I.S. EN 16480:2016
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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For Harmonized Standards, check the EU site to confirm that the Standard is cited in the Official Journal.
Only cited Standards give presumption of conformance to New Approach Directives/Regulations.
National Foreword
European foreword
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Minimum Required Efficiencies and Minimum
Efficiency Index
5 Determination of the Efficiency of a Test Pump
6 Proving the Minimum Efficiency Index of a pump
7 Verification of the Minimum Efficiency Index for a
pump size
Annex A (normative) - Pump types in scope
Annex B (informative) - General remarks on the efficiency
of rotodynamic pumps
Annex C (informative) - Mean Values of a Size Relevant for
its Minimum Efficiency Index
Annex D (informative) - Methods recommended for manufacturers
to determine the mean values of hydraulic quantities of
a size relevant for MEI
Annex E (informative) - Numerical example
Annex F (informative) - Application of mathematical statistics
on tests
Annex G (informative) - Measurement uncertainties
Annex H (informative) - Explanations concerning the methodology
of the verification procedure and the probability of the
Annex I (informative) - Reporting of Test Results
Annex ZA (informative) - Relationship between this European
Standard and the Essential Requirements of EU Directive
2009/125/EC, establishing a framework for the setting of
ecodesign requirements of energy related products and
implemented by the European Commission Regulation (EU)
No. 547/2012
Defines performance requirements (methods and procedures for testing and calculating) for determining the Minimum Efficiency Index (MEI) of rotodynamic glanded water pumps for pumping clean water, including where integrated in other products.
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
National Standards Authority of Ireland
Status |
SupersededBy |
Standards | Relationship |
EN 16480:2016 | Identical |
ISO 9906:2012 | Rotodynamic pumps — Hydraulic performance acceptance tests — Grades 1, 2 and 3 |
EN ISO 5198:1998 | Centrifugal, mixed flow and axial pumps - Code for hydraulic performance tests - Precision class (ISO 5198:1987) |
ISO 2602:1980 | Statistical interpretation of test results Estimation of the mean Confidence interval |
EN ISO 9906:2012 | Rotodynamic pumps - Hydraulic performance acceptance tests - Grades 1, 2 and 3 (ISO 9906:2012) |
ISO 5198:1987 | Centrifugal, mixed flow and axial pumps Code for hydraulic performance tests Precision grade |
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