 1: Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method |
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