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NBN EN 14716 : 2005



The latest, up-to-date edition.


Published date


1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Requirements relating to sheets and coated fabrics or
  fabrics made up of coated yarn or monofilaments
  4.1 Essential requirements
       4.1.1 Reaction to fire
       4.1.2 Release of other dangerous substances
       4.1.3 Water vapour permeability
  4.2 Requirements of single or multi-layered sheets
  4.3 Requirements of coated fabrics and fabrics made up of
       coated yarn or monofilaments
  4.4 Requirements of attachment systems (edge profiles and
       anchoring devices)
       4.4.1 Suitability for dismantling and re-assembly
       4.4.2 Mechanical strength
5 Assessment of conformity
  5.1 General
  5.2 Type tests
       5.2.1 Initial type tests
       5.2.2 Sampling, tests and conformity criteria
6 Marking and data sheet
  6.1 Marking of the product
  6.2 Data sheet
Annex A (normative) SBI test
Annex B (normative) Determination of the mass per unit area
                    and thickness of the sheets
  B.1 Determination of the mass per unit area
       B.1.1 Apparatus
       B.1.2 Test pieces
       B.1.3 Conditioning
       B.1.4 Procedure
       B.1.5 Calculation and expression of results
  B.2 Determination of the thickness
       B.2.1 Apparatus
       B.2.2 Conditioning
       B.2.3 Procedure
       B.2.4 Calculation and expression of results
  B.3 Test report
Annex C (normative) Determination of dimensional stability
                    after exposure to moisture
  C.1 Scope
  C.2 Principle
  C.3 Apparatus and reagents
       C.3.1 Enclosure
       C.3.2 Test solution
  C.4 Preparation of the test pieces
       C.4.1 General
       C.4.2 Stretched ceiling
       C.4.3 Related materials
  C.5 Procedure
  C.6 Expression of results
  C.7 Test report
Annex D Determination of the operating stress
  D.1 Determination of the tensile strain at break
       D.1.1 Preparation of the test pieces
       D.1.2 Procedure
  D.2 Calculation of the rate of elongation resulting in
       the length and the width of a sample of single or
       multi-layered sheet
       D.2.1 Definition
       D.2.2 Schematic presentation of the calculation
       D.2.3 Calculation of the reduction of l[o] (Rv[l]%)
              during the elongation of L[o]
       D.2.4 Calculation of the reduction of L[o] (Rv[L]%)
              during the elongation of l[o]
       D.2.5 Calculation of the percentage elongation resulting
              in the length and the width of the sheet
  D.3 Numerical application
       D.3.1 Hypothesis
       D.3.2 Calculation of l[o] and L[o]
       D.3.3 Calculation of A[l]% and A[L]%
       D.3.4 Calculation of the percentage reduction Rv[l]%
              of l[o] according to Poisson's ratio
       D.3.5 Calculation of the width l' reduced by
              Poisson's ratio
       D.3.6 Calculation of the resulting percentage elongation
              in width: A[lR]%
       D.3.7 Calculation of the percentage reduction Rv[l]% of
              L[o] according to Poisson's ratio
       D.3.8 Calculation of the reduced width l' by
              Poisson's ratio
       D.3.9 Calculation of the resulting percentage elongation
              in the length and the width of the Sample
  D.4 Determination of the operating stress
Annex E (normative) Determination of dimensional changes after
                    exposure to heat (kaolin bed method)
  E.1 Principle
  E.2 Apparatus
  E.3 Test pieces
       E.3.1 Shape and dimensions
       E.3.2 Taking of test pieces
  E.4 Procedure
       E.4.1 Test temperature
       E.4.2 Test
  E.5 Expression of results
  E.6 Test report
Annex F (normative) Method of assessing the weldability
                     of sheets assembled by the high
                     frequency welding process
  F.1 Scope
  F.2 Definitions
       F.2.1 General
  F.3 Principles used for assessing HF weldability
       F.3.1 Methodology
       F.3.2 HF welding criteria
  F.4 Welding strips
       F.4.1 Shape and dimensions of the strips
       F.4.2 Taking of test pieces
  F.5 Procedure
       F.5.3 Weld quality
  F.6 Expression of results
       F.6.1 Assessment of weldability
Annex G Factory production control
  G.1 General
  G.2 Control of the raw materials
  G.3 Control of the procedure
  G.4 Calibration plan
  G.5 Testing of the finished products
       G.5.1 Direct testing
       G.5.2 Indirect evaluation
  G.6 Inspection and testing
  G.7 Traceability
Annex ZA (informative) Clauses of this European Standard
                       addressing provisions of the EU
                       Construction Products Directive
  ZA.1 Scope and relevant characteristics
  ZA.2 Procedure for attestation of conformity of stretched
       ZA.2.1 Systems of attestation of conformity
       ZA.2.2 EC certificate and declaration of conformity
  ZA.3 CE marking and labelling

Describes the characteristics, specifications and test methods for stretched ceilings made up of single or multi-layer sheets, coated fabrics or fabrics made up of coated or monofilament yarn with a fastening system.

Belgian Standards

Standards Relationship
DIN EN 14716:2005-03 Identical
UNI EN 14716 : 2005 Identical
UNE-EN 14716:2006 Identical
BS EN 14716:2004 Identical
EN 14716:2004 Identical

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