PD IEC/TR 61000-3-7:2008
The latest, up-to-date edition.

Electromagnetic compatability (EMC) Limits. Assessment of emission limits for the connection of fluctuating installations to MV, HV and EHV power systems
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1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Basic EMC concepts related to voltage fluctuations
4.1 Compatibility levels
4.2 Planning levels
4.2.1 Indicative values of planning levels
4.2.2 Assessment procedure for evaluation against
planning levels
4.3 Illustration of EMC concepts
4.4 Emission levels
5 General principles
5.1 Stage 1: simplified evaluation of disturbance
5.2 Stage 2: emission limits relative to actual system
5.3 Stage 3: acceptance of higher emission levels on
a conditional basis
5.4 Responsibilities
6 General guidelines for the assessment of emission levels
6.1 Point of evaluation
6.2 Definition of flicker emission level
6.3 Assessment of flicker emission levels
6.4 Declared system short circuit power or impedance
6.4.1 Short-circuit power or impedance for
pre-connection assessment of emission
6.4.2 Short-circuit power or impedance for assessing
actual emission levels
6.5 General guidelines for assessing the declared system
7 General summation law
8 Emission limits for fluctuating installations connected
to MV systems
8.1 Stage 1: simplified evaluation of disturbance
8.2 Stage 2: emission limits relative to actual system
8.2.1 Global emission to be shared between the
8.2.2 Individual emission limits
8.3 Stage 3: acceptance of higher emission levels on
a conditional basis
8.4 Summary diagram of the evaluation procedure
9 Emission limits for fluctuating installations connected
to HV or EHV systems
9.1 Stage 1: simplified evaluation of disturbance emission
9.2 Stage 2: emission limits relative to actual system
9.2.1 Assessment of the total available power
9.2.2 Individual emission limits
9.3 Stage 3: acceptance of higher emission levels on
a conditional basis
10 Rapid voltage changes
10.1 General considerations
10.2 Compatibility level
10.3 Planning levels
10.4 Emission limits
10.5 Assessment procedure for evaluation against
planning levels & emission limits
Annex A (informative) P[st] = 1 curves and numerical data
for 230 V and 120 V applications
Annex B (informative) Guidelines on the assessment of
flicker transfer coefficient
Annex C (informative) Example of reallocation of global
contributions and planning levels considering
transfer coefficients
Annex D (informative) The use of the severity indicators
A[st] and A[lt] to simplify calculations
Annex E (informative) Pre-connection and post-connection
assessment of emission for P[st]
Annex F (informative) Addition of P[st] from different
Annex G (informative) Examples of case studies
Annex H (informative) List of symbols and subscripts
Gives guidance on principles, which can be used as the basis for determining the requirements for the connection of fluctuating installations to MV, HV and EHV public power systems (LV installations are covered in other IEC documents).
Committee |
DevelopmentNote |
Supersedes BS IEC 1000-3.7 & 06/30150181 DC. (04/2008)
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
Supersedes |
This part of IEC 61000 provides guidance on principles which can be used as the basis for determining the requirements for the connection of fluctuating installations to MV, HV and EHV public power systems (LV installations are covered in other IEC documents). For the purposes of this report, a fluctuating installation means an installation (which may be a load or a generator) that produces voltage flicker and / or rapid voltage changes. The primary objective is to provide guidance to system operators or owners on engineering practices which will facilitate the provision of adequate service quality for all connected customers. In addressing installations, this document is not intended to replace equipment standards for emission limits. This report addresses the allocation of the capacity of the system to absorb disturbances. It does not address how to mitigate disturbances, nor does it address how the capacity of the system can be increased. Since the guidelines outlined in this report are necessarily based on certain simplifying assumptions, there is no guarantee that this approach will always provide the optimum solution for all flicker situations. The recommended approach should be used with flexibility and engineering judgment as far as engineering is concerned, when applying the given assessment procedures in full or in part. The system operator or owner is responsible for specifying requirements for the connection of fluctuating installations to the system. The fluctuating installation is to be understood as the customer’s complete installation (i.e. including fluctuating and non fluctuating parts). Problems related to voltage fluctuations fall into two basic categories: Flicker effect from light sources as a result of voltage fluctuations; Rapid voltage changes even within the normal operational voltage tolerances are considered as a disturbing phenomenon. The report gives guidance for the coordination of the flicker emissions between different voltage levels in order to meet the compatibility levels at the point of utilisation. This report primarily focuses on controlling or limiting flicker, but a clause is included to address the limitation of rapid voltage changes. NOTE The boundaries between the various voltage levels may be different for different countries (see IEV 601-01-28) [16]. This report uses the following terms for system voltage: low voltage (LV) refers to Un ≤ 1 kV; medium voltage (MV) refers to 1 kV < Un ≤ 35 kV; high voltage (HV) refers to 35 kV < Un ≤ 230 kV; extra high voltage (EHV) refers to 230 kV < Un. In the context of this report, the function of the system is more important than its nominal voltage. For example, a HV system used for distribution may be given a \'planning level\' which is situated between those of MV and HV systems.
Standards | Relationship |
IEC TR 61000-3-7:2008 | Identical |
IEC TR 61000-2-6:1995 | Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2: Environment - Section 6: Assessment of the emission levels in the power supply of industrial plants as regards low-frequency conducted disturbances |
IEC GUIDE 107:2014 | Electromagnetic compatibility - Guide to the drafting of electromagnetic compatibility publications |
IEC 61000-2-12:2003 | Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2-12: Environment - Compatibility levels for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in public medium-voltage power supply systems |
IEC 60050-601:1985 | International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Part 601: Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity - General |
IEC TR 61000-3-13:2008 | Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-13: Limits - Assessment of emission limits for the connection of unbalanced installations to MV, HV and EHV power systems |
IEC 60909-0:2016 | Short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c. systems - Part 0: Calculation of currents |
IEC 61000-4-15:2010 | Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-15: Testing and measurement techniques - Flickermeter - Functional and design specifications |
IEC TR 61000-2-1:1990 | Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2: Environment - Section 1: Description of the environment - Electromagnetic environment for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in public power supply systems |
IEC 61000-2-2:2002+AMD1:2017 CSV | Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2-2: Environment - Compatibility levels for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in public low-voltage power supply systems |
IEC 61000-3-3:2013 RLV | Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-3: Limits - Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage supply systems, for equipment with rated current ≤ 16 A per phase and not subject to conditional connection |
IEC TR 61000-3-6:2008 | Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-6: Limits - Assessment of emission limits for the connection of distorting installations to MV, HV and EHV power systems |
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