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NBN EN 60427 : 2001



A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.

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Superseded by

NBN EN 62271-101 : 2013

Published date


1. Scope
2. Normative references
3. Definitions
4. Synthetic testing techniques and methods - short-circuit
   breaking tests
   4.1 Basic principles and general requirements for
       synthetic breaking test methods
   4.2 Synthetic test circuits and related specific
       requirements for breaking tests
5. Short-circuit making tests
   5.1 Basic principles and general requirements for
       synthetic making test methods
   5.2 Synthetic test circuit and related specific
       requirements for making tests
6. Specific requirements for synthetic tests for making and
   breaking performance related to the requirements of
   subclauses 6.102 to 6.111 inclusive of IEC 60056
Annex AA (informative) Current distortion
Annex BB (informative) Current injection methods
Annex CC (informative) Voltage injection methods
Annex DD (informative) Duplicate circuit (transformer or
         Skeats circuit)
Annex EE (normative) Information to be given and results to
         be recorded for synthetic tests
Annex FF (informative) Special procedures for testing circuit-
         breakers having parallel breaking resistors
Annex GG (normative) Synthetic methods for capacitive-current
Annex HH (informative) Reignition methods to prolong arcing

Applies to a.c. circuit breakers within the scope of IEC 56 (clause 1). It provides the general rules for testing a.c. circuit breakers, for making and breaking capacities over the range of test duties described in Sub clauses 6.102 and 6.111 of Publication 56, by synthetic methods. The purpose of this standard is to establish criteria for synthetic testing and for the proper evaluation of results. Such criteria will establish the validity of the test method without imposing restraints on innovation of test circuitry.

Belgian Standards

Standards Relationship
UNE-EN 60427:2001 Identical
BS EN 60427:2001 Identical
EN 60427:2000 Identical
NF EN 60427 : 2001 Identical
I.S. EN 60427:2000 Identical
SN EN 60427 : 2000 Identical
DIN EN 60427 : 2001 Identical

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