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ISO 17738-1:2017



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Thermal insulation products Exterior insulation and finish systems Part 1: Materials and systems

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ISO 17738-1:2021



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ISO 17738-1:2017 outlines requirements for exterior insulation and finish systems (EIFS), used in combination with a drained air space as an exterior wall cladding system. It also outlines the requirements for water resistive barrier systems that are to be used with EIFS.

The EIFS wall cladding system is comprised of liquid-applied water resistive barrier, an adhesive for attachment of the thermal insulation boards to the substrate, rigid thermal insulation boards, a glass fibre reinforcing mesh embedded in a base coat on the face of the thermal insulation boards and a finish coat.

The use of mechanical fasteners is outside the scope of this document, but is acceptable as a complement and/or as an alternate to adhesive for attachment where the substrate will not support adhesive attachment of the EIFS.

In EIFS, the thermal insulation boards support the base coat with integral glass fibre reinforcing mesh. Systems where the reinforcement is the supporting element of the rendering, e.g. conventional stucco, are not covered by this document.

ISO 17738-1:2017 does not purport to address all the health and safety aspects associated with its use. Anyone using this document has the responsibility to consult the appropriate authorities and to establish health and safety practices, in conjunction with any existing applicable regulatory requirements, prior to its use.

Supersedes ISO/DIS 17738-1. (03/2017)
International Organization for Standardization

Standards Relationship
BS ISO 17738-1:2017 Identical

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