JIS C 1010-2-32:2015
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Safety Requirements For Electrical Equipment For Measurement, Control, And Laboratory Use - Part 2-32: Particular Requirements For Hand-held And Hand-manipulated Current Sensors For Electrical Test And Measurement
Introduction1 Scope and object2 Normative references3 Terms and definitions4 Tests5 Marking and documentation6 Protection against electric shock7 Protection against mechanical HAZARDS8 Mechanical resistance to shock and impact9 Protection against the spread of fire10 Equipment temperature limits and resistance to heat11 Protection against HAZARDS from fluids12 Protection against radiation, including laser sources, and against sonic and ultrasonic pressure13 Protection against liberated gases, explosion and implosion14 Components15 Protection by interlocks16 Test and measurement equipmentAnnexes
Employs with the HAND-HELD and hand-manipulated CURRENT SENSORS.
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ProductNote |
Supersedes JIS C1004 (02/2003)
PublisherName |
Japanese Standards Association
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SupersededBy | |
Supersedes |
2015 [20/03/2015]2006(R2011) [20/10/2011]2006 [20/11/2006]98(R2003) [20/03/2003]98 [20/07/1998]
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