JIS C 1010-1:1998
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Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use Part 1: General requirements
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This Japanese Industrial Standard specifies general safety requirements for electrical equipment intended for professional, industrial process, and educational use, including equipment and computing devices for: measurement and test; control; laboratory use; accessories intended for used with the above (e.g. sample handling equipment). This Part 1 of the standard applies to the equipment defined in a) to c) below, when used under the environmental conditions of 1.4. a) Electrical measurement and test equipment; This is equipment which by electrical means measures, indicates or records one or more electrical or non-electrical quantities, also non-measuring equipment such as signal generators, measurement standards, power supplies, transducers, transmitters, etc. b) Electrical control equipment; This is equipment which controls one or more output quantities to specific values, with each value determined by manual setting, by local or remote programming, or by one or more input variables. c) Electrical laboratory equipment; This is equipment which measures, indicates, monitors or analyses substances, or is used to prepare materials. This equipment may also be used in areas other than laboratories.
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Japanese Standards Association
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