JIS Z 9021:1998
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Shewhart control charts
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English, Japanese
This Japanese Industrial Standard establishes a guide to the use and understanding of the Shewhart control chart approach to the methods for statistical control of a process. This Standard is limited to the treatment of statistical process control methods using only the Shewhart system of charts. Some supplementary material that is consistent with the Shewhart approach, as the use of warning limits, analysis of trend patterns and process capability is briefly introduced. There are, however, several other types of control chart procedures, a general description of which can be found in ISO 7870.
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
Japanese Standards Association
Status |
SupersededBy | |
Supersedes |
Reaffirmed 2012
JIS Z 9041-1:1999 | Statistical interpretation of data Part 1: Statistical presentation of data |
JIS B 9918-2:2008 | Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments -- Biocontamination control -- Part 2: Evaluation and interpretation of biocontamination data |
JIS C 5750-3-7:2003 | Dependability Management - Part 3-7: Application Guide - Reliability Stress Screening Of Electronic Hardware |
JIS Z 9020:1999 | Control Charts - General guide and introduction |
JIS Z 8402-6:1999 | Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results Part 6: Use in practice of accuracy values |
JIS Z 8404-1:2006 | Measurement uncertainty Part 1: Guidance for the use of repeatability, reproducibility and trueness estimates in measurement uncertainty estimation |
JIS K 0464:2009 | Guidelines For Pcb Immunoassay |
JIS K 0463:2009 | Guidelines For Reporter Gene Assay Binding On Arylhydrocarbon Receptor - Assay Of Dioxins In An Ah Receptor |
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